Example 1 When Mr. Ibuka proposed the idea of a “ small cassette with headphone ” late 1970s, nobody believed him – technicians, marketers, customers, etc. His argument: people travel more – they get bored – they want some entertainment without interrupting others “ We cannot rely on market researchers because they only study what is happening. We need to look into the future! ” Sony Walkman was introduced and greatly received by people who had thought it was crazy
The protest in Hong Kong, 2014
Example 3: A Famous Actress Who is she? Is she the most beautiful? Does she have the best voice? Does everyone like her? Is she successful? Why?
Leadership The process of inspiring and empowering others to voluntarily commit themselves to achieving the leader’s vision A dynamic relationship based on mutual influence and common purpose between leaders and collaborators in which both are moved to higher levels of motivation as they affect intended change
Leadership is NOT… A high position It is a function A super person It is a process for all people Fixed for all activities People can rotate taking leadership in different activities
Concerns of the Leaders In the short run: Performance (do things right) Ethical behaviors (do the right things) In the long run: Competitive advantage Human resource development “Anybody can manage short. Anybody can manage long. Balancing those two things is what management is.” [Jack Welch]
Role of Leader - Develop vision - Assemble people - Encourage, support Role of Manager: - Make plans, budget - Develop, implement - Control, supervise Management and leadership
Management - “Do the right procedures” - Achieve the goal through a system of policies, administration orders Leadership - “Do the right things” - Achieve the goal through encouragement and support Management and Leadership
Exercise: Leadership vs. Management Tasks
Leadership Qualities Vision Commitment Relationship - Future perspect of org. - Road map to get there - Connections - Support - Energy - Personal sacrify TRUST Competence - Knowledge - Skills
Vision “If you want to build a ship, then don’t drum up men to gather wood, give orders, and divide the work. Rather, teach them to yearn for the far and endless sea.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery (b. June d. July 1944) DAY 1 Directing-Governing+Vision 12
Commitment “…Núi chìm trong mây. Tuyết rơi suốt ngày. Thế mà đỡ trên mình tuyết trắng, Cây liễu bên sông cúi đầu vì nặng Vẫn cứ ra chồi non. …” (Thơ cổ Nhật Bản – Thái Bá Tân dịch)
Sources of Power Legitimate: authority/position Reward :tangible or intangible reward Coercive:Punishment Expert:Knowledge/skills Referent:Respect/admiration/loyalty Which ones tend to lead to intrinsic motivation?
Two-Factor Approach to Leadership Concern for Production Low High Concern for People High Low Permissive Professional Corporate AutocraticUndefined
Starbucks Video Is Howard Schultz production- or people-oriented? What leadership qualities do you see in Howard Schultz?