Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Kay Kasemir ORNL/SNS April 2013 Control System Studio Training - Authentication, Authorization
2Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Example: Alarm System Only authorized users can change the configuration !
3Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Auth & Auth Authentication: Confirm a user's identity –Check password Authorization: Is user permitted to do something? –Requires authenticated user –Some database: User “Fred” may configure alarm
4Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Can’t we just ignore this? No. If you don’t configure auth & auth, nobody can do anything What follows is the simple “anybody can do anything” setup.
5Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Auth & Auth in CSS Plugin: preferences.ini : Available options jaas.conf : Example (default) authentication authorization.conf : Example (default) file-based authorization See also Auth & Aut chapter in
6Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Authentication Defaults Preference: platform:/plugin/ See content of jaas.conf 1.On CSS startup: ‘current user’ 2.File/Login allows any name (except ‘fail’), ignoring password
7Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Authorization Defaults Preference: platform:/plugin/ See content of authorization.conf # Anybody can acknowledge alarms alarm_acknowledge=.* # Specific users may configure alarms alarm_config = fred, jane
8Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy For Operational Setups Authentication –File-based (plain text name, password) –LDAP, Kerberous,.. –See jaas.conf example, Google JAAS Authorization –File-based (authorization=list of name patterns) –LDAP group based –Call external script –Implement your own OSGi AuthorizationProvider