LIVE INTERACTIVE YOUR DESKTOP August 7, :30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Eastern time NSTA Learning Center: Enhance Your Content Knowledge with Science Objects Presented by: Flavio Mendez Title slide
1.Introductions 2.Tech-help info 3.Web Seminar tools 4.Presentation 5.Evaluation 6.Chat with the presenter Agenda
For technical help, Brynn Slate at or call Technical support Jeff Layman is on vacation… For additional tech-help call: Blackboard Collaborate Support,
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How many NSTA web seminars have you attended? A. 1-3 B. 4-5 C D. More than 20 E. This is my first NSTA web seminar Poll #1—How many web seminars have you attended? Click on the letter a below your name and it will display the poll choices.
How many NSTA web seminars have you attended? A. 1-3 B. 4-5 C D. More than 20 E. This is my first NSTA web seminar Poll #1—results screen
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Poll #2—What grade level do you teach? A. Elementary School, K-5 B. Middle School, 6-8 C. High School, 9-12 D. I teach college students E. I am an Informal Educator What grade level do you teach?
LIVE INTERACTIVE YOUR DESKTOP Begin recording—title slide August 7, 2012 NSTA Learning Center: Enhance Your Content Knowledge with Science Objects Presented by: Flavio Mendez
The US Department of Education has declared August 2012 Connected Educator Month (CEM), aimed at broadening and deepening educator participation in online communities and networks while providing opportunities for education leaders to work together to move the field forward. CEM will be celebrated with four-plus weeks of online events and activities, including forums, web seminars, guided tours, open houses, contests, badges, and more.
Agenda Science Objects defined Guest presenter shares examples Adding Science Objects to your Library Learning Center Overview and more free resources!
Free, self-directed learning experiences Take about 2 hours to complete Based on science education standards Ninety-one (91) currently available
Have you used a science object? YesNoMaybe I will after today
Those who have used science objects, why did you use them? A. To review a concept I knew but had forgotten B. To learn a concept for the first time C. As a tool to teach my students in the classroom D. Other (please share your answers in the chat window)
Why did you use a science object? A. To review a concept I knew but had forgotten B. To learn a concept for the first time C. As a tool to teach my students in the classroom D. Other (please share your answers in the chat window)
Elements of the Science Object Videos/photographs simulations Slide shows illustrations Assessment preconceptions boxes hands on activities Glossary
Earth and SpacePhysicalLife Earth, Sun, and Moon Gravity and Orbits The Solar System The Universe Weather and Climate Rocks Plate Tectonics Earth’s Changing Surface Force and Motion Energy Nature of Light Chemical Reactions Electric and Magnetic Forces Atomic Structure Explaining Matter with Elements, Atoms, and Molecules Cell Structure and Function Coral Reef Ecosystems Science of Food Safety Resources and Human Impact Nutrition Cell Division and Differentiation Cells and Chemical Reactions Flow of Matter and Energy in Ecosystems Interdependence of Life Science Objects are available in these topics
Using Science Objects
Introducing Arlene Jurewicz Leighton 30 years in schools Preschool Teacher Special Education Teacher Middle School Science Teacher Technology in Schools Trainer 8 years with Jason Academy/NG Online Science Course Instructor Trainer and Curriculum Developer Senior Instructor for Science Education Courses Mentor/ Facilitator eMSS /New Teacher Center Analyst and Reviewer for Educational Media Learning Center Online Advisor
This science object provides an understanding of the moon’s orbit around Earth and the phases of the moon as experienced from Earth’s surface. Science Object: Motion of the Moon
The previous animation is followed immediately by questions to test your understanding of the concepts – instant formative assessment
“This was a fantastic review of material for me and great to use some of the animations and photos with classes. I especially liked the animation in which you could click on a day and see which phase the moon would look like from Earth perspective. I liked the little ‘quizzes’ and checks embedded within the program rather than having a quiz at the very end of the material. I felt comfortable with the level of learning--I did not feel spoken down to or not able to understand the reading. Excellent resource.” Bort, N.
Add free Science Objects to your “Library”
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Using Science Objects
This science object provides a conceptual and real-world understanding of the different types of energy. All forms of energy can be broadly classified as one or a combination of two kinds: kinetic energy and potential energy. Other kinds of energy include gravitational, thermal, and chemical. Science Object: Different Kinds of Energy
Energy SciGuide
Learning Center Overview
What’s free in the LC? LC account (you DO NOT need to be a member of NSTA to create one!) Over 3,200 resources Science Objects Web Seminars (live, archives, and podcasts) Journal Articles E-Book chapters Symposia Archives External Resources (NASA) All PD tools All public collections All public community forums
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Learning Center Community Join the conversation
“I am finding the Learning Center community forums very helpful. People are really coming forward with suggestions, articles, etc. You can also get help for a very specific topic in a timely fashion.” A Teacher’s Testimonial
Community Forums (asynchronous)
Community ActivitiesExamples Problem-Solving“Can anybody help me with…” Requests for Information “Does anybody know where I might find…” Seeking Experience“Has anybody ever…” Discussing Developments “What do you think of the new policy regarding…” Documentation Projects“Here is a copy of the latest revised form to help us…” Mapping Knowledge and Identifying Gaps “Who knows what? What are we missing? Who else might be able to help us?” Community members improve their practice through a variety of activities… 58
A Critical Piece of the Blended Learning Solution Self-Directed Access 3,200+ resources Free tools to help teachers organize, personalize, and document their learning growth over time. Immediate free access to online advisors and colleagues through chat and discussion
Thank you for attending tonight…about your free SciPack
3-5 Science Objects Content Mentor Support Pedagogical Implications Assessment and Certification SciPack 10-Hour, self- directed, learning experience
Thank You Flavio Mendez
Thank you to the sponsor of tonight's Web Seminar: This web seminar contains information about programs, products, and services offered by third parties, as well as links to third-party websites. The presence of a listing or such information does not constitute an endorsement by NSTA of a particular company or organization, or its programs, products, or services. Thank you to the sponsor of tonight’s web seminar
Reminder to visit the NSTA Learning Center
National Science Teachers Association Gerry Wheeler, Interim Executive Director Zipporah Miller, Associate Executive Director, Conferences and Programs Al Byers, Ph.D., Assistant Executive Director, e-Learning and Government Partnerships LIVE INTERACTIVE YOUR DESKTOP NSTA Web Seminars Paul Tingler, Director Jeff Layman, Technical Coordinator Brynn Slate, Program Coordinator Thank you to NSTA administration
August 22, 2012 Developing Large Scale Effective Teacher Learning Communities at NSTA September 12, 2012 What is ExploraVision and How Can I Use It? September 20, 2012 Developing a Competitive Application for the Shell Science Lab Challenge Upcoming web seminars
Would you like to view this program again? Within 48 hours, you’ll receive an with a link to access: Recording of the program Learning Center Collection –PowerPoint slides –Links to resources (websites, videos, etc.) Archive reminder
Web Seminar Evaluation: Click on the URL located on the Chat Window Evaluation
Q and A with the Presenter Final Q and A