Engineers’ Council October 13 th, 2011
Agenda Ben and Courtney to discuss USG funding for new organizations Expo follow-up Discuss Funding Requests Vendor ID debacle Upcoming events
Expo Honest feedback would be appreciated Any things you noticed that could make it better next year? How did you feel about the breadth of companies/majors hired, etc? We should have an exact breakdown of the finances next mandatory meeting
Funding Requests This is our main way of providing funds. You must prepare a PowerPoint presentation from the template located on our website. The template will be updated in the next couple of days. You will be reimbursed based on a method derived by the Joe (treasurer) and approved by E-Council You should apply for funds to pay for a specific event, which you will describe in your presentation Current method: $100 per volunteer hour Up to 30% of your budget $3,000 maximum $200 minimum (0 hours) – assuming attendance elibility
Funding Requests (cont’d) You can only apply once a year Organizations new to E-Council are generally not eligible for funding, but if you’ve been here every meeting and have volunteer hours, I don’t see why you shouldn’t be funded Volunteer hours from last year (hours logged after you requested funds) roll over to this year and will be counted Please meet with your organization and have the quarter you will be requesting funds and the amount you will be requesting by next mandatory meeting
Funding Requests (cont’d again) Funding request presentations for fall quarter will be held during November 10 th ’s mandatory meeting. They will be discussed and approved during November 17 th ’s mandatory meeting (a little different than last year, because of Thanksgiving) If you’re planning to request funds this quarter, please start thinking about your presentation, but keep in mind: The presentation is not a big deal, so don’t get stressed out It should only last 5-10 minutes and cover what is laid out in the template. You can talk about more if you want to, but you don’t have to
Vendor ID = EIN # They told me it wasn’t the same They lied Please work with your advisors to have this number by next meeting! Sorry about all the confusion The number looks something like this: or You can get this number from the bank with which you have your account. It is NOT the one on the Union website.
Upcoming Events I would like to thank several people involved in the Expo planning process. Would you mind allotting $200-$250 to send them a gift? I would like to host a band at the Union on Wednesday, November 16 th at Woody’s Tavern. We will have to pay for a few things (the band, some equipment rental fees, an A/V guy from the Union). The show will go from 9ish-12 midnight Anybody can attend – OSU or non, Engineering or non Free admission
Next Mandatory Meeting (10/27) Please bring the following information: EIN # (Employer Identification Number) It’s the IRS tax-id number The quarter you will be requesting funds and the amount you will be requesting