Jennifer Lana, GISP GIS Manager Cobb County, GA October 3, 2012 Cobb County uses ‘Workflow Modeling’ for Purpose Driven Web & Mobile GIS Solutions
Let’s go back in time…… An short historical view of Web-GIS viewers and GIS at Cobb County
Early 2000s, Map Servers arrive….. Esri’s ArcIMS (anybody remember ArcView IMS or MapObjects IMS?) MapGuide, GeoMedia UMM Mapserver People: “Let’s put desktop GIS apps to the web!” ‘ArcView on the Web’….. Not that there’s anything wrong with that
The GIS-centric Model for Deploying Web-GIS 2004 Cobb County’s First On-line web-based viewer: Geocortex IMF (ArcIMS based) One viewer serving Multiple Needs -Loads of functionality… -Layers everywhere… nested, visible, invisible, active -Buttons, tools and icons galore….
Deploying web-based Spatial Applications 2008: Implemented Adobe Flex – Started development in New Look and Feel with custom tools -Staff knowledge for programming and customizing software limited to only to one developer, brought in a departmental programmer later -Limited capabilities for enabling mobile applications and user reporting features * User Feedback was not positive - The Flex Viewer was an experienced GIS user viewer. We want our MTV… ‘Classic’ web map stays alive 2 GIS web-viewers at Cobb County
Historic Floods hit Cobb County Over 200 roads closed at one time Multiple agencies reported road closures No Road Closure reporting criteria Needed a better way
June Met with DOT to get requirements Purpose specific (Road Status Information System - RSIS) Multi Editors Web based Reflect DOT road closure workflow Daily Operations Emergency Operations
2010 Research In conducting research for web-based road closure applications ‘Classic’ Web-Map Provider (Latitude Geographics) had developed an app similar to what we were looking for in Texas. Required us to upgrade from IMF to Essentials Deployed August 19 th, 2010 in time for the grand opening of Cobb’s Traffic Management Center
In mid-2011 Cobb had 3 GIS web viewers available for use ‘Classic’ (Geocortex IMF) Flex Geocortex Essentials - Silverlight Maintenance & staff nightmare
First: removed Adobe viewer from external and internal web- sites with very few user complaints. Put 1 ½ month notice that ‘Classic’ was being disabled on public facing web-site. When we disabled viewer, we received a lot of user feedback… – “Where did MY viewer go”. – “I am going to report you to the county manager…” – “We are going to sue the county for taking away our GIS…” LOTS of Customer Service and training occurred for internal and external users during the first few months of transition. Time to Streamline GIS at Cobb
Where Cobb is today: “ Workflow Modeling” Solutions for Purpose Built GIS
QUICKLY realize the advantages of Geocortex Essentials: Using the desktop Workflow Designer, our administrators can chain together sets of activities (small units of work) which comprise a workflow. Reads/Writes Workflow files Drag and drop Powerful toolbox Simulator to trial and test workflows Supports custom activities Build forms on the fly User Friendly Do NOT need several high level programmers for success Compatible with HTML5 technology
Workflows Are Cross-Platform Build a workflow once – Use it in your internal web maps – Run it in your mobile applications Cobb is using HTML5 – Reuse it in a future technology
Cobb Case Study: Mailing Labels Situation: A rezoning application has been submitted at a particular address by a Cobb city. Notify the adjacent county residents so that they may submit feedback. Tasks: – Search for an address (Geocode) – Find all parcels which are within 1000ft (Buffer, Spatial Intersection) – Generate a Mailing Label Report for the discovered parcels (Reporting) *Make this available on MULTIPLE interfaces
Enterprise Thinking Department Citizen Manager CORE GIS Team Request for tool/analysis Linking them all makes for a better solution (Internal & External Solution) Workflow Designed & Tested GIS Web Viewer Mobile Maps Internal Custom GIS Web Viewers WORKFLOW
Workflow Designer Activities Configured Workflow Steps Selected Activity Step Properties Variables, Arguments and Imports Workflow Simulator Help
Geocortex Workflow is built on Windows Workflow Foundation (WF4) Workflow designer works like Report Designer, but outputs XAML (workflow) files Once created, use Essentials Manager to publish Workflow XAML to make available on REST interface Essentials Viewer calls for workflow, then XAML is retrieved and provided to user Creating a Workflow Workflow Designer Workflow Designer Essentials Manager Essentials Manager Essentials REST Essentials Viewer
Activity Examples A rich selection of activities allows for endless possibilities Related Activities Essentials Activities
Benefits Improved Efficiency – eliminate manual steps for users – shortens development time for new functionality Better process control Enable sophisticated functionality in simple applications Business Process Improvement Share / Reuse workflows in other applications Easily updated Cross Platform - Silverlight, Mobile, HTML5 Using Geocortex Workflow
The majority of business processes involving GIS operations can be modeled, streamlined and automated via workflows. Does the business process……. Require tasks which are done routinely by an individual multiple times per day? Span multiple days, involving many individuals or departments? Involve some interaction with a map, and/or some GIS analysis or processing? Define a collection of smaller tasks which, when chained together, create the process What We’ve Learned: