2010 Louisiana Professional School Counselor’s Conference Mary Lanier LeJeune
Prevention Intervention Postvention
Connecting Invitations – EXPLORE Suicide - ASK Understanding Reasons – LISTEN Risk - REVIEW Assisting Safeplan – CONTRACT Commitments – FOLLOW-UP
Groups Events Reactions ANYBODY with LOSS experiencing HOPELESSNESS or DESPERATION
Actions Thoughts Feelings Physical STRESSFUL EVENTS with FEELINGS OF LOSS
Ask about thoughts of suicide Listen to the reasons for dying AND for living Reasons for dying – what does it mean to the person at the time Reasons for living internally: feelings, beliefs, attitudes externally: resource people, support system, activities/hobbies, family
Are you having thoughts of suicide? Current Factors Current Suicide Plan: How? How prepared? How soon? Pain: Do you have pain that at times feels unbearable? Resources: Do you feel like you have few, if any, resources? Background Factors + Prior Suicidal Behavior + Mental Health
Keep Safe – set a time frame Safety contacts – minimum of 3 Safe/NO use of alcohol and drugs Link to resources PURPOSE of the SAFEPLAN Disable the Suicide Plan Ease the pain Link to resources Protect against danger/ support past skills Link to health workers
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) LivingWorks Education Inc. livingworks.net Jasonfoundation.org