Frank van Harmelen Semantics: where are we now, where should we go? Creative Commons CC BY 3.0: allowed to share & remix (also commercial) but must attribute
Medicin is organised by organ
CS is organised as a stack Semantics increases Dick’s career
CS is organised as a stack
(Web-based) Semantics in 6 slides & a movie
P1. Give all things a name
P2. Relations form a graph between things
P3. The names are addresses on the Web x T [ IsOfType ] different owners & locations
P1+P2+P3 = Giant Global Graph
P4. explicit & formal semantics assign types to things assign types to relations organise types in a hierarchy empose constraints on possible interpretations O W L
Examples of “semantics” married-to is male married-to relates males to females is male married-to relates males to females married-to relates 1 male to 1 female = married-to relates 1 male to 1 female = lowerboundupperbound married-to
Did semantics get anywhere? Did semantics get anywhere?
Did semantics get anywhere? already many billions of facts & rules Encyclopedia Geographic names (millions) names of artists & art works (10.000’s) scientific bibliographies hierarchical dictionaries (UK, FR, NL) hierarchical dictionaries (UK, FR, NL) life-science databases any CD ever recorded (almost) May ‘09 estimate > 4.2 billion triples million interlinks May ‘09 estimate > 4.2 billion triples million interlinks basic facts on every country on the planet common sense rules & facts ( ’s)
It gets bigger every month 25 billion facts & relations…
handcrafted – music: CDnow (2410/5), MusicMoz (1073/7)CDnow MusicMoz – biomedical: SNOMED (200k), GO (15k), Emtree(45k+190k Systems biologyGO Systems biology ranging from lightweight to heavyweight (Cyc (300k)) ranging from small ( METAR ) to large ( UNSPC ) METAR Did semantics get anywhere? Shared vocabularies (2/2)
METAR ontology for pilots
Is anybody using semantics for real? Is anybody using semantics for real?
NXP: data integration about products Triple store Departments Customers
Is there anything we can’t do yet ? Is there anything we can’t do yet ?
heterogeneity Linguistic, Structural, Logical, Statistical,....
Distribution Caching? Payload priority? query- planning?
Provenance Representation? From provenance to trust? (Re)construction?
Dynamics Streams? Non- monotonicity? versioning?
Errors & noise Fuzzy Semantics? Uncertainty Semantics? Rough Semantics? Repair?