Designing an authentic blend: Development of a real-life learning environment for higher education Tara Smith & Jenni Parker
Introduction ….. in the 21st century world, content is so abundant as to make it a poor foundation on which to base an educational system; rather, context and meaning are the scarce but relevant commodities today. (McCombs & Vakili 2005, p. 1582).
21 st century workplace A more student-centred learning approach that includes pedagogical techniques such as online collaboration, case-based learning and problem based learning (Kim & Bonk, 2006) will better prepare graduating university students for the first century workplace.
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think -Socrates Authentic Learning Authentic tasks that encourage and support student engagement and immersion in a cognitive real environment can facilitate self-directed and independent learning (Herrington, 2006),Herrington, 2006
New Technologies are transforming every aspect of work routine everyday tools in modern workplaces opportunity to create engaging learning experiences that replicate realistic workplace situations enabling better support for student transition to the workplace
70% of tertiary students (20-24) are trying to combine part or full time job & study (ABS, 2008) Blended Learning According to the research blended learning environments should incorporate four key learning principles: – Relevance, – Authenticity – Interaction & – Reflection
This Study The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of an authentic learning framework supported by new technologies for the design and implementation of a blended learning. Partial educational design research approach (like action research) iterative process
Research Questions Elements of authentic learning? - task engagement - collaborative learning Elements of authentic tasks? – self directed learning - portable skills - workplace ready Authentic blended learning model sustainable?
On-campus Off-campus On CampusOff Campus Authentic blended environment
Unit Design Assign TaskUnit Learning Objectives Assignment 1: Individual Due week 4 – 20% Job Application & ePortfolio Compare and contrast the major learning theories. Justify the need for and importance of, learning and development to support the achievement of organisational goals. Assignment 2: Individual Due week 8 – 30% Training Session & ePortfolio Plan and evaluate a training session for a specified learning need. Assignment 3: Due week 12 or 13 – 50% Training Program (pairs) & ePortfolio (individual) Produce a training manual based on relevant and appropriate learning design principles. Conduct a planned training session for a specified learning need. Herrington, Reeves & Oliver (2010) authentic learning framework
Learning & Assessment Tasks Tasks based on real work situations Sufficiently complex to ensure students utilised all concepts covered in the unit Produce a quality solution that would be acceptable in the workplace. Herrington, Reeves & Oliver (2010) elements of authentic tasks
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself - Chinese proverb Unit Implementation Blended course enabled students to vary participation between on campus seminars and online learning Some weeks on-campus workshop replaced with an online students activities
quantitative Unit Evaluation Data will be collected from multiple sources to develop a detailed understanding of student the experience. Skype chat Teacher reflections qualitative Discussion forums Focus Group Online Survey eportfolios Blogs Unit evaluation effectiveauthentic
Conclusion An authentic blended learning environment: Real-life experiences for higher ed students Flexible learning options Authentic assessments Interactive, engaging and student centered Challenges: Students used to teacher-centered classrooms Diverse student cohort Sustainable model for widespread use
References Smith, T., & Parker, J. (2011). Designing an authentic blend: Development of a ‘real-life’ learning environment for higher education. In: Eculture 2011, 9-10 November 2011, Edith Cowan University (Joondalup Campus), Perth Images: Langwitches flickr sets : gwitches/sets/ gwitches/sets/