Starting over 11:30 pm EST, October 7, 2008 So, I thought about my presentation and realized things have changed A LOT since the spring. We’ve learned from lots of experimentation and are building on successes. And, now there’s a social element… Scratch the presentation and start over (note to self: argh) Excerpt from Steve’s Blog
An introduction
Communications & Marketing Executive Director Media Relations (3) Electronic Communications (ME!) Web Developers (4) Video Editor (1)
What we produce ‘06 to Summer ‘08
Video: ‘06 - Summer ’08 Regular student and faculty profiles Occasional features Event coverage The Spot newscast
Where that video goes
What I think we do different
We’re producing in a YouTube world.
What I think we do different The client is the producer. The videographer focuses on videography.
What I think we do different Our videos don’t live on an island.
What we do different
Experimentation What worked, and what didn’t.
Experimentation Production values Production by interns Sending cameras with regular students to capture their experience Soliciting student-produced content Recycling content from local media Repurposing content from other departments at IUPUI
2008: Building on successes What worked, and which institutional priorities can we support?
2008: Building on successes More cowbell interns.
2008: Building on successes
Is anybody out there?
Video is distributed to: –Youtube –Campus websites –iTunes/iTunesU –Several other podcasting websites – –Digital signage –Campus cable television –Education access cable television
Is anybody out there?
A (pod)cast of hundreds Steve Hodges, IUPUI