Ibm 530: introduction to international business LECTURER: EN Ibm 530: introduction to international business LECTURER: EN. MOHAMAD FAHIMI BIN AHMAD
GROUP PROFILE Farah Diba Ahmad Shafie Nurul Farhana Kamarulzaman 2011208202 Nurul Farhana Kamarulzaman 2009967031 Siti Nor Faezah Md Yasin 2011412026 Ahmad Zaini Abdul Rani 2011475556
COUNTRY BACKGROUND -JAPAN- Formally known as Nippon-koku is an island that located in the Pacific Ocean. The characters that framed Japan’s name mean sun-origin are referred as the Land of Rising Sun. Group of island which is belongs of 6852 islands. Hokkaido, Kyushu and Honshu are the largest island that comprising about ninety seven percent of Japan’s land area. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Japan became a regional power that was able to defeat the forces of both China and Russia. The world’s tenth largest population with 127,368,088 people.
Tokyo is the largest city and the largest metropolitan area in the world with 30 millions residents. 73 percent of Japan is forested and mountainous. Japan has a large industrial capacity Japan is a constitutional monarchy where the power of the Emperor is very limited. Based on Article of its Constitution, Japan enjoys full religious freedom.
PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN Emperor Akihito Yoshiko Noda
COUNTRY BACKGROUND -MALAYSIA Is a federal constitutional monarchy in Southeast Asia. It consists of thirteen states and three federal territories. Separated by the South China Sea into two regions which are Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia Malaya achieved independence on 31 August 1957. The population was over 29 million people There are many ethics groups such as Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Bajau and etc.
Mount kinabalu is the tallest mountain in Malaysia where located in Sabah. It ranges the border between Malaysia and Indonesia. Malaysia is moderately open state-oriented and newly industrialized market economy. Malaysia is a federal constitutional elective monarchy Islam is the state religion of Malaysia.
Prime minister of malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Background to do business Leading players in such diverse sectors as banking and finance, computing, software, automotive and pharmaceuticals Business cultures, the most strongly rooted in the concept that relationships should come before business, rather than business being more important than personal considerations. Asia success stories with a vibrant economy which has resulted from decades of careful planning and hard work. Business cultures, the three largest ethnic groups being Malays, Chinese and Indians. Malaysia needs to become as conversant as possible with the cultural complexities of its business world JAPAN MALAYSIA
Business structure and management style Communication Style Epitomised by subtlety and nuance, where how one appears and what one publicly states (tatemae) and what one really thinks (honne) are often poles apart. Expressed ‘tatemae’ and the felt ‘honne’ –they can often even be contradictory. Communication Style Extreme forms of politeness and diplomacy. The underlying is to ensure the preservation of existing harmony within a group or to develop a sense of harmony with new contacts. JAPAN MALAYSIA
Be sensitive to the ethnic background of your contact Meeting Style Punctuality is important – it shows respect for the attendees Meetings are often preceded by long, non- business polite conversation which could cover such topics as mutual contacts, the merits of your company, japanese food etc The concept of Wam which is probably best described by the English word harmony, lies at the heart of the Japanese approach to the meetings. Meeting Style The relationship is of much greater importance than the issue being discussed. Relationships are based on loyalty, harmony, non- aggression, respect for the face of others and other such inter-personal issues. Be sensitive to the ethnic background of your contact Do not give alcohol or pork based items to Muslim and avoid sharp objects or clocks when dealing with the Chinese. JAPAN MALAYSIA
Dress code The business convention of dark suit, shirt and tie is very much the norm in Japanese mainstream business For women, business dress should be restrained and formal – women do not commonly wear trousers in business in Japan. The climate in Japan is very varied through the seasons, so take appropriate wear for season – overcoats/raincoats may be needed in winter. Dress code When attending normal business meetings, the standard western business attire of suits and ties for men and suits or skirts and blouse for women are appropriate. Evening functions can be more informal with short sleeves worn by men and trousers by women. Women should be aware of Muslim sensitivities and clothes should not b too revealing. JAPAN MALAYSIA
Successful Entertaining If invited out for lunch or dinner (rarely breakfast), it is important to accept. The person who invites will invariably pick up the bill. When using chop-sticks, never point them at anybody and do not leave them sticking into your rice. When not in use, rest your chopsticks on the holder. When go to traditional Japanese restaurant, it is customary to remove your shoes when entering. Successful Entertaining When eating, passing or receiving food, use the right hand as the left hand is considered to be unclean. Malaysian food can be very spicy but less spicy alternatives are available. It is polite to leave some food on your plate as sign that you have been well satisfied with the amount of food provided. Many Malaysians are Muslims and may not, therefore, drink alcohol and definitely not eat pork. JAPAN MALAYSIA
TIPS TO DO BUSINESS JAPAN MALAYSIA Relationship drive business in Japan. It is important to show respect appropriately. Try to be polite and diplomatic at all times Avoid putting the Japanese in situations where they might be forced to lose ‘face. Decisions are arrived at through a lengthy consensus- building process. Perform as many favours for people as possible Be humble and aplogetic rather than arrogant and brash. As the Japanese are loath to say ‘no’ or disagree Presents the visitor with a myriad of different cultures within its business world As Malaysia is very ethnically diverse, try to do as much research on your potential contacts as possible before entering into negotiations Although the government has positively discriminated in favour of ethic Malays, the Chinese and Indian business communities still play a pivotal role in the Malaysia business world. The manager is expected to manage and to make decisions. JAPAN MALAYSIA
Thank you !