TeleLearning Models and Strategies Dr Gilbert Paquette Centre de recherche LICEF-CIRTA Télé-université Ed-Media Montreal, June 29
Signets 1972: Fondation de la Télé-université 1973: Formation en ligne des enseignants (LOGO) 1975: Cours Plato, systèmes auteurs,…. 1986: Groupe sur les outils intelligents dans l’apprentissage 1987: Groupe Micro-Intel Inc 1992: LICEF, Centre de recherche de la Télé-université 1995: AGD, MOT, Campus virtuel 1998: MISA 3.0, Explora - Centres virtuels d’apprentissage 1999: Implantations/transfert: TELUQ, Hydro, Eduplus, Corporations professionnelles, Technomédia, Bell Canada, Canal Savoir
1- Megatrends and ISD Exponential growth of information Knowledge Management Networks, Distributed Learning Multi-agents Systems Construction of Higher-order skills Diversity of Models and Transitions Paradigm shift Expert Learner Expertise Information Rumors
A New ISD Effort is Needed Exponential growth of information increases training needs US training expenses 1997: 58,6 billions $US Distance learning expenses in 2000: billions $US Knowledge Management entails knowledge intensive training “Nano-seconds development” is imposed by competition 32% 27% 7% 6% 5% 6% 7% 10% Classroom Tech Classes CBT Multimedia EPSSWBT TVTraining Kits « The Corporate University: Learning Tools for Success », 1998 Design methodologies are put aside to accelerate delivery
Trainer Learner On-line teaching Learner Server Learner Server Hypermedia self-training 2- Distributed Learning Models Learner Trainer Learner Distributed classroom Learner Task Learner Community of practice Learners High-tech classroom Trainer
Virtual Learning Centers
1 Accessing a course 2
Multiple Media and Ressources
Different Actor’s Environments
Virtual Learning Centre Virtual Learning Centre Organization’s Resource Bank Organization’s User’s Bank Reusable Learning Materials Web Site Actor’s environments An Open Architecture
Larger set of decisions F What kind of TeleLearning model? F Anywhere, anytime, any place, anybody? F What kind of interactivity, collaboration? F Predefined multi-path or learner-constructed scenarios? F Which actors, what roles, what resources? F Multimedia or pluri-media materials? F How to manage resources? Interoperability and scalability? F How to take in account techno-diversity? F Reusability, Sustainability, Affordability?
3- Instructional Engineering Knowledge Model Instructional Design Materials Design Delivery Design Instructional Engineering Integration and delivery Selection of resources Actors Environments Web site and Learning materials Production
Basis for the MISA Methodology Instructional Design Knowledge Engineering Information Systems Engineering Instructional Engineering SYSTEM DESIGN METHODOLOGIES
Information System’s Approach A Telelearning system is an information system, a complex array of software tools, digitized documents and communication services, more diversified than in the past Artisanal construction of web based materials is insufficient. Software engineering approaches should be applied to the design of telelearning systems
DP DD DM DC Phase 1 - Problem definition folder Phase 5 - Production and validation folder Phase 6 - Final delivery folder Phase 4 - Design folder Phase 3 - Architecture folder Phase 2 - Preliminary analysis folder 106 Actual situation 102 Training objectives 100 Organization’s training system 442 Actors and materials 446 Services and locations 210 Knowledge modeling principles 212 Knowledge model 214 Target competencies 222 Learning events network 240 Delivery principles 230 Media development principles 242 Cost-benefit analysis 340 Delivery planning 444 Tools and telecom 310 Learning unit content 410 Learning instrument content 420 Learning instruments properties 432 Models of materials 320 Instructional scenarios 432 Media elements 640 Maintenance and quality management 610 Knowledge and comptency management 630 Learning system and ressource management 620 Actors and group management 440 Delivery models 434 Source documents 330 Development infrastructure 108 Reference documentss 104 Target populations 430 List of learning materials 224 Learning units properties 220 Instructional principles 322 Learning activities properties PRODUCTION OF THE MATERIALS TESTS 540 Assessment planning 542 Revision folder MISA 4.0 Instructional Engineering Method
ID Task representation 430 Construct list of materials 420 Define properties of activities 410 Define k.models of instruments Define properties of instruments Construct delivery models S A A A I 320 Instructional scenarios Define instructional scenarios A I 220 I 212 I I I I Activities Resources Productions Links C
Design Documents DD -224 UA-3 Les représentations logiques DD -222 Cours Inf-5100 Travaux Travaux 4-5 Travaux 6-7 UA-1 UA-2 UA-3 UA-4 UA-5 UA-6 UA-7 Models: Knowledge, Scenarios Materials, Delivery Process Systematic documentation Objects typologies Actors roles and environnement
Knowledge-Based ISD The actual emphasis on knowledge management recognizes the importance of knowledge and higher order skills, as opposed to simple data or information acquisition n Knowledge engineering can support central tasks of ISD methods : content, activities, media and delivery processes
ADISA and MOT Support Tools
Multi-Agent view A Telelearning system at delivery time is a multi-agent society (modularity, sociability, distribution of control, message propagation) n An ISD method should identify clearly the actors, their roles and their interactions, together with the tools and resources that should compose their environment
LEARNERS TRAINERS MANAGERS DESIGNERS INFORMERS (SME’s) Interaction Spaces & Agents Information Production Self-management Assistance Collaboration
Process Based Learning Scenarios EVALUATE SYNTHETIZE ANALYZE APPLY UNDERSTAND MEMORIZE JUST IN CASE INFORMATION JUST IN TIME INFORMATION Process-based learning scenarios help guide information search and the construction of new knowledge
Generic and Specific Skills First level skillsSecond level skills Third level skills Pay attention Identify Receive Integrate Memorize Illustrate Discriminate Make explicit Transpose/ translate Use Reproduce Apply Simulate Deduce Classify Predict Analyze Diagnose Repair Induce Plan Produce / create Synthesize Model/Build Evaluate Initiate/Influence Self-manage Self-control Self-adapt/Control Simulate a process Design a process Instantiate / refine
Design a process A Competency: skill applied to knowledge Search for information on the Internet Open a browser and a search engine Identify interesting information Transfer information in a text editor Build a search request Refine the request Request Web sites Request refinement principles Search subject Resulting info I/P C C C R Simulate a process A I/P P P C Execute the request I/P
Competency-based Learning Scenarios Activity #5 Refine the first request Activity #3 Build a first search request on the subject Information on what is a request I/P Request I/P Activity #1 Open a browser and a search engin Information on the process I/P Activity #2 Choose a subject C Subject I/P Activity #4 Execute a search request Web sites identified I/P Activity #6 Transfer interesting information in a text editor Activity Report Activity #7 Report on your search process I/P P Find next applicable procedure Find next applicable procedure Choose a simulation case Assemble execution trace Execute next applicable procedure
4- Principles for TeleLearning Design 1- Self-Management and MetaCognition 2- Information Processing 3- Significant Collaboration 4- Personalized Assistance
Self-management of learning
Self-Management principles Principle 1 - Competency and goal based scenarios Principle 2 - Knowledge related to skills Principle 3 - Open and adaptable learning scenarios Principle 4 - Learning scenarios built upon a skill’s generic process Principle 5 - Tools to support self- management (and metacognition)
Information Availability
Information Processing Principle 6 - Rich and diversified information resources Principle 7 - Dynamic information resources (MM and courseware can help) Principle 8 - Process-based scenarios guiding information search Principle 9 - Search, annotation, and rebuilding tools Principle 10 - Production tools adapted to generic tasks
Learner Collaboration
Significant Collaboration Principle 11 - Collaborative and individual activities sustaining one another Principle 12 - Collaboration adapted to the generic process in a learning unit Principle 13 - Coordinated synchronous and asynchronous interactions Principle 14 - Management tools for coordination by peer learners
Assistance from facilitators
Personalized Assistance Principle 15 - Sparse assistance, mainly at the learner’s initiative Principle 16 - Timely, based on principles ruling the generic processes Principle 17 - Heuristic and methodological guidance Principle 18 - Multiple facilitators
Learning Event Scenario Building Consult writing methods and norms Sketch and send the document plan Distribute writing assignments Write the document's sections Integrate sections Revise text Validate text and send evaluation P P Document plan Work plan Preliminary text Validation File I/P Information base I/P Norms and methods I/P Search for useful information I/P Search Engine Search Engine Ideator Access to content expert Access to content expert Annotation tool Collaborative text editor Support to information processing R Client (a learner) Project leader Team of writers Individual learner Individual learner R R R R R R R Support to peer collaboration Computarized search advisor FAQ from content expert Tutor validating Tutor validating Tutor coaching Multiple assistance
In summary…. More systematic, structured and visual ISD Knowledge engineering to support higher order knowledge and skills acquisition Definition of multi-agent systems for useful interactions Support to self-management of learning scenarios and environments Integrate multiple assistance agents: co- learners, SMEs, coaches, managers, FAQ, Intelligent Help Systems...
Closer & Interactive Education … Wherever We Are Distance Education
TeleLearning Models and Strategies Dr Gilbert Paquette Centre de recherche LICEF Télé-université Ed-Media 2000, Montreal June 28