How do we answer? (1 Pet. 3:15) “If I accept what you teach I will be condemning my loved one to hell!” 1.


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Presentation transcript:

How do we answer? (1 Pet. 3:15) “If I accept what you teach I will be condemning my loved one to hell!” 1

The Bible really is God’s word (2 Tim. 3:16-17) The Bible really is God’s word (2 Tim. 3:16-17) – Pattern to follow, 2 Tim. 1:13 – People of the book, Isa. 8:20 2 EMPHASIZE THE ABIDING TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD

Must accept whatever God teaches (1 Ths. 2:13) Must accept whatever God teaches (1 Ths. 2:13) – Not wisdom, emotions & will of men, 1 Cor. 2:1-5 – Accept consequences of truth, Rom. 3:4; 5:12 3 EMPHASIZE THE ABIDING TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD

Bible teaches same today as it did 2,000 years ago (1 Ths. 2:13) Bible teaches same today as it did 2,000 years ago (1 Ths. 2:13) – God’s word has been established & revealed, Psa. 119:89 – NT will continue to teach the same thing whether or not a loved one obeys it, Luke 16: EMPHASIZE THE ABIDING TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD

Most will not do the Father’s will (Matt. 7:21) Most will not do the Father’s will (Matt. 7:21) Includes many sincere people (Matt. 7:22-23; Lk. 13:22-30) Includes many sincere people (Matt. 7:22-23; Lk. 13:22-30) – Incl. Christians’ loved ones, Matt. 10:34-37; Rom. 9:1-3; 10:1-2 5 BIBLE TEACHES MOST PEOPLE WILL BE LOST (Matt. 7:13-14; Lk. 13:23-24)

None on earth can change where one goes at death (Lk. 16:22-26) None on earth can change where one goes at death (Lk. 16:22-26) We will all stand in judgment for our own lives (2 Cor. 5:10 ) We will all stand in judgment for our own lives (2 Cor. 5:10 ) 6 ETERNAL DESTINY IS SEALED AT DEATH (Heb. 9:27)

Final judgment is in hands of God Final judgment is in hands of God – God will judge the world by His Son Jesus – Jno. 5:26-29 – God will judge us by His word of truth – Rev. 20:12 7 ETERNAL DESTINY IS SEALED AT DEATH (Heb. 9:27)

Final judgment is in hands of God Final judgment is in hands of God – He will judge world in righteousness, Acts 17:30-31 – He will not make any mistakes, Gen. 18:25; Rev. 16:7 – Jesus is Judge, 1 Co. 4:3-5; Ro. 2:16 – Can’t presume upon mercy of God 8 ETERNAL DESTINY IS SEALED AT DEATH (Heb. 9:27)

Plan of salvation unchanged (Mk. 16:16) Plan of salvation unchanged (Mk. 16:16) NT Teaching unchanged on: NT Teaching unchanged on: – Morality, 1 Cor. 6:9-10 – Obedience, Heb. 5:8-9; 2 Ths. 1:8-9 – Worship, Matt. 15:7-9 – Faithfulness, Col. 1:23; Heb. 10:38 9 LOVED ONE’S CONDITION AT DEATH DOES NOT CHANGE BIBLE TEACHING Psalms 119:89 John 12:48

You will be saved only by hearing & heeding God’s word (Lk. 16:29-31) You will be saved only by hearing & heeding God’s word (Lk. 16:29-31) Christ demands that we love Him more than anyone or anybody else (Matt. 10:37; Lk. 14:26) Christ demands that we love Him more than anyone or anybody else (Matt. 10:37; Lk. 14:26) Will you love Jesus? (Jno. 14:15) Will you love Jesus? (Jno. 14:15) 10 YOUR LOVED ONE WANTS YOU TO BE SAVED (Luke 16:27-28)