NME for upper- secondary school
“ I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.” Socrates Key features of NME for upper-secondary school Evaluation and testing in the modern classroom What is evaluation? Evaluation in NME-10,11 Getting ready for exam with NME Round-up. Evaluation: where in the series?
Book structure 10 units (8 lessons) Lesson aimed at development of language skills, grammatical and lexical competence Lesson 7 - progress check in grammar and vocabulary Lesson 8 - provides an opportunity for informal assessment by teacher through project work based on integration of skills Extensive reading - exposure to modern literary and media-based texts and will give extensive reading practice in line with the Russian tradition of ‘home reading’ List of active vocabulary Grammar reference UNIT 1 What’s in a language UNIT2 People and places UNIT3 A job for life? UNIT4 Mysteries UNIT5 TV or not TV? UNIT6 World of science UNIT7 Understanding art UNIT8 Crime and punishment UNIT9 The way we live UNIT10 Whose world is it?
Key features of NME-10,11 complete set (SB+TB+WB+cassette) issue-based syllabus topics selected – reflect the interests of students at this age helps Ss succeed in examinations ( Unified National Examination) wider educational role: Helps Ss develop as citizens Enhances Ss’ social and critical thinking skills Helps Ss take more responsibility for their own learning Contents Chart in the SB
Evaluation in the modern classroom Why??? How? What? When? Results: how to interpret?
What is evaluation? Widely used in teaching in different forms: Self/peer/T evaluation Tests Informal feedback Involves different forms of evaluation Can be used for formal evaluation Should not be the only form of evaluation Evaluation Teaching Testing
Evaluation in the Student Book In-course evaluation (Lesson 1-6) “ Once a mistake – always… ?
Evaluation in the Student Book Once a criminal – always a criminal SB-11, p.120 Listening Are Ss answers evaluated in the activity? Pair work (self-evaluation) Multiple choice exercise (exam format)
Evaluation in the Student Book Translation What kind of evaluation is done in the task? Peer/self evaluation Process oriented activity 1.Individual work with dictionaries (E-R) 2. Group work (new version) 3. Exchange translations (reverse translation: R-E) 4. Comparing Ss’ versions with the original
Evaluation in the Student Book Writing Book 10, p What is the purpose of the activity? To practice all steps of the writing process To practice evaluating results of the group work To perceive evaluation as a criteria based activity Evaluation in the exercise: (criteria - see TB, p.28) C. – on the level of ideas F. – evaluation inside groups ( Language Support) H. – “cross-groups” evaluation ( Evaluation criteria)
Evaluation in the Student Book Writing Book 11 Ex.5, p.43, Ex.4, p.47 Which of the exercises is process/product oriented? Where can you find a possibility for self/peer/teacher evaluation? Ex.5, p.43 product-oriented exam format task teacher-evaluation Ex.4, p.47 process-oriented peer-evaluation (4B) self-evaluation (4C)
Evaluation in the Student Book Language Work Book 10, p.67 Is it a fluency or accuracy-focused activity? What is a teacher’s role? Part A: to comment and explain Part B: to monitor Ss’ work How do Ss evaluate their performance? Peer-evaluation ( part B)
Evaluation in the Student Book Speaking, Book 10, p.67 What is the purpose of the activity? to practice “long-turn” speaking (exam-format task) to build up Ss’ confidence Is it a fluency or accuracy focused activity? What are the roles of Ss in a group? How do Ss evaluate their performance? How should a Teacher evaluate Ss’ performance in such activities? no interruptions post activity feedback
Evaluation in the Student Book Lesson 7 Book11, p What are the objectives of the lesson? Progress check in grammar and vocab Development of self-evaluation skills Is the lesson fluency or accuracy-focused? What is the teacher’s role? monitoring identifying problem areas giving feedback
Evaluation in the Student Book Lesson 8, Book 11, p the final lesson of the unit practices integrated skills develops self-evaluation skills What is the teacher’s role? Comment at the end of the lesson Ask Ss to comment on the activity Draw Ss’ attention to best answers, typical mistakes etc. Try not to be critical but give some practical advice
Evaluation in the Student Book Lesson 8 Book11, p.69, TB, p.172, Book10, p.71, TB10, p.171 Evaluation cards: criteria based adapted for the activity for Ss – question form - clear scale for Ts – criteria explanation - exam oriented (task achievement)
Getting ready for exam with NME The course fits in with Russian National Curriculum Guidelines prepares Ss to succeed in examinations By the end of the course Ss will operate at the language level required by Russian National Curriculum Guidelines build up their confidence in communicating in a foreign language get familiar with the examination format practise exam-type activities (on the lessons, independently)
Final Evaluation: Unified National exam Exam taskSB exercise Listening 1. Matching speakers with statementsSB11-U1 SB11-U7 2. True/FalseSB11-U7 3. Multiple-choiceSB-11, p Note-takingSB11-U1, SB11-U2 Reading 1. Matching texts with headings/statementsSB-11, p.51, U2 2. Which text says whatSB-10,Sample test-1, U7 3. Multiple choiceSB-10,Sample test-1 4. True/FalseSB-11, Sample test 2
Final Evaluation: Unified National exam Exam taskSB exercise Use of English 1. Word formationSB-10,Sample test-1, U1, U9 2. Word formation ( including grammar items)SB-11, p.52, SB-11,Sample test-1 3. Multiple choice ( lexical cloze)SB-11, p.53, U1, U2 Writing 1. informal letterSB-10,Sample test-1 2. for and against essaySB-10, p.28-29, SB-11, p.43 Speaking 1. monologue (2-minute talk)SB11-U1 2. problem-solving discussionSB-10, p.67 Underlined activities have been discussed during the session
Evaluation: Why? What? How? Where? Why? to check Ss progress to identify problems to help Ss cope with language problems end of term grading formal assessment exam preparation
Evaluation: Why? What? How? Where? What? Grammar and vocabulary Language skills
Evaluation: Why? What? How? Where? How? Teacher evaluation Peer/self-evaluation A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary." Thomas Carruthers
Evaluation: Why? What? How? Where? Results- “food for thought”: how to interpret? learning from error giving feedback ( T-S, S-S) draw Ss’ attention to positive aspects, typical mistakes etc. avoid being critical give some practical advice
Evaluation: Why? What? How? Where? Where? SB Lesson 1-6 SB Lesson 7 Check your grammar and vocabulary SB Lesson 8 Express Yourself to deal with mistakes in the round-up at the end of the activity with support and encouragement of the T to allow Ss to check their own progress in grammar and vocabulary through accuracy-type activities to develop self-evaluation skills and learner’s autonomy, as a part of study skills to allow T to evaluate Ss’ progress to invite Ss to evaluate their own and their peers’ performance in the lesson, using simple criteria to develop independent study habits
Evaluation: Why? What? How? Where? Where? TB, Sample tests WB,Exam Practice To prepare Ss to succeed in examinations Exam-type tasks– reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary to develop independent study habits to invite Ss to take responsibility for their own learning to get familiar with the examination format to identify problem areas
Evaluation in the NME series: main principles Achievement oriented ( not marks) Learning from error Confidence building Developing learner independence Group work/cooperation
What is evaluation? Evaluation the process of making a judgment or forming an opinion, after considering something carefully Teaching helping students to learn something Testing the activity whose main purpose is to convey how well the testee knows or can do something.