Strategy A: Monitor Pollutants, Sources & Sinks A. Monitor pollutants, sources, & sinks Land based pollution reduced
Strategy A: Monitor Pollutants, Sources & Sinks Increased scientific understanding of sources, sinks, & emerging pollutants
Strategy A: Monitor Pollutants, Sources & Sinks Information communicated to public and policy makers Public and policy makers informed Objective for the Result: At least once/year starting in 2008, SLOSEA provides a synthesis of pollutant data to public and policy makers
Strategy A: Monitor Pollutants, Sources & Sinks Regulations updated TMDL plans developed & implemented Objective for the Result: During the next update cycle, the Basin Plan's pollutant standard levels reflect findings from the pollutant monitoring strategy
Strategy A: Monitor Pollutants, Sources & Sinks Storm water plans updated & implemented Support implementation of nonpoint source mgmt plans
Strategy A: Monitor Pollutants, Sources & Sinks Increased permit requirements for NPDES discharge (point source)
Strategy B: Implement Weather Stations B. Implement weather stations Land based pollution reduced Decreased freshwater withdrawal
Strategy B: Implement Weather Stations More localized weather data Better irrigation management
Strategy B: Implement Weather Stations Reduced water use Less non point source pollution
Strategy B: Implement Weather Stations Improved ability to interpret nutrient level dynamics A. Monitor pollutants, sources, & sinks
Strategy C: Expand Research on Tourism Impacts C. Expand research on impacts of recreation “Sustainable” recreational use
Strategy C: Expand Research on Tourism Impacts Increased understanding of ecological impacts
Strategy C: Expand Research on Tourism Impacts Information communicated More informed decision- making
Strategy C: Expand Research on Tourism Impacts Appropriate recreation management policy
Strategy D: Develop Early Detection of Plant Invasives D. Develop early detection & eradication plans – spartina & caulerpa No new invasions
Strategy D: Develop Early Detection of Plant Invasives Plans accepted by landowner & permitting agencies Monitoring happens, invasives detected
Strategy D: Develop Early Detection of Plant Invasives New invasive eradicated Permits approved
Strategy D: Develop Early Detection of Plant Invasives Measures taken to prevent introduction
E- G. Marine Invasives E. Research Maine Invasives & Actions G. State / National Legislation on Scrubbing F. “Scrub Your Bottom” Campaign Federal Regulations on Ballast Water
E. Research Marine Invasives & Actions E. Research Maine Invasives & Actions Invasive Species Controlled
E. Research Marine Invasives & Actions Research Scope of Problem & Communicate to Policy Makers” Who Then Take Action Objective for the Result: By end of 2008, we'll have report summarizing current invasives in SLOSEA and potential for new ones (threat assessments).
E. Research Marine Invasives & Actions Accidental Introductions Decreased Intentional Introductions Reduced
E. Research Marine Invasives & Actions E. Research Maine Invasives & Actions Invasive Species Controlled
E. Research Marine Invasives & Actions Study Potential for Control Make Go / No Go Decision Implement Actions Objective for the Result: By 2009 a "quick & dirty" review of aquatic invasive species and potential control measures in MB & PSL has been completed
F. “Scrub Your Bottom” Campaign Invasive Species Controlled
F. “Scrub Your Bottom” Campaign Develop Awareness and Ability in SLOSEA Boat Owners to “Scrub Their Bottoms”
F. “Scrub Your Bottom” Campaign Accidental Introductions Decreased
G. State/National Legislation on Scrubbing Invasive Species Controlled
G. State/National Legislation on Scrubbing Get State and/or Federal Govt to Mandate Bottom Scrubbing
G. State/National Legislation on Scrubbing Accidental Introductions Decreased
E- G. All Marine Invasives
H. All Fishing Strategies H. Demo of regional fishing management Sustainable fishing (ecol & econ) Healthy marine economy I. “Eat Local Fish” awareness campaign H2. Support local fishing fleet
H. Demo of Regional Fishing Mngmt H. Demo of regional fishing management Sustainable fishing (ecol & econ) Healthy marine economy
H. Demo of Regional Fishing Mngmt Policy & funding & support provided MOUs for long term research plan
H. Demo of Regional Fishing Mngmt Research funded Fisheries stock assessment, ecologically sustainable fishing defined & quotas set Objective for the Result: By 2012 DFG has moved SLOSEA area into "data moderate" level for nearshore rockfish. – good regional fisheries stock
H. Demo of Regional Fishing Mngmt
H2. Support Local Fishing Fleet H2. Support local fishing fleet Sustainable fishing (ecol & econ) Healthy marine economy
H2. Support Local Fishing Fleet Support for fishermen continues Remaining fleet maintained
H2. Support Local Fishing Fleet Limits to IFQ transfers Sustainable local fishing fleet exists
H. All Fishing Strategies H2. Support local fishing fleet Sustainable fishing (ecol & econ) Healthy marine economy
I. “Eat Local Fish” Campaign Consumers aware & willing to buy local fish
I. “Eat Local Fish” Campaign Businesses aware & local fish available
H - I. All Fishing Strategies
J. Improve Harbor Dredging
K. Enhance Non-Fishing Marine Economy