Personnel decontamination procedures Lesson topic 4.6
Enabling objectives ¶Discuss decontamination procedures on gloves, mask, face and mask interior using M291 decontamination kit ·Describe the procedures for transiting personnel through a decontamination station and contamination control area
¸Describe the equipment used on transiting personnel through a decontamination station and contamination control area ¹Describe the use and contents of the M291 decontamination kit Enabling objectives
M-291 Skin Decontamination Kit zDecontaminate skin by physical removal, absorption and neutralization of the agent on the skin CAN BE USED TO DECON MASK & GLOVES DURING EMERGENCY CONDITIONS
M-291 zContents y6 hermetically sealed foil packets yEach packet contains a folded non-woven fiber applicator pad yApplicator pad is impregnated with a reactive & absorptive resin mixture
M291 skin decon kit
zTwo packets covers a minimum of 1300 square centimeters or 200 square inches of exposed skin zWallet-like carrying pouch zDecontamination of liquid chemical agents zProcedures must be done quickly, 3 minutes or less M-291
M291 zInspection yInspect kit for black powder yInspect each packet for leaks yDiscard all leaking packets IF THERE ARE LESS THAN 4 PACKETS IN YOUR KIT, REQUEST ADDITIONAL PACKETS
M291 zOperating procedures FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY If you suspect you have been contaminated & don your mask are not masked, don your mask!!!!
zRemove 1 packet from pouch zRemove applicator from packet zSlip finger(s) into handle and scrub hands thoroughly M291
Suspect your face is contaminated zHold breath, close eyes & lift mask from chin zDecon lower part of face & decon interior surface of mask that touches face zSeal & clear mask zRemove second packet & scrub neck/ears zRepeat decon of hands zPut on protective gloves & don hood
If you suspect agent on your skin & are already masked zPull hood down zScrub hands, neck & ears zRe-do hands zPut on protective gloves & don hood
Contamination Control Area (CCA)/Decontamination Station (DS) zRestrict spread of contamination zCCA located just inside skin of ship zIf suitable interior space is unavailable use an area outside
Criteria for CCA zSet-up yDivide the area into two approximately equal parts yMark the three positions zSupplies yCalcium Hypochloride (HTH) yM-291 Kits yBandage scissors
Manning z1 team leader z2 DC/HT operators/cutters z1 medical corpsman or an equivalent
Operation zOutside the CCA yDecon your buddy's mask & your own gloves yYour buddy repeats the procedure y1% solution of HTH may be used on mask yBefore entering the CCA, step into a pan of 9% HTH solution and scrubs boots
CCA/Decon station zInside the CCA yFollow ACPG doffing procedure zInside decon station yRemove clothing except the mask yProceed to the shower yProceed to the redressing area yUse 9% HTH/salt water followed by detergent scrubbing if the CCA becomes contaminated
Un-masking procedures zUpon appropriate un-mask order yIndividual personnel will doff mask as follows yPlace a plastic bag over your head & mask yHands on the outside of the plastic bag, carefully remove the bag with the mask yReturn mask in the bag to a designated collection point for sanitation/reissue
Summary and Review zM-291 Decontamination Kit zContamination control area (CCA) zDecontamination Station (DS)