Wednesday 18th March
Positive Wellbeing Group The Positive Wellbeing Group would like to focus on Resilience for the next 2 weeks in tutor time. We will give you 10 tips for Resilience. Hopefully the tips will get you thinking and have a positive impact on your future. Every day we will focus on one of the 10 letters in RESILIENCE. Resilience definition: Resilience describes a person’s capacity to cope with changes and challenges and to bounce back during difficult times. The more resilient someone is, the better they are at getting through tough times, and the better their chances at recovering from experiences of adversity and trauma. Today’s Top Tip! E stablish Realistic & Achievable goals – This helps you to focus.
All Year Groups Loch Lomond Trip A reminder to the following pupils who have been chosen to go on trip this Saturday (21 st March). Please come to Mr Macdonald’s room to get a parental consent form. The list of pupils chosen for the Big Lottery trips is on the Geography bulletin board on the ground floor. 1AIramAfzal reserve 1HZeenatAhmed 1HAdamGillespie 1IAneesHussein reserve 1IRehanKaleem reserve 1ILuqmanKhan 1DMateuszLitaszenko reserve 1ASadiaNasir reserve 1FMitchellO'Toole 1GWadoodSakandar 1GHaroonTayyab 2BAnisaAhmed 2DImaanAhmed 2BFizaAkbar 2EAlishbaAkhtar 2BNabihahAkram 2IFizzaAli 2ASafahAslam 2FDerekChittick 2HSukhmaniKaur 2DShaniceMalik 2ASuneraMohammed 2DMehreenPirzada 3DNazneenAhmed 3GMichaelAid 3DIqraAli 3AAli-AkbarKachmar 3GMelissaMcNair 3BAminahMohammed 4FShaziaAltaf 4CChristopherMackay 4GTayyebaTariq 5ABilalHaq 5DSaniyaIdrees 5FFarrahMustafa 5ADaniyaShah 5EZainabTanveer 6BHamzaAmir 6BAwaisArshad 6BAbdurrehmanDesai 6DLiamDixon 6DBilalMahmood 6BHumzaQadeer 6CKaiserSaeed 6DZahrahTayyub
Clubs Badminton Miss Dickman All year groups 3pm – 4pm GSOS Hall (You MUST bring a change of trainers!) Vocal Group Mr Fraser All staff and pupils pm Music Room 2 Rugby Mr Sim All Pupils 3pm – 4pm Outside Fitness/Table Tennis Mr McCloy All Pupils 3pm – 4pm Fitness Suite
S5/6 University of Glasgow Taster Weeks 8 th June and15 th June As in previous years, this programme is designed for S5/6 year pupils aspiring to progress onto University, particularly those who have not been involved in any previous University Experiences. It will give you an insight as to what to expect when they progress onto courses of their choice. The courses running during the taster week are as follows: Biology Chemistry Physics Mathematics Computing ScienceStatistics Geography and Earth Sciences Electronic and Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Aeronautical Engineering Civil Engineering Languages Sociology Psychology Philosophy Politics See your Pastoral Care teachers for more information
S5/6 Supported Study 3.00 – 4.00S4/5/6ArtP Bain 3.00 – 4.00S4/5BiologyG Kennedy 3.00 – 4.00S4/5/6ChemistryY Ahmed 3.00 – 4.00S4/5/6GeographyM Scouller 3.00 – 4.00S5/6ESOLC Stewart 3.00 – 4.00S5/6MathsF McGuinness 3.00 – 4.00S5/6TechnicalW McCunnie SQA Exams Please ensure that the school office has the correct spelling of your name and the correct address for you. The name we have is what will appear on your certificate and also the address to which your certificate will be sent. Mr Keatings Are you S5 and interested in a career in Business? The KPMG Discovery Programme will run in Summer 2015 and gives you a great view of our firm and the options available to you in your future career. Whichever office you join, you will develop the skills needed to build a successful career. You could be involved in things such as work shadowing, presentations, business games and research tasks. KPMG is open for applications. Academic Requirements You need predicted grades of at least BCC at Higher and we are looking to see 5 Nat 5s including English and Maths. For more information, see Miss McWaters
S – 4.00S4ArtP Bain 3.00 – 4.00S4Mod StudiesP Devlin 3.00 – 4.00S4MusicG Skingley 3.00 – 4.00S4PhysicsS Dadgostar 3.00 – 4.00S4/5BiologyG Kennedy 3.00 – 4.00S4/5/6ChemistryY Ahmed 3.00 – 4.00S4/5/6GeographyM Scouller Supported Study
S3 New Science Competition: Scrub Up On Science Challenge Would you like the opportunity to win a day at London’s Science Museum where you will get to create your own cosmetic product? For this challenge you will be asked to create a new bath bomb or shower gel and explain the Science behind it in a three minute video or PowerPoint presentation. If you are interested in taking part in the Scrub Up On Science Challenge then contact Miss Dadgostar at lunch or interval.
S2 New Science Competition: Scrub Up On Science Challenge Would you like the opportunity to win a day at London’s Science Museum where you will get to create your own cosmetic product? For this challenge you will be asked to create a new bath bomb or shower gel and explain the Science behind it in a three minute video or PowerPoint presentation. If you are interested in taking part in the Scrub Up On Science Challenge then contact Miss Dadgostar at lunch or interval.
S1 New Science Competition: Scrub Up On Science Challenge Would you like the opportunity to win a day at London’s Science Museum where you will get to create your own cosmetic product? For this challenge you will be asked to create a new bath bomb or shower gel and explain the Science behind it in a three minute video or PowerPoint presentation. If you are interested in taking part in the Scrub Up On Science Challenge then contact Miss Dadgostar at lunch or interval.