Bell Work In ENGLISH, on your own paper, please write abbreviations of the following questions and answer WITH COMPLETE SENTENCES… 1. How are you feeling about taking this class? 2. Do you have internet access on a daily basis? Would typing be an issue? (Ex- If I asked you to do an online typing activity for homework, would you be able to do it? If you only have internet access on your phone or ipod please let me know.) 3. Write 5 pieces of information about yourself.
Welcome to Spanish! Señorita Robb Room 356
Yo soy/ Me gusta…
Dos Maneras Para Comunicar En la red: Por el telefono: (606) – ext. 2148
Reglas 1. Mantenga su cuerpo a sí mismo. 2. Escuche. 3. Mire. 4. Siga los direcciones de la muestra.
El baño, etc. If you need to go to the restroom, office, or drinking fountain, you must raise your hand and (after being called on by the teacher) ask in Spanish. That question may not occur during instruction time. Also, be aware of the 10/10 rule…. *If you have special circumstances, talk with the teacher.
Las Carpetas Hay un conjunto de carpetas para su clase en ese escritorio. Cada período de clase usted comprobará las carpetas por los documentos del día o el trabajo por su cuaderno. Al final del período de clase, usarlos para su trabajo. 2 Cosas- beginning – Handouts – Graded work to be filed in your notebook 1 Cosa- end – Turn in work for me to grade/record
Notas Your grades are based on 4 categories: – Homework – Class work – Tests – Projects
Tarea Your homework is to be completed before coming to class. On most days, we will discuss the previous night’s homework as a class at the beginning of the period. Late work- 50% off if turned in the next day. – Keep up with your work! Do not hurt your grade and your learning. – You will be allowed to make up one late assignment “free of charge.”
Mentirando DO NOT CHEAT- on anything. Period. “You will be punished to the highest extent of the law.”
Biblioteca de la clase Usenlos. If you finish early on class work, please feel free to get one of the books in Spanish to read. There are varying levels of difficulty- some are quite hard. If you would like to check out a book, come and see me about signing it out (this may not occur during teaching times). You may only have one book checked out at a time.
Food/Drink/Gum Only drinks with tops permitted. No food. No gum. *Fiesta days are exceptions.*
Tarea Esta Noche: 1. Why are you taking this class? Really. 2. What, specifically, do you want to be able to do by the end of this class? 3. How do you see Spanish impacting your short-term AND long-term future?