Vita Noble Powerpoints Guess who am I ? ¿Adivina quien soy ? ATTENTION SOME PICTURES CAN HURT
Vita Noble Powerpoints Soy alguien con quien convives a diario Soy alguien con quien vives todos los días I am someone you live with every day
Vita Noble Powerpoints Alguien que quiere lo mejor para ti Someone who wants the best for you
Vita Noble Powerpoints Esencial en tu vida Essential in your life
Vita Noble Powerpoints Porque sin mi Because without me
Vita Noble Powerpoints Tu no podrías vivir You could not live
Vita Noble Powerpoints Pero..... But.....
Vita Noble Powerpoints Para mi desgracia For my misfortune
Vita Noble Powerpoints
Tu no me tienes la importancia que yo te doy You don't grant me the importance I give you
Vita Noble Powerpoints
Si yo os he dado estos paisajes, If I gave you these landscapes,
Vita Noble Powerpoints NO ME QUIERES?
Vita Noble Powerpoints Llenos de colorido y abundancia, Full of colors and abundance,
Vita Noble Powerpoints ¿ Por qué ? Why
Vita Noble Powerpoints Me devuelves esto? did you give this back to me?
Vita Noble Powerpoints Me devuelves esto? did you give this back to me?
Vita Noble Powerpoints Me devuelves esto? did you give this back to me?
Vita Noble Powerpoints Me devuelves esto? did you give this back to me?
Vita Noble Powerpoints Por qué, si os proporciono compañía Why, while I gave you company
Vita Noble Powerpoints
No la aprecias? Don't you love it?
Vita Noble Powerpoints No la respetas?… Don't you respect it?
Vita Noble Powerpoints No la respetas?… Don't you respect it?
Vita Noble Powerpoints No la respetas?… Don't you respect it?
Vita Noble Powerpoints No la respetas?… Don't you respect it?
Vita Noble Powerpoints ¿Por qué… si os doy la vida..... Why if I give birth to you.....
Vita Noble Powerpoints
TU¿ ME LA QUlTAS? You kill me?
Vita Noble Powerpoints
Es esta la clase de vida que deseas heredar a tus hijos? Is this the inheritance you want to leave to your children?
Vita Noble Powerpoints Haz algo por mi, por ti, por ti, por todos nosotros por todos nosotros Do something for me, for you and for us all
Vita Noble Powerpoints Si no eres tu….. ¿quien lo podrá hacer? If it is not you Who will do it ?
Vita Noble Powerpoints Si no es ahora…..¿Cuando? If not now When will that be?
Vita Noble Powerpoints GRACIAS! THANK YOU!
Vita Noble Powerpoints GRACIAS !! THANK YOU!!
Vita Noble Powerpoints GRACIAS !!!THANK YOU!!!
Vita Noble Powerpoints Soy… La Naturaleza The Nature
Vita Noble Powerpoints TRANSMlTE ESTE MENSAJE A TODAS PARTES Y Sl PUEDES...TRADUCELO A OTROS lDIOMAS DE MODO QUE SE VEA EN TODO EL MUNDO. Broadcast this diaporama around you and if you can, translate so that it crosses borders.
Vita Noble Powerpoints