Drawing Blood From a Hickman Catheter Gather your supplies: gloves alcohol wipes vacutainer set blood tubes normal saline heparin flush Posiflow adaptor
Drawing Blood from a Hickman Wash hands Put on gloves Put vacutainer together Remove Posiflow adapter Scrub the catheter hub with 2 alcohol wipes
Connect the vacutainer to the catheter. Unclamp the catheter Push the waste tube onto the vacutainer and fill with blood, remove tube and discard Push sample tube (s) onto vacutainer and fill with blood
When all labs have been obtained, clamp the catheter and remove the vacutainer device Scrub the catheter with 2 alcohol wipes Attach a new Posiflow adaptor Unclamp the catheter Flush with 3 ccs of Normal Saline and 2 ccs of 100 unit/ml Heparin Clamp the catheter