Spring Made Easy There are so many fun things to do in the spring
Spring Lambs Cotton balls were glued all over the handprint except for the end of the thumb and the fingers. This little lamb was made with a handprint cut from a black piece of construction paper. A squiggle eye was added on the thumb and a bow on the neck.
Bumble Bees These little bumble bees will look so cute all displayed on the spring bulletin board. They would also work as a May Day basket to hold flowers. Materials needed to make the bee: Black, yellow and white construction paper Black pipe cleaner Flowers for inside the cone Glue I don't have the pattern at home, but we used a half circle and curled it into a cone shape. We used staples and glue to hold the cone in place. Small strips of yellow strips were added with glue. One large, black chenille pipe cleaner was stapled on before the face was glued on. The face was made using 2 small hearts. The yellow face is a bit smaller than the white background. The face was drawn with a black crayon. The white wings were glued on the back last. We added different colors of silk flowers inside the bees for a cute bulletin board. A handle can be added for a May basket.
April Showers This was a door decoration was done with a very large umbrella made using colored and flowered tissue paper. It was backed with butcher paper and laminated. A black, construction paper handle was added. The rain drops were cut from light blue, construction paper that had been folded in fourths. You can see the bottom ones were falling open! We added each child's laminated photo to the raindrops. Then, in May we unfolded the raindrops to make the raindrops into flowers. We also changed to title to say: April Showers Bring May Flowers. We also used polyester batting for the clouds.
Too Many Kids in the Tub
This bath tub held all of the children from both classes! The poem that is included at the bottom is: “Too Many Kids in the Tub, Too many elbows to scrub, I just scrubbed a knee, Whose could it be? Too many kids in the tub!!”
Plant Bulletin Board This is a bulletin board that we made using handprints of the children to reinforce the parts of a flower. I found this on the web and can't remember where. I would like to give credit to the person with the idea! Thank you.
Wiggly Teeth This is a fun activity that we do each spring for homework! This is the time of the year that most of our children have lost a tooth. Each child completes the worksheet for homework with the parents. They can illustrate their picture or you can take each child's picture at school. We put them all together for a book with a cover.
IDEAS for Spring are easy to come by just put a little thought, a mile and ……. Or you can simply go to Mrs. Critchell's Kindergarten and get them from her