Latent Sector Errors In Disk Drives Ahmet Salih BÜYÜKKAYHAN Spring
OUTLINE Motivation Introduction Disk Errors Error Handling Evaluation Conclusion
Motivation 90% of all new information produced in the world is being stored on magnetic media mostly hard disk drives This study analyzes data collected from production storage systems over 32 months across 1.53 million disks ◦ storage system has a built-in, low-overhead mechanism to log important system events back to a central repository This study can shed light on disk fault prevention, fault tolerance and fault forecasting researches
Introduction - Disk Drives Mechanical and electronic components Disk Controller ◦ Electronic component ◦ Convert serial bit stream to block of bytes ◦ perform error correction as necessary
Introduction - Disk Drives Sectors: the smallest addressable unit of data access, usually 512 bytes in size ◦ Error correcting codes Linear array of equal sized blocks each identified by a logical block number (LBN).
Introduction Factors other than complete disk failures influence the reliability of data and expressed as mean time to data loss (MTTDL) Disk drives do not report any latent sector error until the particular sector is accessed.
Disk Drives Failure Pattern Bad sector errors: manufactoring defects Seek errors: head can not be positioned in the right track ◦ The disk head needs to be recalibrated Data Corruption ◦ Lost writes : not write but completion is reported ◦ Misdirected writes: write to the wrong disk block ◦ Torn writes: partially write but completion is reported
Disk Errors Latent Sector Errors: disk sector cannot be read or written, or uncorrectable ECC error. ◦ Any data previously stored in the sector is lost. ◦ Requires higher-level mechanisms such as RAID reconstruction Not-Ready-Condition Errors: Disk drive is not ready to handle a command from the host. ◦ waiting and retrying. Recovered Errors: Access to a sector required disk-level retry or error-correction.
Error Handling Some disks able to re-map automatically OS can handle bad sectors by re-mapping tables ◦ Constructs a list of bad sectors ◦ Both allocated and free blocks tested
Proactive Error Detection Media scrubs use a SCSI Verify command to validate a disk sector’s integrity. (ECC) ◦ check of the sector’s content within the disk A data scrub: to detect data corruption. ◦ read operations for each disk sector, computes a checksum over its data, ◦ compares the checksum to the on-disk 8-byte checksum ◦ reconstructs the sector from other disks in the RAID group if the checksum fails ◦ Latent sector errors discovered by data scrubs appear as read errors.
System Architecture Store, verify block ID (Inode X, offset Y) Detect identity discrepancy Lost or misdirected writes WAFL ® File Sys RAID layer Storage layer Disk drives Autosupport Client IFace (NFS) Parity generation Reconstruction on failure Data scrubbing o Read blocks, verify parity o Detect parity inconsistency o Lost or misdirected writes, parity miscalculations Store, verify checksum o Detect checksum mismatch o Bit corruptions, torn writes
12 RAID – I/O Parallelism RAID is a set of disks with a single RAID controller ◦ Improve the fault tolerance and performance ◦ Reduce costs The disks in RAID appear as a single disk to the OS There are six different RAID organizations (0…5) RAID level 0 : Strips of size “k-sectors” partitioned into individual disks in round robin fashion o There is no redundant data storage in this approach o No performance gain if the requests are one sector at a time!
13 RAID RAID level 1: Duplicates all the disks. ◦ Every strip is written twice! ◦ Either of the two copies could be read! Write performance is the same Read performance can be twice as good Fault tolerance is excellent o Recovery is easy, buy a new drive, and replace it with the one that crashed
14 RAID RAID level 2: granularity striping with hamming code for error detection and correction. Disk drives must be synchronized RAID level 3: simplified version of level 2, where only parity is stored. Single disk crash?
15 RAID RAID level 4: With a strip of k bytes, an extra disk drive stores k-byte long parities constructed by XOR on the strips in each disk RAID level 5: Like RAID 4 but parity bits are distributed over the RAID disks to reduce the risk induced by parity disk crash
16 Stable Storage RAID deals with correct reads and fault tolerance against crashes How about writes? Desired Property: ◦ When a write is issued, the disk either correctly writes the data or it does nothing at all
17 Stable Storage Stable storage uses a pair of identical disks with the corresponding blocks form an error-free block Stable write: ◦ Write the block on drive 1 ◦ Read it back and verify it, if not correct repeat the operation ◦ After n consecutive failures the block is remapped to a spare one and the operation continues ◦ After the write to drive 1 succeeds, the corresponding block on drive 2 is written and re-read until it succeeds ◦ After the stable write completes, the block is successfully written to both drives
18 Stable Storage Stable read: ◦ First read from drive 1 ◦ If the ECC indicates and error, then reread ◦ If after n iterations, the error occurs, then the corresponding block is read from drive 2 Crash recovery ◦ Scan both disks and compare the corresponding blocks ◦ If one of the has ECC error, then the good one is written over the bad one ◦ If both have ECC good, but they are different, then the block in drive 1 is overwritten to drive 2.
Evaluation Disk class: Enterprise class or nearline disk drives with respectively Fiber Channel and ATA interfaces. Disk model: Combination of disk family and particular size ◦ Quantum Fireball EX – 6.4 GB Denoted as ‘E-1’ Disk Age: Amount of time in the field since ship date Error disk: This term is used to refer to a disk drive that has at least one latent sector error.
Evaluation Sample Selection ◦ Model has at least 1000 disks in the field for time period being considered ◦ Model has at least 1000 disks in the field and at least 50 error disks for time being considered ◦ Disregard the very few “outlier” disks (0.2% of error disks) with more than 1000 errors to avoid the skew caused by these numbers A-E Nearline disks, F-N Enterprise disks. E-2 have the double disk size according to E-1
Impact of Disk Age Enterprise disks Nearline disks Disk age impact varies across disk models Nearline disk LSE grows far more rapidly
Impact of Disk Age AFRs varies from 1.7%, for drives that were in their first year of operation, to over 8.6%, observed in the 3-year old
Impact of Disk Size The amount of probable data loss due to latent sector errors per Gigabyte does not increase or decrease consistently as disk size increases
Errors per Error Disk ES&NL are equally likely to develop more than one error once they develop their first error.
Spatial Locality There is significant locality in the occurrence of latent sector errors across logical sector addresses
26 Spatial Locality Use locality radius to measure locality Logical Block Number Space 100 block: 2/5 errors have 1 neighbor 1000 block: 4/5 errors have 1 neighbor Beginning of disk End of disk 100 Block locality radius 1000 Block locality radius
Temporal Locality Disks that develop errors beyond the first error see most of the additional errors within one month after the first error.
Detection Methods Media scrubbing detects a large percentage of observed latent sector errors 86.6% of all LSE in NL and 61.5% of LSE in ES are discovered by verify operations
Conclusion The fraction of disks affected by LSE increases linearly with time for enterprise class disks and super linearly for nearline disks. The percentage of affected disks depends on many factors, such as the disk drive model, the age of the disk drive, and the storage capacity of the drive. A disk with a latent sector error is more likely to develop another latent sector error than a disk without an error.
Conclusion The fraction of disks affected by latent sector errors increases as disk capacity increases Latent sector errors shows high spatial and temporal locality. Latent sector errors correlate with not ready condition errors especially NL. Latent sector errors also correlate with recovered error warnings especially ES.
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