Figures and map-data from GIS database 1: 100 000 Land Use in Lao PDR Figures and map-data from GIS database 1: 100 000 Khom Phenthi Heng Sath National Geographic Department
Water Bodies 2514 km2 1.1 %
Permanent Agriculture Land 11985 km2 5 %
Current Forest 115531 km2 50 % 115531
Potential Forest (And Current Forest) 87455 km2 38 %
Permanent Agriculture Land Potential Forest Current Forest Permanent Agriculture Land Water Bodies
Current Forest Upper Dry Evergreen Forest Lower Dry Evergreen Forest Upper Mixed Deciduous Forest Lower Mixed Deciduous Forest Dry Dipterocarp Forest Gallery Forest Coniferous Forest Mixed Broadleaved & Coniferous Forest Forest Plantation
Upper Dry Evergreen Forest NGD-type 11 12469 km2 5.4 %
Lower Dry Evergreen Forest NGD-type 12 21.3 km2 0.01 %
Upper Mixed Deciduous Forest NGD-type 13 86401 km2 37.4 %
Lower Mixed Deciduous Forest NGD-type 14 10.5 km2 0.005 %
Dry Dipterocarp Forest NGD-type 15 14149.6 km2 6.1 %
Gallery Forest NGD-type 16 76.2 km2 0.03 %
Coniferous Forest NGD-type 17 1270.5 km2 0.6 %
Mixed Broadleaved Coniferous Forrest NGD-type 18 1110.4 km2 0.5 %
Forest Plantation NGD-type 19 22.8 km2 0.01 %
Potential Forest Bamboo Forest Unstocked Forest Natural Regeneration Ray
Bamboo Forest NGD-type 21 8695 km2 3.8 %
Unstocked Forest NGD-type 22 73096 km2 31.7 %
Natural Regeneration NGD-type 23 7.5 km2 0.003 %
Ray NGD-type 24 5656 km2 2.5 %
Other Wooded Area Savannah / Open woodlands Scrub forest, Heath
Savannah, Open Woodlans NGD-type 31 1390 km2 0.6 %
Scrub forest, Heath NGD-type 32 2105 km2 0.9 %
Permanent Agriculture Land Rice Paddy Agricultural Plantation Other Agricultural Land
Rice Paddy NGD-type 41 10820 km2 4.7 %
Agricultural Plantation NGD-type 42 846 km2 0.4 %
Other Agricultural Land NGD-type 43 318.7 km2 0.14 %
Other Non_forest Land Barren Land and Rock Grass Land Swamp Urban or Built_Up Area
Barren Land and Rock NGD-type 51 2176 km2 1 %
Grass Land NGD-type 52 6859 km2 3 %
Swamp NGD-type 53 579 km2 0.25 %
Urban or Built_Up Area NGD-type 54 129 km2 0.06 %