Terrestrial Biomes
Terrestrial Biome Determining Factors Geography- biome’s location on earth, latitude and altitude Climate- precipitation and temperature Soil type Flora- vegetation types Fauna- animal types
Tropical Deserts Near the equator. Hottest and driest. Lowest species diversity. Sahara, Namib in Africa.
Temperate Deserts Defined season, hot summers, cold winters. More species diversity. Mojave, Sonoran in U.S.
Cold Deserts Higher elevation. Cold winters, warm or hot summers. Gobi in China
Semideserts Zone between deserts and grasslands. Long dry season, short, intense wet season. Scrub trees, shrubs, grasses.
Tropical Grasslands Near equator. Hot, dry summers, short wet season. Too little rain to support tree growth. Savannas of Africa.
Temperate Grasslands Very cold winters, hot, dry summers with drought. Fire and grazing. Prairies of U.S., Pampas of S. America, Steppes of Europe and Asia.
Polar Grasslands(tundra) Far north. Year round cold, permafrost. Short summer thaw allows growth of mosses, lichens, grasses. Grazers and their pred.
Tropical Rain Forest Near equator, warm and wet year round. Evergreen, broadleaf trees. Poor soil. Most diverse biome.
Tropical Deciduous Forest Warm year round, wet and dry seasons. Trees lose their leaves during drought.
Tropical Scrub Forest Shorter wet season with trees that can survive more severe drought.
Temperate Deciduous Forest Marked seasons. Abundant precipitation. Deciduous, broadleaf trees.
Evergreen Coniferous Forest(boreal, taiga) Just south of tundra. Drought and cold in winter. Cone and needle bearing trees. Pine, spruce, fur.