= DRUGS THAT COUTERACT INFECTION Work in 2 ways: –Some have the capacity to kill the organism by attacking a part of it that the patient doesn’t have. –Some have the ability to inhibit the growth of the organism by injuring it and relying on the patient’s immune system to kill the organism.
ANTIBIOTICS Chemicals that work ONLY on BACTERIA SPECTRUM OF ACTION: –The range of bacteria on which the agent is effective. –Based on Gram Stain BROAD SPECTRUM: –Act on both gram positive and gram negative bacteria NARROW SPECTRUM: –Act on either gram positive or gram negative bacteria
ANTIBIOTICS BACTERICIDAL ANTIBIOTICS – Antibiotics that kill the bacteria that they act against. –METHODS: Either damage key bacterial structures of actively dividing bacteria during development OR Disrupt cell membranes or protein synthesis of the bacteria and cause bacterial death in existing and multiplying bacteria
ANTIBIOTICS BACTERIOSTATIC ANTIBIOTICS – Antibiotics that inhibit the growth or replication of bacteria. –METHOD: Prevent the division of bacteria GOAL OF BOTH METHODS IS TO ATTACK BACTERIA AND NOT HURT THE ANIMAL THAT IS BEING TREATED
ANTIBIOTICS HOW DO DOCTORS KNOW WHICH ANTIBIOTIC TO CHOOSE? They start with choosing one that is effective against a particular bacterium, reaches the site of infection, and one that the animal can tolerate. HOW DO THEY KNOW THIS?
ANTIOBIOTICS Specific antibiotics are tested against specific bacteria in a laboratory setting using two tests: Agar Diffusion Test (aka antibiotic sensitivity test) and the Broth Dilution Method. This is also known as culture and sensitivity testing.
AGAR DIFFUSION TEST Used to determine if a particular bacterium is susceptible to a particular antibiotic Antibiotic-impregnated discs are placed onto agar plated that are streaked with the specific bacteria being tested. Culture media, amount of bacteria used, and amount of antibiotics on discs are controlled.
AGAR DIFFUSION TEST Plates are incubated at a controlled temp. for a controlled time period. When time is over, any clear zones around the discs are where bacteria failed to grow. These zones are measured in mm and are compared with a standardized chart to determine if the bacteria is resistant, intermediate, or sensitive to the antibiotic
An example of a plate from a disc diffusion study. Note the varying sizes of the inhibitory zone present around the different disks. Each disk is impregnated with a different antibiotic agent. Interpretation of the test requires comparison of the measured zone diameter with the accepted cutoff values for each antibiotic/organism pair.
Figure F. Antibiotic-sensitivity testing. Petri dishes were spread-inoculated with Staphylococcus albus (white growth) or Micrococcus luteus (yellow growth) before antibiotic assay "rings" were placed on the agar surface. The coloured disks at the end of each spoke of the rungs are impregnated with different antibiotics. Clockwise from the top (arrow) these are: Novobiocin, Penicillin G, Streptomycin (white disk), Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol, Erythromycin, Fusidic acid (green disk) and Methicillin. Clear zones of suppression of bacterial growth around the individual antibiotic disks are evidence of sensitivity to these antibiotics.
BROTH DILUTION METHOD Once an antibiotic is chosen, the dosing of the drug must begin The antibiotic is placed in tubes at various concentrations. The bacteria is then placed into the tubes. The lowest concentration of antibiotic that has no visible bacterial growth is the MINIMUM INHIBITORY CONCENTRATION (MIC)
This figure shows a schematic of the broth dilution test. Bacteria are inoculated into tubes containing culture broth and varying concentrations of the antibiotic to be tested. The tubes are incubated to allow bacterial growth. The MIC is read as the lowest concentration of antibiotic which inhibited bacterial growth. In the above example, the MIC would be 8 micrograms/ml. The interpretation of this MIC depends on the organism/antibiotic pair being tested, and is made following standard NCCLS guidelines.NCCLS
MIC - Macrodilution. In this case, bacterial growth occurred at a Tetracycline concentration of 0.8 mcg/ml but not at 1.6 mcg/ml. Thus, the minimum inhibitory concentration is read as 1.6 mcg/ml.
HOW DO ANTIBIOTICS ACTUALLY WORK? 5 MAIN WAYS: 1.Inhibiting cell wall synthesis (only when bacteria is growing and dividing), therefore allowing the cell to fill with water 2.Damage the cell membrane, altering its permeability. Substances can enter and leave at any time. 3.Inhibition of protein synthesis at ribosomes 4.Interference with metabolism by blocking the action of enzymes or binding to compounds needed by the bacteria. 5.Impairment of the production of nucleic acids making them unable to divide or function properly
THINGS TO CONSIDER: ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE Instead of being inhibited or destroyed by a particular antibiotic, the bacteria survive and continue to multiply. Cont’d antibiotic use promotes the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria Resistance occurs when bacteria change in a way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of the antibiotic. This can happen when the drug is not used properly, not given for the proper length of time, or not given at the proper dosage.
ANTIBIOTIC RESIDUES = THE PRESENCE OF A CHEMICAL OR ITS METABOLITES IN ANIMAL TISSUES OR FOOD PRODUCTS Great concern for people: –They can cause allergic reactions –They can produce resistant bacteria –Cooking or pasteurization does not eliminate residues Withdrawal times are set to help eliminate antibiotic residues in food products
DEFINITIONS DISINFECTANT – kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms on inanimate objects ANTISEPTICS – kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms on living tissue GERMICIDE – chemical that kills microoorganisms
BACTERICIDAL – chemical that kills bacteria VIRUCIDAL – chemical that kills viruses FUNGICIDAL – chemical that kills fungi SPORICIDAL – chemical that kills spores
IDEALLY, DISINFECTANTS SHOULD BE: stable when stored or used Easy to apply Unlikely to damage the objects they’re applied to Nonirritating Broad spectrum Inexpensive
THINGS TO REMEMBER WHEN CHOOSING A DISINFECTANT: 1.Be sure that it is appropriate for the surface that you will be applying it to 2.Keep in mind what microorganisms you want to attack 3.The surface may need to be free of debris before the disinfectant is applied 4.When diluting the chemical, start with water and then add the chemical to it to avoid splashing the harsh substance 5.Does the disinfectant have a minimum contact time?
ALL PRODUCTS MUST HAVE AN MSDS (MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET) THAT INCLUDES: Product name and chemical ID Name, address, phone # of manufacturer List of hazardous ingredients Physical state of product Fire/explosion info Potential chemical reactions Emergency and clean-up procedures Required protective equipment Precautions when using
EXAMPLES OF DISINFECTANTS: PHENOLS Use on laundry, floors, walls, equipment Increase permeability of cell membrane, cell components leak out Effective against G +, some G -, fungi, and some enveloped viruses NOT effective against spores or nonenveloped viruses (PARVO) DON’T use as an antiseptic – irritating and neurotoxic EX: Lysol
EXAMPLES OF DISINFECTANTS QUATERNARY AMMONIUM COMPOUNDS Use on instruments, rubber, inanimate objects Dissolve lipids in cell walls and membranes Effective against G + as well as G – organisms and enveloped viruses NOT effective against PARVO Not irritating Site of application must be clean EX: Roccal
EXAMPLES OF DISINFECTANTS ALDEHYDES Use on instruments Affects nucleic acids and/or protein structures of microbes Broad-spectrum, fungicidal, bactericidal, virucidal EX: Gluteraldehyde, Formaldehyde –The latter is also called Formalin, which is used to “fix” biopsy samles –Formaldehyde is toxic and a carcinogen
EXAMPLES OF DISINFECTANTS ETHYLENE OXIDE Use on rubber goods, blankets, lensed instruments Destroys DNA and proteins Bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal Gas sterilization Slow to act – may take up to 3 hours to complete sterilization Explosive, carcinogen
EXAMPLES OF DISINFECTANTS ALCOHOLS Used on instruments, thermometers, and skin Coagulates proteins and dissolves lipids in cell membranes Broad-spectrum bactericidal, also works against enveloped viruses, NOT parvo Non-irritating, non-toxic, inexpensive Not recommended as an antiseptic (pain) Site of application must be clean to be effective
EXAMPLES OF DISINFECTANTS HALOGENS Use chlorine on floors, cages. Use iodophors on thermometers and as a pre-sx scrub Interfere with proteins and enzymes of microbe Bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal Bleach is inexpensive, corrosive, irritating. Used as a 1:10 solution Iodine is brown, used as a topical antiseptic as a scrub, solution, or tincture. Can be corrosive and irritating if contact period is prolonged Ex: Chlorines: Chlorox, Iodophor: Betadine
EXAMPLES OF DISINFECTANTS BIGUANIDES Use on skin wounds, pre-sx scrub, oral cleaning solutions, cages Denatures proteins Bactericidal, virucidal for enveloped (NOT parvo) Mild, nontoxic, fast acting Residual activity of 24 hours EX: Chlorhexidine
EXAMPLES OF DISINFECTANTS HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Has been used in wounds Releases oxygen when it reacts with cellular products and compromised tissue Damages proteins, can damage animal tissue Only rec. to be used for oral infections and surface wounds