Meghan, Maggie, Barrett, and Bobby
POPCORN FLOWER .small white flowers with 5 petals .grow in coils at the ends of branches .bloom from February to June
.Hot and Dry .Semi-Arid .Coastal .Cold
highest temperature 57.7 celsios lowest temperature 7.00 celsios.Monsoon Summer, Dry Summer or Fore Summer, Fall, and Winter
BARREL CACTUS ft. tall . One of the tallest cacti’s in America .located in Mojave, Sonora, and Chihuahua deserts
POPCORN FLOWER .growing range Mojave, Sonoran .small, white, 5 petals .grow in coils at the ends of branches
Sonoran Desert Toad Diet: insects, spiders, and mice Habitat: burrows under ground in rodent tunnels Size: 4-7 inches
Texas Horned Lizard Diet: mostly Harvesting ants, and insects Habitat: sandy areas, where harvesting ants live Size: 3-6 inches
Caracal Caracal Diet: birds, mammals such as gazelle, antelope, And rodents Habitat: dry scrub, or dry woodlands Size: 3 ft. from head to tail, 1ft-1.5 ft.
Great Road Runner Diet: insects, fruit, seed, snakes, and sometimes small rodents Habitat: a nested place such as a bush, cacti, or it will make its nest out of sticks leaves and other materials Size: inches
Arizona Bark Scorpion Diet: small insects, such as roaches, and crickets Habitat: moist areas like under a log, or a rock Size: 2-3 inches
Producers: Cacti, and shrubs Primary Consumers: Kangaroo rat, Cactus Mouse, Lizard, ext. Secondary Consumers: Horned Lizard, Kit Fox, Gopher snake, ext. Carnivores: Roadrunner, Vultures, Golden Eagle, ext. Omnivores: Coyote, Raven, ext. Herbivores: Antelope Squirrel, Chuck Walla, Jack Rabbit, ext. Decomposers: mushrooms, insects, microorganisms
Negative: Long time for plants to grow once destroyed some won’t fully grow back in more than one century! Negative: Many people hunt the animals and collect the plants. Negative: Ranching can hurt the landscaping as well Negative: Animals such as the Chuckwalla get taken out of there habitat and get sold as pets.
Positive: Conserving Water Positive: Animal and Plant preserves such as the Tree Opinion: I my self think it is great to have preserves and all although we can help even more by keeping the animals in their natural habitat and to encourage to set up more animal and plant preserves
. To encourage others to conserve water . To set up more animal preserves . Stop the, pollution off roading, and the waste of water and just help the planet!!!
biomes/deserts.php page.htm page.htm Popcorn.html