By Sam Moloney
Biology Diet: there diet consists native grasses, scattered eucalypts and acacias, and patches of scrub. Appearance: heavily built, with short, powerful legs, strong claws, soft, silky, mainly brown, mottled with grey, fawn and black, broad head and ears are long with slightly pointed. Reproduction: gives birth to one young during the wet season, the babies stay in the mothers pouch for 8 to 9 months and leave there mother at 15 months.
habitat The wombats live in large borrows usually near trees, they live in a 300 hector national park with a fence surrounding it so dingoes, cattle and sheep can not disturb them.
threats Drought and competition with cattle, sheep and rabbits for food and dingoes that took 10 northern hairy nosed wombat in 2000 to The buffel grass they planted for cattle has outcompete the native grasses witch is the main food source.
conservation Epping Forest National Park was established in 1971 to protect the habitat of the Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat. The access to the national park is only for researches and park manages to help with the population of this animal. The cattle had brought the animals to the lowest point of 35, with the removal of cattle in 1982 the numbers have been climbing ever since they now sit at 110.
Resources-bibliography Australian Government-department of sustainability, environment, water, population and Communities.