©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial Education1 Cosmetology Chemical Peel Techniques
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Chemical Peel Techniques2 Chemical Peels A chemical peel is an accelerated form of exfoliation. It uses an enzyme to help speed up the breakdown of keratin, which is the protein in skin. The stronger the strength of the peel, the deeper or more layers of the skin are affected. Most chemical peels do not penetrate the dermis layer of skin.
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Chemical Peel Techniques3 Ingredients of Peels Two of the more common enzymes are papain (puh- PAY-in) which is derived from the juice of the papaya fruit. Another enzyme used is pancreatin (pan-KREE-uh-tin), which is derived from beef by- products Another product are the alphahydroxy acids. These are derived from plants, mostly fruits. These AHA peels are safe for all skin types. They help prevent excessive build-up of dead skin cells.
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Chemical Peel Techniques4 Skin Types Skin Types Skin Color Characteristics 1 white always burns, never tans 2 white usually burns, tans less than average 3 white sometimes burns, tans average 4 white rarely burns, tans more than average 5 brown rarely burns, tans profusely 6 black never burns, deeply pigmented Skin types can be easily classified by asking what happens with sun exposure. Generally, clients with skin types 1-3 do not develop post- inflammatory condition. Nor do they tend to have increased hyper- pigmentation. Clients with skin types 4-6 have a greater risk of these factors. This does not mean they cannot receive the treatment; they are at higher risk for developing these abnormalities or should use AHA acids.
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Chemical Peel Techniques5 Occasions for a Chemical Peel Oily, clogged skin with blackheads & whiteheads Superficial wrinkles on the face, neck, upper chest, arms, etc. Enlarged facial pores Age spots Superficial facial scars Dry, dehydrated skin Dull, lifeless-looking skin Uneven pigmentation Those desiring a smoother skin appearance
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Chemical Peel Techniques6 Chemical Peel Steps 1. Cleanse face and throat thoroughly. 2. Exfoliate skin with a scrub. 3. Apply freshener/ toner to all areas.
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Chemical Peel Techniques7 Peel Steps 4. Apply peel (25-40% strength) to areas using cotton swabs or a masque brush according to manufacturer’s directions. For the first treatment, usually peel is applied for 5-10 minutes. Subsequent treatments may require longer application timing or applying more layers of peel to the skin. ALWAYS follow the manufacturer’s directions.
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Chemical Peel Techniques8 Peel Steps 5. Cleanse off treated areas, rinsing thoroughly. 6. Apply freshener. 7. Apply skin guard/ and or rejuvenating crème to the areas. Follow manufacturer’s directions and products recommended.
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Chemical Peel Techniques9 Peel Steps 8. Apply gauze mask and treat with warm paraffin. Allow to dry then peel off. 9. Apply proper moisturizer and makeup if desired.
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Chemical Peel Techniques10 After Care Steps 1. Clients will experience a stinging sensation during the first few minutes of application. 2. Clients will receive this treatment only once per week. Clients will use a mild solution (5 %) in home during the week. Always provide directions for clients for this at-home procedure. 3. Clients should allow 10 weekly treatments in order to see maximum results.
©2003 Texas Trade and Industrial EducationCosmetology I: Chemical Peel Techniques11 After Care Steps 4. Clients will continue with the 5% treatment at home. 5. Clients must allow at least 30 days before resuming treatments. During this waiting period, clients should continue their 5% treatments at home. 6. Clients should achieve maximum results after a series of treatments. Recommend a peel once every three months to maintain results.