a product of e-ventures A Presentation on “MassTouch” (Mass SMS)
About e - v entures e-v entures is an arm of Matrix Consultancy a leading name in HR support services with a nationwide network and backed by customized training, exposure to knowledge and system supported with world class working environment. e-v entures offers a fully customized & integrated ITES and Communication solution, which offers services like Mass Marketing, Mass SMS, Online Payment Solution, SMS short Code (For marketing and voting), Digital Certification, Hosting Solution, Domain Registration & Web Designing. e-v entures provides sophisticated and cost effective technology and solutions, which helps our client build stronger brands.
About “MassTouch” MassTouch SMS Short CodeMass Mass SMS “MassTouch” is a web Based Application which is Advanced, Sophisticated & Secured. “MassTouch” offers 3 valuable services which aids in Customer Relationship Management.These services are : 1.“Mass Touch” (Mass SMS) 2.“Mass Touch” (Mass ) 3.“Mass Touch” (SMS Short Code)
CUSTOMER DATA Marketing ATT RACTATT RACT ENGAGE RETAIN RETAIN IDENTIFY Analysis Services Sales Customer Relationship Management Need of “MassTouch”
“MassTouch” (Mass SMS) Customer Relationship Manager
“MassTouch” (Mass SMS) Mass SMS is a special type of system by which an institution or an organization becomes able send or receive a large volume of SMS. It is a highly user friendly and advanced tool to send bulk SMS without having much of IT knowledge. “Mass Touch” is a web based application needs only a computer and an internet connection to start your SMS campaign and send thousands of SMS just by making some clicks.
Features of “MassTouch” (Mass SMS) User Friendly No download required, its web based. Import / export data. Supports all operators GSM/CDMA. Schedule messages for sending at a later date. Sent messages can be viewed later. No technical skills required to operate. Data Customization. No limit of contacts in the list to send SMS. Send SMS to individuals or list of phone numbers. Create many operators to use the application. Enhanced security of your data. Extended Security (Approver can be created to approve the messages before sending). Tracks IP Address of the Computer through Message is sent. Scrub the Database against the Do Not Call Registry. Excellent and descriptive statistics and reports. Maximum 140 text characters.
Benefits of “MassTouch” (Mass SMS) Target the right customer. Time Saving. Cost Effective. Personalized. Interactive. High Reach. Guaranteed Delivery.
Uses of “MassTouch” (Mass SMS) Marketing Campaigns. Cross-Selling,Up-Selling & Switch-Selling. Register Queries through SMS. Invitations. Greetings. Updates. Emergency Services Alert Notifications.
“MassTouch” Industry Application Corporate. Business Houses. Industries. Educational Institutes. Entrepreneurs. Entertainment Industry. Government Departments.
Media Comparison Chart Basis/Name of the MediumRadioPrintTVSMS Personal approachNo Yes Customer targetingNot always Yes Costs (Per Target Customer)High Very Low Brand BuildingLowHigh Low Assured ReachNo Yes ROILow High Market SegmentationLimited NoHigh Customer Data BaseNo Yes Delivery ConfirmationNo Yes
Pricing of “MassTouch” (Mass SMS) No. of SMSOne MonthThree MonthsSix MonthsTwelve Months paise45 paise48 paise50 paise 1,00037 paise40 paise42 paise45 paise 2,50035 paise37 paise40 paise 5,00030 paise32 paise35 paise40 paise 10,000NA30 paise32 paise35 paise 25,000NA 25 paise30 paise 50,000NA 20 paise25 paise 1,00,000NA 18 paise22 paise 5,00,000NA 15 paise20 paise 10,00,000NA 18 paise
Other Pricing Details of “MassTouch” (Mass SMS) One time Setup Cost of Rs.2500/-. Subscriber has the facility of reusing the Unused Credit (unused SMS/ ) by renewing the package within 15 days from the date of expiry of the existing package. “MassTouch” Approver can be created to approve the messages before sending at an extra cost. Subscriber can go for COMBO Package( Mass SMS + Mass ) at very reasonable prices. Service Tax as applicable will be charged extra.
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