Miami Valley Educational Computer Center 9/28/2005MVECA1 FY2006 October Reporting – Intermediate/Advanced Stacy Hurtt Angie Crandall Ann Edwards
9/28/2005MVECA2 FY2006 Change to CSADM (from ODE Treasurers Newsletter, August, 2005) ODE is attempting to reduce discrepancies between EMIS and CSADM. ADM computations for community school students in FY06 will be driven strictly from CSADM data. While [ODE] still wants districts to report these students in EMIS (using the “2M” code), [ODE] will not count 2M students in a district’s ADM for payment purposes. Rather, [ODE] will add to the district’s non-2M count all the FTEs being reported by community schools in CSADM—adjusted for October count week attendance.
9/28/2005MVECA3 FY2006 Change to CSADM (from ODE Treasurers Newsletter – cont’d) What does this mean? Obviously any student in a public school district during all of October count week will count as 1.0 in a district’s ADM. Students in a community school district during all of October count week will also count as 1.0 in the district’s ADM (regardless of whether the student stays in the community school, returns to a school of the district, or moves out of the district).
9/28/2005MVECA4 FY2006 Change to CSADM (from ODE Treasurers Newsletter – cont’d) Students partially in either setting during October count week will count in ADM as, at a minimum, the sum of the October count week proportion (one day = 0.2) from each of the settings. This ADM amount could be increased up to the FTE amount claimed by the community school. This is why it is important for the resident to report the community school students as 2Ms and not withdraw the students. Students showing up in neither system during October count week will count in the district’s ADM at whatever FTE amount is claimed by the community school.
9/28/2005MVECA5 Funding-related Resources New School Finance Frequently Asked Questions Web page, launched on September 20. default.asp. default.asp It does not yet have a lot of content – but it is a place to watch for information.
9/28/2005MVECA6 From the ODE Treasurers Newsletter (Sept, 2005) Per HB 66, [ODE] is undertaking a study on ADM to determine the most effective manner to attain student counts. In the end, our study will inform our recommendation to the General Assembly on how to make a second annual certification of formula ADM, and how that figure may be used to guarantee a minimum level of state funding for the next fiscal year. For now, keep in mind that the second annual ADM counting will not begin until 2007.
9/28/2005MVECA7 Potential FY2007 EMIS Changes Based on Am. Sub. HB66 FY07 CHANGE – Am. Sub. HB66 (State Biennial Budget) The final biennial budget for included a provision to move the statewide testing date from March to May, except for the Ohio Graduation Test. This change will impact the (FY07) school year.
9/28/2005MVECA8 Potential FY2007 EMIS Changes Based on Am. Sub. HB66 (cont’d) FY07 CHANGE – Am. Sub. HB66 (State Biennial Budget) The final biennial budget for included a provision to fund school districts based on two ADM counts. Payments for July through December shall be based on student counts during the first full week in October and payments for January through June shall be based on the average of student counts for the first full week of the previous October and the third full week in February. This change will impact the (FY07) school year.
9/28/2005MVECA9 Potential FY2007 EMIS Changes Based on Am. Sub. HB66 (cont’d) FY07 CHANGE – Am. Sub. HB66 (State Biennial Budget) The final biennial budget for included a provision to establish the Educational Choice Scholarship pilot program, which will allow students to attend chartered nonpublic schools if they are enrolled in a school building that has been rated in Academic Emergency during the most recent rating of school buildings published prior to the first day of July of the school year for which a scholarship is sought and in the preceding two years. This program is separate from the existing Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program. This change will impact the (FY07) school year.
9/28/2005MVECA10 Ohio Ed-Choice Draft Administrative Rules for the Ohio Educational Choice Scholarship Pilot Program (Ohio Ed-Choice) will be posted to the Administrative Rules Web page at Accountability/Rules/default.asp during the week of Sept Accountability/Rules/default.asp