Administrative Data Used for Short Term Business Statistics by Bente Dyrberg
Outline 1. Danish background 2. Advantages for NSI 3. Adm. data in the stat. production 4. Quality aspects 5. Checking administrative data 6. Conclusion
1. The Danish background Adm. reg. used since late 1960’ies Use is still increasing Due to Establishment of central public registers with unique identifiers New Act on Stat. Denmark from 1966
1. Act on Statistics Denmark (1966) Stat. Denmark … will supervise in the establishment and utilisation of central public registers... … which can be used for statistical purposes
1. STS in Denmark 3 registers used for STS-indicators Turnover (M) Employment (Q) Building ((M)/Q) + Traditional questionnaire-based surveys
2. Advantages for NSI’s Administrative sources Cheaper for the NSI’s Reduction of response burden
3. Adm. data in the statistical production Direct as indicators Indirect for checking, grossing up etc. Common framework Great flexibility - tables / service tasks Integration with Business Register
4. Quality aspects Definitions Units : adm. ctr. stat. units Timeliness – fast enough for STS ? The updating of the register Other aspects/risks: changes in adm. rules, other reporting periods, delays in data delivery etc
5. Checking administrative data Quick overall check of the data delivery Automatic editing procedure Selected manual handling (first version) Later versions, more checks Comparison with other statistics Do the figures look sensible ??
6. Conclusion Administrative Registers: Quality aspects have to be considered New quality routines should be built up A usable register can be used directly and indirectly when producing statistics. Economic advantages for NSI’s Reduction of respondent burden