Jefferson & Hamilton debated politics Argue & Discuss process & method of making decisions
How can the USA pay their war debts? Hamilton comes up with a plan for a fiscally strong nation involving financial matters
Sell Public Land Tax on WhiskeyTariff Bank of the USA (National Bank) Federal Gov’t pay State debts Bonds A bank owned by the Federal Gov’t
Bank not in Constitution! It cannot be done! Paying speculators would hurt the poor! Federal Gov’t too much power!
Hamilton’s Plan used CAPITAL MOVED TO SOUTH (Wash. D.C.) GW gets them to compromise A middle way both sides get something
Political Parties Born out of Jefferson & Hamilton’s debates “Federalists”: Hamilton’s ideas “Republicans”: Jefferson’s ideas Group of politically likeminded people who work to elect candidates
Political Parties Government that should be supreme is… Ruling power should be given to… Interpretation of the Constitution should be… Thoughts on tariffs… Government should promote… Federalist PartyDemocratic-Republican Party Led by… Objective 1.01
Parties cont… Parties competed against each other in election of 1796 Federalists pushed John Adams D-R pushed Thomas Jefferson Adams became the second president in a close battle
John Adams
Adam’s Presidency Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) –1 st —immigrants must wait 14 years to become a citizen –2 nd /3 rd —president allowed to deport immigrants w/o trial if deemed dangerous –4 th —crime to print anything false or malicious against government
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions –Reaction to alien and sedition acts –Stated that states could declare fed. laws unconstitutional –Kentucky stated they could nullify the law, meaning they could declare it invalid