ADM LOGISTIC ERP Powered By Powered By
DISCUSSION POINTS What is System Requirements? What is ADM Logistic ERP ? Type of Login and Login Interface? What a Structure proceed by Logistic ERP ? How to add customer Account ? How to Add Employee and authorize their account ? How to Add Road Permit ? How many type of GR Generation Here ? How to Generate GR ? How to Generate Bill ? How to Generate Challan ? How to Track Challan ? How to Solve Imperial Case ? How to Generate Bill Of Imperial ? How to correct wrong Entries in GR, Challan,Bill ? How to Make Modification Customer P.O. ? How to Cancel GR and Where I found it ? How to Cancel Challan and Where I found it ? How to Cancel Bill and Where I found it. ? If I had made Normal GR and I want to attach it with imperial then How it is possible ? How Many Types of Reports are Here ? How to Find GR / Challan / Bill ?
What is System Requirements?.Net Framework 4.0.Net Framework 4.0 SQL Server 2005 and greater version SQL Server 2005 and greater version Best Browser : Google Chrome Best Browser : Google Chrome IIS manager 6.0 or greater version IIS manager 6.0 or greater version Windows xp, windows 7 / 8 Windows xp, windows 7 / 8 RAM : 2 GB RAM : 2 GB Processor : Dual core or greater version Processor : Dual core or greater version
What is ADM Logistic ERP ? This Erp Is Useful To Generate GR / Generate Challan / Generate Bill This Erp Is Also Caliber To Resolve Your Imperial Case (Pune And Nasik) You Can Find Any Gr, Challan And Bill You Can View Report Of Customer, Vehicle, Gr, Challan,Bill You Can Track A Challan You Can Edit Any Information You Can Cancel Any Gr Or Challan Administrator Is Caliber To Provide You Limited Resources.
Type of Login and Login Interface? There are two type of Login (1) Administration Login (2) Employee Login Login is necessary to run the software. Without Login you are not able to enter into software. Account of Employees is created by Admin. Default Admin Account is
What a Structure proceed by Logistic ERP ? First Invoice Department Collect all invoices of a company. Then with these invoices he generates GR. Then he adds this GR to Respected Challan. Then he sends this GR to challan tracking Department. Challan Track as day by day. When Challan Reaches at destination. He informs GR department. GR department wait for GR Receiving. After GR Receiving he informs Account department. Account Department Generates bill of respected party.
GR Department 2.Generate GR 3.Edit / Delete GR 8.Receive GR 1.Collect Invoices Challan Department 5.Generate Challan 6.Edit / Delete Challan 7.Track Challan Account Department Add / Modify P.O. 9.Generate Bill 10.Edit / Delete Bill Admin Department View Reports. Add Employee 9.Generate Bill Of Im perial Calculate Profit Manage All Dept. Company 4.Add Truck Logistic ERP working System
How to add customer Account and P.O. ? In Left Menu Click on Add Customer. Enter All Information Here. Check on verification checkbox Customer Name and Its Alias Name Must be unique and proper. Given Maximum length can’t be exceed. Here you fill Only General P.O. of a customer. To fill Range P.O., you have to choose range Weight P.O. If you want to apply Partload Charge you have to provide either minimum weight or Maximum Weight 0 Kg. Example : To Add another location P.O. you have to move on Reports > Customer Information > Show Detail > Edit Weight Charges Note : another location weight and range charges are only added from Customer wise not group wise Min WeightMax Weight Charges 01000Partload Fixed 20010partload
Edit Weight Charges Add Price by Weight Charge Add Customer Range P.O. Add Customer Other Location P.O. Find It : Customer Information > Show detail > Edit Weight Charges
How to Add Employee and authorize their account ? To Add Employee Account, Select Add Employee Account from Left Menu. Fill all information with different Employee ID. To provide authority select given below Check Boxes. By default role is Employee. If you want to make modification go to Edit Employee account. Provide password if new password is there otherwise leave it blank. If Employee forget password he needs to contact Admin Password of employee is visible in Edit Employee Account. Note : Admin must be ensure that given employee information and accessibility are correct.
Add Employee Account
How to Add Road Permit ? Choose Consignor (Other if not known) Choose Consignee Select Start Location of Road Permit Select End Location of Road Permit, Select Other if not mentioned Location and fill it in box. Provide Road Permit Number Repeated valid Number of Same consignee are not accepted.
How many type of GR Generation Here ? There are 3 Types of GR Generation 1.Normal GR : Here Multiple Consigor, Single Consignee. Truck Type is not important. GR Number is not known at Generation Time. 1.GR only for Imperial and S.J. Rubber : Here Multiple Consignor and Consignee Truck Type is important. GR Number is not known at Generation Time. 1.Build Reserved GR to Normal GR : Here Single consignee, Multiple consignor. Truck Type is not important. GR Number is known at Generation Time.
How to Generate GR ? Enter Basic Infromation like Location, Truck Number, Truck Type, Booking Mode, Freight Mode, Bill Paid By, Type of Packing etc. All basic information must be provided. Then provide Freight info if It is not To Be Billed. Add Invoice Information from invoice information box. Check Invoice List before submitting. Check your verification for information. Submit for get GR Number. Lets go through GR Type forms. Value in invoice information must be integer not decimal. Pick Up Charges are applied to each bill paid by. Weight must be given for normal GR. Bags and Weight are allowed in imperial case Now this GR is Ready to add on Challan.
How to Generate Bill ? Bill are generated only those GR which are received. To Generate Bill Choose Party Name and Click on button Admin Can generate back date Bill and use cancelled Bill number. Now Select GR Numbers which you want to generate bill. Validate Bill amount and Charges. Change Rate to any value, fix or blank Maximum 5 GR are allowed to add in a Bill. Select check box and Click to generate Bill. Delete Record Permanently button is used to delete those GR from which you never want to take amount. Example : Pravesh Case Lets See the Generate Bill form
How to Generate Challan ? To Generate Challan, Select Start Loc, End Loc, Truck Number. Select GR Number from the GR Collection To see the consignor, Keep your mouse over GR Number Fill Road permit Number if required, only added with us are accepted. Fill Freight information and broker information. Click to generate GR. Lets go to Challan Form >
Select GR For Challan from GR Collection Generate Challan
How to Track Challan ? Select Challan Number Enter Its Current Location Choose Location Type : In Transit or End Location Start Location is Saved at Challan Generation Time Save It
How to Solve Imperial Case ? First Collect All the invoices of imperial plants and build your dispatch sheet. Then All those invoice information into Generate Imperial GR. Perform each operation as we perform in normal GR but truck type and Truck number must be there. Generate GR. If you missing some invoice information you need to Edit that GR Number and do it. If you generate some all imperial GR as normal GR then you need to attach those GR by Attach GR Form Where you have to GR Number one which is attached and another attached by with. Below you find all GR family. And after all attachment you need to edit Any one GR From GR Family. This is only for imperial case, do not use it in another Case. Keep in Mind GR is only Editable till it is not Challan, Once it is Challaned it is not Modified any how. Imperial P.O. is entered also from “Modify Rates of Imperial”
P.O. Only for Imperial With / Without S.J.Rubber
Attach Two GR only for imperial
How to Generate Bill Of Imperial ? To Generate Bill of Imperial you must know Challan number. In Imperial Tab you find Generate Bill of Imperial link. Click on it and provide Challan Number. It will show you all GR in that Challan. If GR is not linked with imperial case is horizontal total bags value is zero. You have to remove it. You can export this result into excel and produce output as you want. From My Experience : I would already suggest to Account Team that first generate any Side Bill, Either Imperial party or Other party.
How to correct wrong Entries in GR, Challan,Bill ? To Correct GR you have to Choose Edit GR Form. Requirement > Valid Not Challaned GR Number To Correct Challan you have to Choose Edit Challan Form. Requirement > Valid Challan Number To Correct Bill you have to Choose Edit Bill Form. Requirement > Valid Bill Number Lets Discuss each one by one>>
Edit or Modify GR It accepts only those GR’s which are not Challaned, not cancelled or not reserved. It is useful to modify Bill amount of with current P.O. means if you want to last month GR’s bill amount with as per Today P.O. you have to modify those GR’s. If some invoices are not added at GR generation time, here it is added of same consignee. You may also delete invaid Invoices Here. If you want to remove consignee you have to cancel GR. In case of imperial you have to Edit another GR to correct the bill amount. This form is also useful when you attach GR.
Edit or Modify Challan It accepts only those challan which are generated. It is useful to add or remove more GR’s from the challan. It is also useful to change basic information like freight, broker name, start Location, end Location etc.
Edit or Modify Bill It accepts only those Bill which are generated. It is useful to add or remove more GR’s from the Bill. It is also useful to change basic information like freight, rate, Charges. Edit Bill
How to Cancel GR and Where I found it ? To Cancel GR Select Cancel GR Enter GR Number and valid Reason Click to Cancel GR View Message This GR number will find in Reserved GR.
How to Cancel Challan and Where I found it ? To Cancel Challan Select Cancel Challan Enter Challan Number and valid Reason Click to Cancel Challan View Message This Challan number will find in at Generate Challan
How to Cancel Bill and Where I found it. ? To Cancel Bill Select Cancel Bill Enter Bill Number and valid Reason Click to Cancel Bill View Message This Bill number will find in at Generate Bill
If I had made Normal GR and I want to attach it with imperial then How it is possible ? If you generate some all imperial GR as normal GR then you need to attach those GR by Attach GR Form Where you have to GR Number one which is attached and another attached by with. Below you find all GR family. And after all attachment you need to edit Any one GR From GR Family. This is only for imperial case, do not use it in another Case. Keep in Mind GR is only Editable till it is not Challan, Once it is Challaned it is not Modified any how.
How Many Types of Reports are Here ? Customer Infromation Group Information Truck Information Road Permit Information Edit Employee Account Challan Dashboard Bill Dashboard GR Dashboard Profit Dashboard Lets See the output one by one >>
Customer Infromation
Group Infromation Truck Infromation Road Permit Infromation
Employee Infromation Challan DashBoard
Bill DashBoard
GR DashBoard Profit DashBoard
How to Find GR / Challan / Bill ? To Search Any of these we are providing 3 different Forms Search GR is required GR Number which are generated properly. Cancelled or reserved GR are not displayed here. Search Challan is required Challan Number which are generated properly. Search Bill is required Bill Number which are generated properly. When you search any of these you find GR Numbers, bill Numbers, Challan Numbers, Truck Numbers which are linked with given GR or Challan or Bill No. You will find it under search Tab. Let Go to the form look>>
SearchGR Search Bill Search Challan Search Result
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