Newcomers Training DAO Office EN-GMS-Adm
A pilot training has been created for newcomers in the Department. It contains information about the structure of CERN, EN groups and the Informatics environment. This training is compulsory for every newcomer. You will see in the following table the training guidelines for newcomers. DAO Office
Departmental Rules STATUS STANDARD TRAININGS DECIDED WITH SUPERVISOR Basic safetyInduction Introduction to CERN, EN, Informatics Environment AIS package EDMS Languages Purchasing Rules FrenchEnglish STAFF D-E-F XXXXXX X STAFF A-B-C XXXXXX FELL XXXXXX DOCT X XXXX PJAS X X X TECH X X X TRNE (VIA, ADI, CDTI) X X X ADMI X X X COAS, VISC, CHILD & SUM, Stagiaire X X Ok Has started in July Existing courses to be customised (not done yet) First session starts in September Existing
to supervisors 4 Dear Supervisor, Please find here below a link to the September’s newcomers list and the associated training list. Based on the Department rules, we have assigned your newcomer to a set of training courses. We would be grateful if you could check if the selection already made is applicable for your newcomer. In case you want them to attend additional trainings, please tick the appropriate boxes. Once your review done, please select “Checked by Supervisor” in the “Status” tab. Could you please review your newcomer’s training by Friday 30 August EOB. A paper version of the training list will be distributed by the DAO office to each newcomer the day of their arrival. This document will also be available in the SharePoint mentioned above. We will centrally enrol (EDH training request) the newcomers to the training courses selected. Thank you for your contribution, Best Regards The DAO Office EN-GMS-Adm
EN-GMS-Adm Table in sharepoint
Who does what? 6 Every Month Establish newcomers list => DAO Office Assign set of trainings courses based on Department rules=> DAO Office Check, add or remove trainings=> Supervisors Create EDH requests for trainings of newcomers=>DAO Office EN-GMS-Adm