NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 1 SPhN – Service de Physique Nucléaire Our goal : to understand all states of strongly interacting matter.


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Presentation transcript:

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 1 SPhN – Service de Physique Nucléaire Our goal : to understand all states of strongly interacting matter (partonic, hadronic, nuclear) and to discover new ones, while active in key applications of our science. AGATA ALICE GEEL CLAS12 COMPASS VAMOS

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 2 Research themes at SPhN Nuclear structure Nucleon structure with other divisions of Irfu: SEDI, SIS, SACM, SENAC, SPP

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 3 SPhN research staff and organization - 41 physicists active in 7 research groups - 1 physicist on leave at IPNO - 2 physicists as directors - 2 (retired but active !) senior advisors - 15 post-docs - 14 PhD students CSTS (Scientific and Technical Committee) meets once or twice a year : - 6 external, appointed members, - 6 internal, elected members, - Head of Irfu and Head of SPhN.

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 4 SPhN organization: 4 research themes / 7 groups M. Garçon F. Auger M. Garçon F. Auger 2 adm. assistants 2 technicians also host to ESNT : common structure for nuclear theory within CEA – DSM/Irfu, DAM/SPN and Ganil (no permanent staff) ALICE / QGP 6 physicists A. Baldisseri ALICE / QGP 6 physicists A. Baldisseri COMPASS 8 physicists + 1 F. KunneCOMPASS 8 physicists + 1 F. Kunne CLAS 4 physicists J. BallCLAS 4 physicists J. Ball Hadron Theory 1 physicist + 1 P. Guichon Hadron Theory 1 physicist + 1 P. Guichon MNM 7 physicists F. GunsingMNM 7 physicists F. Gunsing Spallation 3 physicists S. LeraySpallation 3 physicists S. Leray Nuclear Structure 12 physicists W. Korten Nuclear Structure 12 physicists W. Korten

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 5 M. Garçon F. Auger M. Garçon F. Auger ALICE / QGP 6 physicists A. Baldisseri ALICE / QGP 6 physicists A. Baldisseri COMPASS 8 physicists + 1 F. KunneCOMPASS 8 physicists + 1 F. Kunne CLAS 4 physicists J. BallCLAS 4 physicists J. Ball Hadron Theory 1 physicist + 1 P. Guichon Hadron Theory 1 physicist + 1 P. Guichon MNM 7 physicists F. GunsingMNM 7 physicists F. Gunsing Spallation 3 physicists S. LeraySpallation 3 physicists S. Leray Nuclear Structure 12 physicists W. Korten Nuclear Structure 12 physicists W. Korten 2 adm. assistants 2 technicians LENAC 4 phys. + 3 eng. + 1 techn. + 1 adm. V. BlideanuLENAC 4 phys. + 3 eng. + 1 techn. + 1 adm. V. Blideanu and soon to incorporate a laboratory with nuclear expertise on conception and dismantling SPhN organization: 4 research themes / 7 groups + 1 lab.

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 6 Nuclear structure Shell evolution toward drip lines The nucleus and all its shapes Heavy and superheavy nuclei protons neutrons + Nuclear theory GANIL/SPIRAL  SPIRAL2 MSU, RIKEN GSI  FAIR GANIL JYFL  SPIRAL2 GANIL/SPIRAL MSU, LNL, GSI  SPIRAL2

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 7 Nuclear structure : some recent highlights - ERC starting grant: MINOS (for future expts at RIKEN & GSI) / Alexandre Obertelli - A good part of the funding for the base spectrometer S3 granted : « Equipex » - First experiments with AGATA Demonstrator at Legnaro - 24 O studies at RIKEN (inelastic p,p’ with MUST2) - Collisions of actinides (TDHF) : Lifetime of heaviest nuclear systems available on earth: 2 uranium nuclei in contact during a few zeptosecondes ( s) - Systematic studies over 500 nuclei with realistic NN + NNN forces (in progress). preliminary

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 8 Nuclear reactions & applications Neutrons nTOF Cern & IRMM-Geel Fission at NFS and ILL Protons and ions spallation GSI & modélisation Photons – PhotoNuc Retarded emissions Bruyères-le-Ch. Neutrinos oscillations, non-proliferation Double Chooz & Nucifer γ

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 9 Recent highlight with neutrinos 2 highly visible publications from SPhN-SPP-Subatech): - the most « exact » calculations todate of neutrinos spectra from nuclear reactors arXiv: consequences for neutrino physics compatible with the hypothesis of a « sterile » neutrino arXiv: Experimental checks proposed

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 10 valence quarks gluons and sea quarks x Hera … EIC/ENC Compass JLab Nucleon Structure : CLAS, COMPASS & LQCD At stake: Quarks and gluons in the nucleon, Origin of hadron mass and spin (Generalized) parton distributions Understanding confinement

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 11 Nucleon Structure : some recent highlights - COMPASS proposal approved by SPSC, 5-year plan endorsed by Cern Reseach Board: DVCS/GPD, Drell-Yan, … - Fabienne Kunne new co-spokesperson of COMPASS - Increased precision on spin structure functions → better determination of polarized parton distributions Δu, Δd, … → indirect constraints on ΔG - COMPASS and RHIC agree for a small value of ΔG - Original Micromegas cylindrical tracker under construction for CLAS12 - CLAS, COMPASS, Global DVCS analyses within HP3 - (Modest) GPU cluster installed for specific LQCD calculations (ETMC collaboration).

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 12 Irfu concentrates on muon spectrometer: study of heavy quarkonia (J/Ψ, Υ, …) formation and attenuation in dense matter From proton-proton to lead-lead collisions Di-muons invariant mass Evénement dimuon à √s = 7 TeV QGP & ALICE

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 13 Nuclear expertise in conception and dismantling SPhN increases the span of its activities, reaching over fundamental research to engineered applications of nuclear physics SPhN towards its fifth dimension: Lenac Reactor dismantling in Cadarache S3 beam dump activation Commercial cyclotron for medicine Acceleration by laser

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 14 SPhN at Irfu (CEA-Saclay) - Present and active on (nearly) all main sub-fields of our discipline - Key role of our physicists in various collaborations - Synergy with engineers and technicians at Irfu allows for significant impact on hardware and software projects. - Open to key applications of our science (nuclear energy and engineering, space, medicine,…) -Though not formally connected to universities (and « Grandes Ecoles »), involved in teaching and lab training of students - Communication at large (exchange between journalists and physicists, film under preparation at DSM,…)

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 15 Irfu: the largest institute of CEA CEA ~ Matter Sciences Irfu ~ 630 Nuclear Energy Defense Technology Life Sciences

NuPECC in Paris - Michel Garçon – March 11, 2011 – 16 Irfu: research & technology CEA ~ Matter Sciences Irfu ~ 630 Nuclear Energy Defense Technology IFMIF EVEDA Particle Physics Nuclear Physics Astrophysics Space technologies Accelerators, SC Magnets Systems engineering Detectors, electronics, computing Nuclear expertise Institute of Research into the Fundamental laws of Universe Life Sciences