Gathering Collection Data in Batches: Now what? (Two ways to use portable barcode readers)
Portable barcode readers expedite Tracking in-house serials use Running an inventory OPN2001, $124 QS6500BT, $472 P460, $819
(1) How might we track the In-House Use of Serials? In-house Use form requires single barcode entry (cannot batch load files) Serials not barcoded
Solution Track serial use at title level Create new holding/item record for each title (ZCT) Place label w/barcode at shelving location Portable barcode reader scans title barcode for each issue re-shelved A PC macro automates transfer of barcodes from scanner to Aleph In-house Use form.
Results In-house use statistics by collection code/call number breakdown (custom-18)
In-House Use Statistics since July 1, 2009
Setup 1.Create new holding code, ZCT, in Aleph a.xxx50/tab/tab40 (collection definition) 2.Add MARC 945 field with item data changes (manage-21) in xxx01manage-21 3.Create holding and item record using bibliographic data (manage-50), specifying:manage-50 a.Item/Holdings Creation Table: xxx01/tab/import/tab_hol_item_create_sexxx01/tab/import/tab_hol_item_create_se b.Mapping Table: tab_itm_mapping_serialtab_itm_mapping_serial 4.Suppress ZCT holding record changes (manage-21) in xxx60 5.Create labels in Excel of Title/barcodeslabels 6.Edit AutoHotkey script for scanner used, file path, etc.AutoHotkey
More information about In-House Use ExLibris Knowledge Base
(2) Inventory with a Barcode Reader Steps we follow Lessons learned
Getting Started 1.Footprints request (OLIS) to add "last-shelf- rpt-num" to z52 in ADM library per script in: ExLibris Knowledge Base Information Item # #
Drake’s Workflow
Scan Section of Barcodes Keep a log so students can easily reference call number of the last item scanned Maintain a file naming convention: ref_ txt inv77_errors inv77_summary
Inventory Definition (item-01) Pay attention to call number type Be sure to identify Collection
Inventory Definition Report
Inventory Marking (item-08)
Aleph-Speak in the Errors Report Error Report says:What it means: Item is not in the database.The barcode doesn’t match any record. Try searching by title. Item does NOT belong to Shelf Report No. XX, but to -- This item is out of the call number range OR the collection specified; also check the 852## indicator. Item does NOT belong to Shelf Report No. XX, but to Shelf Report No. XX. Mark the inventory of Shelf Report No. XX
Inventory Summary (item-09)
Aleph-Speak in the Summary Report Summary Report says:What it means: “xx items not found.”These items have not yet been scanned, but there could actually be many more barcodes not scanned except that they have an item process status OR are on loan. The Cat module has an Inventory Marking form for single item marking: Items Inventory Marking
Change Item Process Status to “Missing Inventory”
Print Trace Cards
More information Kortick, Y. (2007). How to Use Inventory Management Version 17 and Up (ppt). ExLibris Documentation Center/How To from Support/Holdings. ExLibris Knowledge Base Oswego Inventory - SUNYLA 2009 presentation (Chris Hebblethwaite). SUNY Oswego ALEPH/ExLibris Resources page via
Questions? Pat Maxwell Systems Librarian Drake Library The College at Brockport
The following slides contain the steps we followed to add new holdings and item records in a batch mode.
Add issue data to bib record
xxx01/tab/import/tab_hol_item_create_se (edited to create call number based on title) Defines where in the bibliographic record item holdings data elements are to be found for the creation of items and holdings
xxx01/tab/import/tab_itm_mapping_serial (edited to create call number based on title)
Label Format *B80* where “B80” is item barcode Download barcode font (we use codabar) 22 pt. worked best
AutoHotkey Free, open source utility for Windows Create shortcuts, macros, more
AutoHotkey Script Script reads data from barcode scanner into In-House Use window in the Aleph CIRC module Script Written by Ron Miller (Southern Adventist University) for Symbol CS1504 Keychain Scanner Edited for OPN2001 ExLibris Knowledge Base
Add to z52 in ADM library like this (do not include the arrows): > util g/2 Enter sequence number to update, or return to continue, or NEW to create new sequence, or 0 to exit: NEW < Enter sequence name (lower case): last-shelf-rpt-num <----- Enter sequence start number: 0 <----- Enter prefix for format output: [leave blank] Do you want to suppress leading zeros in format output (y/n): Y <----- Enter type (S/U): S <----- KB Info Item #