Perkins Fiscal Training Treatment of Money Detail – Secondary Michelle Kamenov, Joel Larsen, Laurie Rheault Minnesota Department of Education September 29, 2014
AGENDA Review development of Secondary Perkins Budget (Excel Spreadsheet) Review Procedures for submitting applications and budgets through SERVS Financial The secondary Perkins budget spreadsheet and instructions are available for download at An overview of the CTE Revenue for FY 2015
Process Step 1: Verify final Perkins consortium allocation, including separate basic and reserve allocations.
July 2014
Process Step 2: Complete Perkins application, including identification of activities by goal, administrative expenses, and activities to be carried out for the consortium by subgrantees
Process Step 3: Develop the budget for each activity, including by whom or where the activity will occur
Learning that works for Minnesota CTE™CTE™ Goal 1:Designing &. implementing Programs of Study Gca1s, Objectives and Strategies
Process Step 4: Determine for each activity whether it addresses Basic Grant or Reserve Fund activities.
Process Step 5: Determine the appropriate UFARS Object (OBJ) code(s) for each activity. Each expenditure may be reported under only one object code.
ht p:/ UFARS OBJ
Process Step 6: Complete the Perkins Secondary Budget Spreadsheet to be attached to the Perkins application in SERVS Financial and submitted with your online application at
Consortium name Fiscal agent District number and type Basic Reserve allocation BUDGET SUMMARY TAB
Objective 1: Professional Development-Technical Skill Development Objective 2: Travel GOAL 1 TAB
Goal 2 Tab
Goal 3 Tab
Process The consortium would similarly enter information for goals 4 and 5.
Admin Tab
Budget Summary Tab
CAUTION Moving or copying/pasting cells on the spreadsheet may disrupt the automatic summary features (to the Budget Summary tab).
Process Step 7: Revise the budget spreadsheet whenever substantial budget changes are made.
Process Step 8: In January, enter expenditures made through December 31 on the spreadsheet by goal (or admin) and submit the updated spreadsheet to Michelle Kamenov at MDE
Learning that works for Minnesota CTE™CTE™ A I II I B c DEFDEF I G III IIII I H I I 1 Carl D. Perkins Education Act ·Basic Grant ·Goal 1 Secondary Budget Goal 1:Designing Programs of Study 3 Consortium Name: Central Lakes 4545 Column total 118, Expenditures through Reallocated Amount UFARS Object CodeUFARS Object Description 140 Licensed Classroom Tea:her 6 Objective ItemAmount Reserve Amount NotesDecember TSAIPOS/Spec Proj Coord 5, lnservice pay CIS Workshop 1, Licensed Classroom Tea:her 9 1 FICA fu1 above FIC.IMedicare 10 1 TRA for above TRA (Teachers Retiremeot Association) 11 1 WC for above Workers Compensation 12 1 Curriculum dev pay 4, Licensed Classroom Tea:her FICA for above FIC,6/Medicare 14 1 TRA for above TRA (Teachers Retiremeot Association) WC for above Workers Compensation Professional Development 2, Federal Subawards and Subcontracts - Amount up to $ Professional Development 1, Travel. Conventions and Conferences 18 1 Equipment 25, Federal Subawards and Subcontracts - Amount up to $ Equipment 10, Federal Subawards and Subcontracts - Amount up to $ I 1 Equipment 5, Other Equipment Purchcsed Budaet Summary J Goal 1/ Goal 2 / Goal 3 / Goal 4 / Goal S /Admin / UFARS OBJ /r,;;1/ Ill I 1111
I will now turn the discussion over to Laurie Rheault to talk about SERVS Financial.
Perkins Secondary Accessing Funds – SERVS Financial SERVS (State Educational Record View and Submission System) is a password protected web site for members of secondary educational organizations who have received prior approval to submit grant applications and create budgets, approve transactions, request fund reimbursement or simply view grant applications and the budget management process.
SERVS Financial
All Open Grant Opportumtles Horne: Accountability Programs: Program Accountability and Improvement: Grants Management Directory: All Open Grant Opportunities Thi table includes a listing of all co1111Jetitive and formula grant opportunities currently available through the Minnesota Department of Education. You may sort and retreve information by grant title,MOE program 3rea,eligible applicants,dollar amount or due date.Select a S!Jecific grant title for more detailed information about the grant opportunity. > Current sorting criteria : Fiscal Year & Descending> Current sorting criteria : Fiscal Year & Descending TitleTitleProgram AreaEligible Applicants Amount Up Application To Due Date FORMULA SFY 2012,IDEA PART B SECTION 619 PRESCHOOL Lf!::N_TLVE,flE_s 3:5....C_i:o.84,1rA FORMULA SFY 2012,CARL 0. PERKINS CAREER AND TECHNICAL EOUCATION-RESERVE,CFOA A, FFY 2011 FORMULA SFY 2012,CARL 0. PERKINS CAREER ANO TECHNICAL EDUCATION-BASIC,CFOA A,FFY 2011 Program Finance/Early Local Education $5, /30/2012$5, /30/2012 Learning Seivices Agencies (LEAs) ········ ·-···· -······ Center for 2012 Postsecondary Success /\pprovcd Pcrl<ino Consortia $76,197 10/14/2011 Center for 2012 Postsecondary Success Approved Perkins Consortia $ /14/2011 r1r1 HslpHslp FORMULA SFY 2012,IDEAProgramProgramMinnesota LocalMinnesota Local SPECIAL EOUCATION PART B SECTION Finance/S!JecialFinance/S!JecialEducation.A.gencies$167'129, /30/ REGULAR,CFOA AEducationEducation(LE.A.s)(LE.A.s)
SERVS Financial
Select your district. Select Grant Management.
SERVS Financial
Your grant application has been successfully submitted and the status is “Signature Pending”. Once the Superintendent or Executive Director has approved this application on behalf of your organization, MDE will begin their review process. You may check the status of this or any other application on the Grant Applications page of SERVS Financial Grants Management. SERVS Financial
Signature Pending SERVS Financial
Application Status Options Signature Pending – application submitted by Application- Budget, Application-Budget Approver or Account Register. Application Budget Approver must sign. Under Process – Application Budget Approver has signed. It is now in MDE’s workflow queue awaiting review. Resubmit – MDE has requested that you resubmit the application to make changes. Denied – Your application is formally denied. Approved – Your application is approved and the budget can be built in SERVS and once it is Funded and Active you may begin spending money. The Account Register will be able to make draw requests. SERVS Financial
Reminders: Make final FY14SERVS draw requests for Basic-428 and Reserve-475. SERVS expenditures should match UFARS.
I will now turn the discussion over to Joel Larsen to talk about the CTE Revenue system
Career & Technical Education Funding CTE Levy Funding – FY 14 ( ) based on the lessor of – $80 per ADM grades or the lessor of 25% of Program Expenses CTE Revenue – FY 15 ( ) 35% of Program Expenses
Small School – 50 Students/class CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $ 62,916 Business = $ 0 FACS = $ 0 Transportation Occ.= $ 44,973 Total$107,889 x 25% = $ 26,972.25
Total CTE Expenses$107,889 x 25% = $ 26, the Number of students grade = 150 lessor 150 x $80 per Average Daily Member (ADM) of = $ 12, CTE Levy Revenue Small School – 50 Students/class
CTE Revenue CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $ 65,644 Business = $ 0 FACS = $ 0 Transportation Occ.= $ 48,125 Total$113,769 x 35% = $ 39,819.15
CTE Levy Funding = $ 12, CTE Revenue Fund = $ 39, Increased funding = $ 27, Small School
Medium Size School –150 students CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $143,578 FACS = $ 60,713 Business = $ 0 Construction Occ. = $ 0 Total $204,291 x 25% = $ 51,072.75
Total CTE Expenses $204,291 x 25% = $ 51, the Number of students grade = 450 lessor 450 x $80 per Average Daily Member (ADM) of = $ 36, CTE Levy Revenue Medium Size School –150 students
CTE Revenue CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $ 115,564 FACS = $ 0 Business = $ 0 Transportation Occ. = $ 0 Total $ 115,564 x 35% = $ 40,447.40
CTE Levy Funding = $ 36, CTE Revenue Fund = $ 40, Increased funding = $ 4, Medium Size School –150 students
Large School – 500 students CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $ 126,857 Business = $ 80,845 Marketing = $ 30,946 Construction = $ 71,163 Cooperative District =$ 107,137 Total$ 416,939 x 25% =$ 104,234.75
Total CTE Expenses $416,939 x 25% = $ 104, the Number of students grade = 1500 lessor 1500 x $80 per Average Daily Member (ADM) of = $120, CTE Levy Revenue = $ 104, Large School – 500 students
CTE Revenue CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $128,869 Business = $ 23,202 Marketing = $ 80,845 Construction =$ 85,395 Cooperative District =$ 84,217 Total $402,529 X 35% = $140,885.15
Large School – 500 students CTE Levy Funding = $ 104, CTE Revenue Fund = $ 140, Increased funding = $ 36,650.60
CTE Revenue Expenses Teacher Salary Including Extended days Teacher contact time in approved program Travel Professional Development Operational Budget (NOT Capital)
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CEU’s and Evaluation Teachers can get certificates (1 hour) within two weeks of completing the session evaluation for today’s webinar. NOTE: Since there is no teacher CEU preapproval process it is up to the local continuing education committee to decide whether or not these hours will apply to your teaching license renewal.