1 변근혜 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 응용전자회로 (7 주차 ) 생체의공학과 변 근혜
2 변근혜 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. Intro 목차 I.Dual Op Amp IA II.Instrumentation Amp 응용 III.Transducer Bridge Amp IV. Conduction in Metal V. RTD VI. Bridge Balancing
3 변근혜 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 01 Dual Op Amp IA
4 변근혜 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 02 Instrumentation Amp 응용 220v,60Hz CMRR 감소의 원인 Stray Capacitance 도선 내부의 저항을 표현
5 변근혜 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 도체 절연체 *Shield( 차폐 ) 전류 도체표면 = 등전위면 220v,60Hz 내부엔 전류가 흐르지 않는다 Grounded Shield Shield Cable
6 변근혜 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 220v,60Hz 오히려 접지까지 거리가 짧아져 흐르는 전류 가 더 많아지고 따라서 Adm(v’2-v’1) 이 더 커 지게 되므로 옳지 않은 Shield 이다. Grounded Shield Active(Driven) Shield
7 변근혜 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 03 Transducer Bridge Amp Resistive Sensor -Temp : Thermistor, RTD -Light : Photo resistor -Strain : Strain Gage -Pressure : Piezo Resistor ac 를 사용할 수도 있다. -Capacitor Sensor -Inductive Sensor
8 변근혜 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 04 Conduction In Metal E L 힘의 방향
9 변근혜 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 05 RTD * 근사식이 아닌 식을 사용하면 근사식인 경우에 비해 0.26 ℃차이 발생 Self heating 발생
10 변근혜 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 06 Bridge Balancing 2mA 1mA A
11 변근혜 Dept. of Biomed. Eng.BME303:Applied Electronic CircuitKyung Hee Univ. 참고문헌 ※ References ∙ Google 이미지 & 웹 문서 ∙ 네이버 지식백과 ∙ 응용전자회로 책 ( Design with operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits )