Camp Pendleton Region Fund Drive begins March 2 MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Active Duty Fund Drive
Mission The Society provides financial, educational, and other assistance to members of the United States Navy and Marine Corps, their eligible family members, widows and survivors when in need; and to receive and manage funds to administer these programs. MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES
Serving Navy & Marine Corps Families Since 1904 Serving: Active duty and retired USN and USMC service members and their eligible family members Eligible family members of USN and USMC personnel who died on active duty or in a retired status USN and USMC Reservists on extended active duty for 30 days or more Indigent widows and mothers of deceased USN and USMC personnel MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES
Stewardship MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Demonstrating commitment to: Fiscal management Accountability Transparency
Board of Directors MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Chairman ADM Jonathan Greenert, USN, Chief of Naval Operations Members ADM Steve Abbot, USN (Ret.) Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Micheal P. Barrett, USMC Mrs. Joanne Buck VADM Nanette DeRenzi, JAG, USN Gen Joseph Dunford, Jr., USMC Mrs. Ellyn Dunford Bruce Engelhardt, USN (Ret.) Mrs. Darleen Greenert RADM Margaret Kibben, CHC, USN RADM Kathleen L. Martin, NC, USN (Ret.) Mrs. Megan W. Moffit VADM William Moran, USN VADM Matthew Nathan, MC, USN VADM Dixon Smith, USN Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Michael Stevens, USN Mrs. Theresa Stevens Gen Michael Williams, USMC (Ret.)
A Readiness Partner MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES NMCRS contributes to Operational Readiness by helping service members stay financially fit.
You can get help anywhere, 24/7 Food, rent, utilities Emergency transportation Medical & dental bills not covered by TRICARE Funeral assistance Emergencies Vehicle repairs Disaster assistance MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES
Five Year View MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Year ADFD Donations Assistance Provided 2010$270,314$5,101, $330,000$4,996, $221,510$4,466, $90,100$4,894, $165,112$4,346, Camp Pendleton Region Assistance Includes Camp Pendleton, San Onofre, Barstow, and China Lake locations
2014 Camp Pendleton Assistance MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Nearly $4.3 million provided to 6088 Marines and Sailors
2015 Active Duty Fund Drive Honorary Chair of the NMCRS Advisory Board Brigadier General Edward Banta, MCIWEST Coordinator, 2015 Fund Drive Major Gilbert Trejo, 1MEF MGySgt Miller, MCIWEST Director, NMCRS Camp Pendleton Erin Gaian (starting March 9) Interim Director Donna Miranda MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES
2015 Active Duty Fund Drive Purpose of the annual Fund Drive in support of the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society To help Sailors and Marines understand the Society’s programs and services available to them To obtain funds essential to the continuation of the Society’s assistance to Marines, Sailors and their families MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES
This Year’s Goal MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES 100% Contact Last year we raised $165,112
Meaningful Contact MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Talk to every Sailor and Marine – inform them about the Society and how they are eligible for financial assistance* Fill out donation slips ahead of time with donor’s name, rank and command and Key Person’s name *Civilians can’t be solicited, but may voluntarily contribute (online, cash, check)
Tools To Help General Info and Materials MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Track ProgressPoints of Contact ResourcesSpecial Events To post events and photos, Local Info
Tools To Help Contents of Your Packages Wallet Cards Brochures Posters Contribution forms & completed sample MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES
Ideas to Help Get started early Link, share & update Take advantage of All Hands events Share testimonials Use Social Media Write POD / POW notes Hold Fund Drive events and activities MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES
Be Creative with Fundraising MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Car washes Tournaments Food sales Dunk Tanks Use your imagination!
Ethical Fundraising MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Before you start planning your fundraising events review: SecNavInst ADFD Ethics Gram Insure you are in compliance with local laws
Fundraising Guidelines No coercion No personal quotas No lists of non-contributors No results on performance appraisals MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES
2015 Active Duty Fund Drive Begins March 2 Allotments begin June 1, 2015 and end May 31, 2016 MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES The Details
Contribution Form This is the receipt for allotments, cash, check and online donations MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Filling the top section out ahead of time will streamline the process Adding your name will help the donor return the form to you
Allotments Form must be completely filled out Copy #1: goes to PSD/Disbursing Copy #2: goes to ADFD Coordinator Copy #3: goes to contributor Must be whole dollar amounts Minimum allotments is $1 (must have at least 3 months EAOS) MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES
Cash and Check Donations Keep in a secure place DO NOT deposit in your personal account Deposit at PMCU Checks paid to: NMCRS Active Duty Fund Drive Make deposits at least weekly & get receipt in duplicate (1 for Coordinator, 1 for your records) List checks on separate lines – include UIC/RUC on check DO NOT send cash through the mail MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES
Online Donations Although command credit is not easily tracked; weekly report by will be provided Encourage online donors to fill out and return contribution form MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES
Administrative Duties MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Maintain accurate records Fill in collection log as you make contact
Administrative Duties MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Prepare a transmittal form for each group of 20 allotments Deliver transmittal form and copy #1 of contribution form to PSD/Disbursing each week Get a receipt signature on the transmittal form
Administrative Duties MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR SAILORS, MARINES AND THEIR FAMILIES Weekly Progress Report: Submit to your coordinator by Friday each week Electronic copy will be provided to you Final report due (insert date)