Supplemental Instruction (SI) at Riverside City College Unlocking the 21 st Century Learner
Introductions Rebecca Moon-Stone, Supplemental Instructional Coordinator Myung Hwa Koh, Ph.D., Outcomes Assessment Specialist
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic assistance program that utilizes regularly scheduled, peer- facilitated study sessions. Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic assistance program that utilizes regularly scheduled, peer- facilitated study sessions. Sessions are informal; students compare notes, discuss readings, develop organizational tools, and predict test items. Sessions are informal; students compare notes, discuss readings, develop organizational tools, and predict test items. Students learn to integrate course content and study skills while working collaboratively. Students learn to integrate course content and study skills while working collaboratively. Students learn skills that allow them to be successful in their current courses and throughout their academics. Students learn skills that allow them to be successful in their current courses and throughout their academics. UMKC Model for Supplemental Instruction (SI)
Sessions are led by SI leaders--those students who have previously done well in the course and attend all class lectures, take notes, and act as “model” students at all times. Sessions are led by SI leaders--those students who have previously done well in the course and attend all class lectures, take notes, and act as “model” students at all times. Trained in collaborative learning techniques and in the integration of content and study skills Trained in collaborative learning techniques and in the integration of content and study skills Students’ “near peers” Students’ “near peers” SI sessions are voluntary and free to students SI sessions are voluntary and free to students UMKC Model for Supplemental Instruction (SI) – cont.
To increase retention, to improve student grades, and to raise student graduation rates within targeted historically difficult courses To increase retention, to improve student grades, and to raise student graduation rates within targeted historically difficult courses at-risk students vs. at-risk courses at-risk students vs. at-risk courses early implementation avoids remedial stigma early implementation avoids remedial stigma “each institution may develop its own definition of ‘high-risk courses’” (Martin & Arendale, 1994) “each institution may develop its own definition of ‘high-risk courses’” (Martin & Arendale, 1994) theoretical framework based on seminal learning theories theoretical framework based on seminal learning theories Vgotsky – Social Interdependence Theory Vgotsky – Social Interdependence Theory Skinner – Behavior Theory Skinner – Behavior Theory Piaget – Cognitive Development Theory Piaget – Cognitive Development Theory Kozol – Interpretive/Critical Theory Kozol – Interpretive/Critical Theory The Purpose of SI is…
SIs are placed in developmental education courses in English, Reading, Math and English as a Second Language (ESL) SIs are placed in developmental education courses in English, Reading, Math and English as a Second Language (ESL) SIs are also placed in all of our basic skills Community for Academic Progress (CAP) Learning Communities, and CTE courses. SIs are also placed in all of our basic skills Community for Academic Progress (CAP) Learning Communities, and CTE courses. Study Group Leaders (SGLs) work with multiple sections of a single course level and utilize the same collaborative group strategies Study Group Leaders (SGLs) work with multiple sections of a single course level and utilize the same collaborative group strategies Typically Math or Science disciplines Typically Math or Science disciplines SI at RCC
Funding for SI: Funding for SI: Funding provided through CCRAA and/or BSI Initiative Funding provided through CCRAA and/or BSI Initiative Technology component: Technology component: Both SIs and SGLs participate in iTunes U podcasting projects (ADA Compliant) Both SIs and SGLs participate in iTunes U podcasting projects (ADA Compliant) In addition to a comprehensive two-day training and ongoing in-services, RCC offers a forum for SIs to discuss strategies and collaborate via Facebook In addition to a comprehensive two-day training and ongoing in-services, RCC offers a forum for SIs to discuss strategies and collaborate via Facebook Marketing tool via , individual SIL websites (TeacherWeb), social networking sites (MySpace, Facebook, etc.), text messaging Marketing tool via , individual SIL websites (TeacherWeb), social networking sites (MySpace, Facebook, etc.), text messaging SI at RCC - cont.
– Click on Public Access
Reading SI Session Mock SI Session
Recruitment Recruitment Faculty recommendation forms Faculty recommendation forms SI Leader recommendation SI Leader recommendation End-of-Term survey End-of-Term survey Advertising Advertising Hiring Hiring Panel Interview Panel Interview Application (required faculty recommendation) Application (required faculty recommendation) Demonstration lesson on special topic (faculty-driven) Demonstration lesson on special topic (faculty-driven) General HR requirements General HR requirements Recruitment & Hiring
Beginning of Term Survey Beginning of Term Survey Assesses student’s initial impression of SI and Assesses student’s initial impression of SI and student self-assess their behavior (note-taking, etc.) Beginning-of-Term Benchmark Beginning-of-Term Benchmark Measures student initial behavior Measures student initial behavior and NOT academic performance Mid - Term Benchmark Mid - Term Benchmark Measures changes in student behavior Measures changes in student behavior and initial academic performance/grade Data Collection/Forms Week 3 Week 8
End-of-Term Survey End-of-Term Survey Assesses student’s overall impression Assesses student’s overall impression of SI and student self-assess their behavior (note-taking, etc.) - measures changes from Week 3 End-of-Term Post SI Survey (for SI group only) End-of-Term Post SI Survey (for SI group only) Measures students self-reported classroom Measures students self-reported classroom behavior and nature of services provided through SI sessions End-of-Term Benchmark 6wks.) End-of-Term Benchmark 6wks.) Measures changes in student behavior Measures changes in student behavior and academic performance/grade to assess academic growth academic growth Data Collection/Forms – cont. Finals Week
Forms Collected by SI leaders: Forms Collected by SI leaders: – Schedule Request Form – Planning Form Course/Section information Course/Section information Implementation plan/nature of services rendered Implementation plan/nature of services rendered – Sign-In Form Timing of services Timing of services Other data Elements Other data Elements Demographics (age, gender, ethnicity, special groups Demographics (age, gender, ethnicity, special groups Course grade/semester GPA Course grade/semester GPA Success rate Success rate Average attendance rate Average attendance rate Term-to-term persistence Term-to-term persistence Control group (w/in group) – eliminates faculty variable Control group (w/in group) – eliminates faculty variable Other Data Collection/Forms
During fall 2008 and spring 2009 academic year, 591 SI sessions were offered in 58 courses across five disciplines (English, ESL, Mathematics, Reading and Speech) to 660 students. Forty-six (46) students participated in SGL sessions in Mathematics. During fall 2008 and spring 2009 academic year, 591 SI sessions were offered in 58 courses across five disciplines (English, ESL, Mathematics, Reading and Speech) to 660 students. Forty-six (46) students participated in SGL sessions in Mathematics. During fall 2009 and spring 2010 academic year, 2,694 SI sessions were offered in 58 courses across 10 disciplines (English, ESL, Mathematics, Reading, Speech, Humanities, Library, Sociology, Automotive Technology and Film Television) to 643 students. Two hundred forty-one (241) students participated in SGL sessions offered in four disciplines (ESL, Mathematics, Reading and Speech). During fall 2009 and spring 2010 academic year, 2,694 SI sessions were offered in 58 courses across 10 disciplines (English, ESL, Mathematics, Reading, Speech, Humanities, Library, Sociology, Automotive Technology and Film Television) to 643 students. Two hundred forty-one (241) students participated in SGL sessions offered in four disciplines (ESL, Mathematics, Reading and Speech). During the fall 2010 and spring 2011 academic year, SI sessions were offered in 60 courses across 15 disciplines. Disciplines added to previous offerings include Administration of Justice, Applied Digital Media, Automotive, American Sign Language, History, Microbiology and Welding. SGL sessions were offered in four disciplines (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics). The SI program expanded to the Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) and Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs During the fall 2010 and spring 2011 academic year, SI sessions were offered in 60 courses across 15 disciplines. Disciplines added to previous offerings include Administration of Justice, Applied Digital Media, Automotive, American Sign Language, History, Microbiology and Welding. SGL sessions were offered in four disciplines (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics). The SI program expanded to the Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) and Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs Students Served
Students Served - cont Two thousand six hundred and twenty seven (2627) students participated in SI program between Fall 2008 and Spring 2010 (duplicated head count). In the Fall 2008 SI program, 268 students participated. In the Spring 2009 SI Program, 248 students participated. In the Fall of 2009, 373 students participated. In the Spring of 2008, 302 students participated. In the Fall of 2010, 561 students participated. Finally, 875 students participated in the Spring of 2011 indicating the program has quadrupled in size since is inception. Two thousand six hundred and twenty seven (2627) students participated in SI program between Fall 2008 and Spring 2010 (duplicated head count). In the Fall 2008 SI program, 268 students participated. In the Spring 2009 SI Program, 248 students participated. In the Fall of 2009, 373 students participated. In the Spring of 2008, 302 students participated. In the Fall of 2010, 561 students participated. Finally, 875 students participated in the Spring of 2011 indicating the program has quadrupled in size since is inception. Five hundred and five students (505) participated in the SGL program between the Spring 2008 and Spring 2010 semesters (duplicated head count). In the Spring 2008 SGL Program, 46 students participated. If the Fall of 2008, 155 students participated in SGL and in the Spring of 2009, 93 students participated in SGL. In Fall of 2009, 91 students participated in the SGL program and by Spring of 2010 the SGL program grew and served 120 students. Five hundred and five students (505) participated in the SGL program between the Spring 2008 and Spring 2010 semesters (duplicated head count). In the Spring 2008 SGL Program, 46 students participated. If the Fall of 2008, 155 students participated in SGL and in the Spring of 2009, 93 students participated in SGL. In Fall of 2009, 91 students participated in the SGL program and by Spring of 2010 the SGL program grew and served 120 students.
Demographics – Age In comparison to RCC 2009 data, SI/SGL serves a much younger student population. RCC data shows 31% under 20 and 33% in age group In comparison to RCC 2009 data, SI/SGL serves a much younger student population. RCC data shows 31% under 20 and 33% in age group
Demographics – Gender In comparison to RCC 2009 data, the gender composition of SI/SGL students is similar to that of RCC students in general. RCC data show 41% male and 58% male.
Demographics – Ethnicity In comparison to RCC 2009 data, SI/SGL serves a larger percentage of African American and Hispanics students. RCC data shows 10% African American and 37% Hispanics. In comparison to RCC 2009 data, SI/SGL serves a larger percentage of African American and Hispanics students. RCC data shows 10% African American and 37% Hispanics.
1.Does the Supplemental Instruction (SI) program impact student retention and student success and/or academic growth? 2.Is student success associated with the amount of time spent in SI sessions? – At “what point” does SI make a difference? – If n (minutes) of SI is related to growth or success, then do students who attain n minutes have an increase in terms of GPA? 3.Do the Study Group Leader (SGL) sessions impact student success and retention? Guided Research Question
Overall Success Rates Note: Values significant p<.05 are indicated by *. The Chi-Square test was used to determine the statistical significance.
Overall Retention Rates
Overall – Mean # of hours and Relationship to Success Rate Success SubgroupFailure Subgroup NMean (hours)NMean (Hours) Year Year Year Overall, students who were successful in a course in terms of grade spent significant more time in SI instructions. In Year 1, on average they spent 62 % more time SI session compared with those who were not successful in terms of grade. In Year 2, on average they spent 40% more time SI session compared with those who were not successful in terms of grade. In Year 3,, on average they spent 57 % more time SI session compared with those who were not successful in terms of grade.
Success Rate +/- 5 to 6 hours
Average GPA TermSI + 6 hoursSINon-SI Fall Spring Difference of.66 in Fall 2009 from SI + 6 hrs. and Non-SI. Difference of.50 in Spring 2010 from SI + 6 hrs. and Non-SI.
Fall 2009SI + 6 hoursSINon-SI AUT83% 74% FTV95%93%70% ADJ91%39% CTE Success Spring 2010SI + 6 hoursSINon-SI AUT100%71%54% FTV100%91%71% ADJ83%36%18% WEL100%84%75% ADM100% 61%
What is the impact of SI on the SI leader? What is the impact of SI on the SI leader? Is there evidence that SI or SGL works best in specific disciplines and/or academic levels within a single discipline? Is there evidence that SI or SGL works best in specific disciplines and/or academic levels within a single discipline? Is there a relationship between academic growth (grades and level of responsibility) and SI? Is there a relationship between academic growth (grades and level of responsibility) and SI? – Level of responsibility includes (but is not limited to) successful completion of assignments, clear communication with the course instructor, respectful behavior, timeliness and preparation for class. Future Data Collection and Analysis
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