Cubic Defense Applications Ted Clowes Senior Engineering Fellow August 26, 2011
WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN Cubic Corporation Founded in 1951 in San Diego, CA 50 years as a publicly traded company NYSE: CUB Global Operations 7,700 employees at 130 locations worldwide Primary Markets Defense Air Combat Training Ground Combat Training Communication Products Cyber Security Asset Tracking Mission Support Services Transportation Systems Automatic Fare Collection Operations Support Maintenance Services 2010 Revenue: $1.19 Billion 2
WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN Communications Business Unit Overview Data Links: secure ISR CDL/TCDL capabilities, RF links, optical links Avionics: Search and rescue systems Products: DF, receivers, transmitters, antennas and amplifiers 3 Configurable for air or ground 20+ years experience UAV streaming video capabilities (Ku, UHF, L, C, and S bands) Communicates between search and rescue and downed pilots 400w-10kw power amplifiers VHF/UHF DSP exciters Receivers DF Antennas Segment Overview Core Capabilities and Solutions Data Links Video Exploitation Personnel Locator System HF Power Amplifiers Signal Intelligence/Surveillance Receivers International Low size, weight & power LPI/LPD features Eye safe Blends optical and LPI RF waveforms & benefits Optical Data Communications Optical/RF Hybrid Data links
WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN Free Space Optical Communications - Moving Boat - 4 Range dependent throughput, base rate of 1.4Mbps data, either push or pull – suitable for file transfer Demonstrated Range – 300 Meters to 3 km No RF signature (LPI/LPD/LPJ) Class 1 eye safe (auto-shutdown) Low SWAP small retro-reflector tag, > 1 year shelf life Wide field of view tags - >100 degrees Non-visible laser beam, even using optically assisted devices (e.g. night vision goggles) Fully automatic, easy to use – “1-touch” file transfers Optical Tag (on moving boat)
WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN RF Ship-to-Shore Link Ku-band CDL (radios can support UHF, L, S, C, Ku) Full-duplex Up to Mbps ship-to-shore Up to Mbps shore-to-ship 21 km Ethernet support (radios support audio, video)
WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN Free Space Optical Communications - Streaming Video - 6 Range dependent throughput – 1.4Mbps to 1km H.264 video (100kHz), 25fps, 704 x 576 resolution Commercially available Web-based Pan-Tilt-Zoom camera Streaming or push-pull data – suitable for files and video transfer No RF signature, no spectrum allocation, LPI/LPD/LPJ Class 1 eye safe Low SWaP retro-reflector tag a unique advantage Non-visible laser beam, even using optically assisted devices (e.g. night vision goggles) Optical Tag (connected to laptop and Web Camera)
WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN 7 Combined RF/Video File Transfer, Video File Transfer, High Res Video, Audio, Other Sensors
WE PREPARE WARRIORS to FIGHT WIN and RETURN 8 System Integration/Summary Cubic builds or integrates data communications, data processing and tailored display systems for a variety of real-time command and control requirements operating in real world environments Core Capabilities and Solutions Exercise Control (EXCON) & After Action Review (AAR) Communication Subsystem Exercise Planning Monitor and Control After Action Review & Lessons Learned Individual Combat Aircrew Display System (ICADS) Pilot View Advanced Debriefs Profiles of participating aircraft and events. Live Exercise Control Control of simulated threats & real-time monitoring. Enhanced Views: pilot views, chase views Relay data between participant & EXCON TDMA, FDMA, DAMA Protocol Scalable up to 15,000 participants