Volume and The Cubic Metre
Learning Goals The volume of an object is a measure of the space it takes up Models help solve problems involving volume Volume can be measured in cubic centimeters (cm3) Distance is measured in linear units Area is measured in square units Volume is measured in cubic units The volume of very large objects is measured in cubic meters
The volume of an object is a measure of the space it takes up A centimeter cube has volume of one cubic centimeter (1cm3)
We can use centimeter cubes to measure volume. This rectangular prism has 4 rows of 5 cubes, or 20 cubes. The volume of this prism is 20 cubic centimeters or 20cm3.
This object has 8 cubes in the bottom layer and 3 cubes in the top layer. The volume of this solid is 11 cubic centimeters, or 11 cm3.
A line segment and a distance have only one dimension they can be measured using linear units such as centimeters, meters, and kilometers.
A flat surface has two dimensions. The area it covers can be measured using square unites such as square centimeters or square meters
An object has three dimensions. The space it occupies can be measured using cubic units such as cubic centimeters or cubic meters.
Would you use a linear, square, or cubic unit of measure? Explain your choice and suggest an appropriate unit. The space occupied by a school portable. A portable is an object. It has three dimensions. I would use a cubic unit to describe the space it occupies. I would use cubic meters. The distance from your home to the school. The distance from my home to my school has only one dimension. I would use a linear unit to describe it. I would use kilometers. If I lived very close to the school, I might use meters. The area of the schoolyard. The schoolyard is a region. It has two dimensions. I would use a square unit to describe its area. I would use square meters.
A cube with edge length 1m has volume one cubic meter, or 1m3. How many cubic centimeters are in 1m3?
Homework Grade 6 – pgs ; Q’s 1-6 DUE TOMORROW!