What is LNG ? fiedLiqui Natural Gas Natural Gas At Minus 260 Fahrenheit (162 C) Reduces to 1/600 of its original volume Natural Gas O O Vessel insulation is crucial !
OUTER HULL INNER HULL BALLAST WATER Then 4 layers of insulation 2 nd layer Insulation 2 nd Membrane 1st layer Insulation 1st Membrane 1.8 metres (6 feet) MEMBRANE TYPE LNG VESSEL LAYERS OF INSULATION
Top LNG Vessel Operators at 25 January 2008 (by cubic meters) Current world fleet total = 32,621, 390 cub mtrs Source: Maritime Business Studies LLP On order, a further 24,968,000 cub mtrs = 76.5% increase in current world fleet Stasco total could be 12,245,000 cu.m.
Top LNG Vessel builders at 25 January 2008 (by cubic metre capacity) Source: Maritime Business Studies LLP so after the current orders are built, (assuming no scrappings) the world fleet will have been built in the following countries… Where the current world fleet of 32,621,000 cu.m. capacity was built Where the newbuildings totalling 24,968,00 cu.m. are now being constructed
Images courtesy of UK P&I Club The sheer SIZE of these new vessels ! The view INSIDE one prismatic tank The MOSSTANK design
LNG CARRIER INSURANCE ISSUES Current cost to build between $180,000,000 - $290,000,000 “Sloshing” Damage Claims BILL $22,000,000 + Containment Systems Claims BILL $35,000,000 + The only yards with repair capability……. (152,000 cu.m.)(270,000 cu.m.) ……are too busy building new ones ! Insulation adhesive weakness claims Has led to Total Loss
L.N.G. Carriers Just one of 10 vessel types covered by Steve Harris during the Marsh Marine Insurance Weeks For more information or a brochure, contact Marion J. Paul, Marsh Norwich U.K. Tel: + Intl 44 (0)