IHSAA and ICCA NFHS Spirit Rules Meeting
2 Please Note! This PowerPoint DOES NOT take the place of coaches reading and knowing the rules! This presentation should only be used as a reference. It is the coach’s responsibility to make sure stunts are legal. Don’t rely on your choreographer to know the rules.
3 Following the Rules These rules are for ALL Iowa cheerleaders (grades 7-12), not just the cheerleaders of coaches who are ICCA members! All cheerleaders are required to comply to all NFHS spirit rules in all situations. Practices Competitions Pep Rallies Exhibitions & Performances Sideline and Halftime Performances
Importance of Following the NF Spirit Rules Safety of the cheerleaders Required by the IHSAA and supported by the ICCA Liability protection for the coach and school Ethical coaching conduct 4
5 National Federation Rules The National Federation of State High School Associations has led the development of education-based interscholastic sports and activities that help students succeed in their lives. Rules provide direction. Rules build awareness. Rules support activities. Rules improve activities. Rules establish a consistent standard.
6 Following the NF Spirit Rules Rule “A coach must not permit a team member to participate if in the judgment of the coach, the participant does not conform to the NFHS rules.” The purpose of the NFHS Spirit Rules is to minimize risk to the participants. For this reason, coaches need to make sure the rules are followed even if the cheerleaders and/or their parents don’t agree with them. The NF rule book is legally defendable as long as coaches are following the rules, which includes participant readiness.
7 Awareness of Individual and Team Limitations As with any athletic activity, the coach is responsible for enforcing general risk management rules, recognizing a teams’ particular ability level, and ensuring that team members follow progressions. Only those skills mastered in practice by being consistently executed safely and correctly should be performed in public. Coaches are accountable for approving and documenting mastery of skills before allowing participants to progress to the next level or to perform skills in public. Elite level stunts can be performed safely when appropriate progressions are followed and team members are properly trained and prepared.
8 Cheerleaders as Athletes Cheerleading is an athletic activity. It’s up to coaches to make sure that this image of cheerleading is upheld. Coaches should remain cognizant of this image when choosing cheerleading uniforms and approving cheer/dance movements and words for their cheerleaders to perform.
Rules Book Layout Rule Changes with Rationale Points of Emphasis Table of Contents Index (p. 9) Philosophy (p. 11) Rule 1 – Definitions (p. 12) Rule 2 – General Risk Management (p. 16) Situations (p. 25) – help clarify the rules Rule 3 – Dance/Drill/Pom Risk Management (p. 35) Pictures (p. 43) – help clarify the rules Suggested Guidelines for Management of Concussions (p. 73) Handling Contests During Lightning Disturbances (p. 76) Coaches’ Code of Ethics (p. 77) 9
10 Rule Section Organization Each rule has sections and articles. New/revised rules are shaded. Rule 2 & 3 sections and articles typically have a situational ruling (look for * by a rule). The back of the book has photographs covering some rules/sections/articles (look for P by a rule).
11 NFHS Spirit Rules Spirit Rules Changes for
Reorganized Spirit Rules Book Rule 1 Definitions Rule 2 Risk Management Sec 1 – Stunts Sec 1 – General Sec 2 – Stunting Personnel Sec 2 – Sportsmanship Sec 3 – Non-Release Stunts Sec 3 – Apparel/Accessories Sec 4 – Release Stunts Sec 4 – Stunting Personnel Sec 5 – Suspended Stunts Sec 5 – Non-Release Stunts Sec 6 – Dismounts Sec 6 – Release Stunts/Tosses Sec 7 – Tumbling Sec 7 – Suspended Stunts Sec 8 – Body Positions Sec 8 – Dismounts Sec 9 – Drops Sec 9 – Tumbling Sec 10 – Props Sec 10 – Twists Sec 11 – Drops 12
Stunts by Section Non-Release Stunts Release Stunts Cupie/Awesome Basket Toss Prep and Extension Elevator Toss Flatback/Deadman Lift Helicopter Pyramid (including Hanging Pyramid) Log Roll Leapfrog (non-release transition) Quick/Load-in Toss Liberty Release Transition Non-Release Transition (includes Vaults) Tick-tock Pendulum Multi-base Toss Side T-lift Swedish Fall Suspended Stunts Totem Pole Suspended Roll Suspended Splits Swinging Stunt 13
14 Rule 2-4-9d Spotters p. 19 Add d. A spotter must not: d. Hold objects in her/his hand(s). Rationale: If a spotter’s hands are not free, the ability to spot safely is greatly diminished.
15 Rule 2-5-5g Pendulums p. 20 Delete (c) and the last phrase in (g) Rationale: Eliminating (c) will allow the top person to land on her/his side. Removing the last phrase of (g) will allow a single-base full pendulum in which the top person drops to the side.
Rule c Non-Release Transition p. 21 EXCEPTION: A backward leapfrog to a prone position is permitted provided there are at least two catchers and the top person maintains continuous hands-to-hands contact with the post throughout the transition. The original bases, post, and catchers must remain stationary. Rationale: This stunt presents minimal risk to participants if adequate restrictions are in place. 16
Rule Tosses p. 21 Basket tosses, elevator tosses, and similar multi-base tosses are permitted only on grass (real or artificial) or a mat. Rationale: Prohibiting these tosses from being performed on hard surfaces is consistent with the NFHS focus on risk minimization. 17
18 Rule 2-6-4c Quick Tosses p. 21 Quick/load-in tosses that begin with the top person in weight-bearing contact with the performing surface and end in a stunt or pyramid are legal provided all the following conditions are met: c. The top person does not twist during the release unless it is performed on grass (real or artificial) or a mat. Rationale: Prohibiting airborne twists during quick/load-in tosses from being performed on hard surfaces is consistent with the NFHS focus on risk minimization.
19 Rule 2-7-7c Swinging Stunt p. 24 Add c. and add Note Note: A slight downward swing to prepare for an upward swing is permitted. Rationale: Allowing a downward swing from a stunt higher than a cradle presents increased risk to the top person.
20 Rule 2-8-9h Cradles p. 24 A twist to a cradle is permitted only on grass (real or artificial) or a mat. Rationale: Prohibiting all twisting cradle dismounts from being performed on hard surfaces is consistent with the NFHS focus on risk minimization.
21 New Rule Tumbling p. 25 Airborne twisting tumbling skills are permitted only on grass (real or artificial) or a mat, with the exception of roundoffs and aerial cartwheels. Rationale: Prohibiting twisting tumbling skills from being performed on hard surfaces is consistent with the NFHS focus on risk minimization.
22 Rule 2-14 Vaults Remove rule pertaining to vaults Rationale: Rules pertaining to vaults are now covered in the Non-Release Stunts section.
23 Major Editorial Changes
24 Major Editorial Changes The term “top person” has replaced “flyer” throughout the book. Sections in all rules have been revised, reordered, combined, or eliminated. Several definitions in Rule 1 have been changed, reordered, clarified, or eliminated and new definitions have been added.
25 Concussions NFHS Spirit Rules Book Twisting Dismounts/Tumbling/Tosses Points of Emphasis
26 Points of Emphasis Concussions
27 Suggested Guidelines for Management of Concussion A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that interferes with normal brain function. An athlete does not have to lose consciousness (be “knocked out”) to have suffered a concussion.
28 Suggested Guidelines for Management of Concussion Common Symptoms of Concussion Include: Headache Fogginess Difficulty concentrating Easily confused Slowed thought processes Difficulty with memory Nausea Lack of energy, tiredness Dizziness, poor balance Blurred vision Sensitive to light and sounds Mood changes – irritable, anxious, or tearful
29 Suggested Guidelines for Management of Concussion Suggested Concussion Management: 1. No athlete should return to play (RTP) or practice on the same day of a concussion. 2. Any athlete suspected of having a concussion should be evaluated by an appropriate health-care professional that day. 3. Any athlete with a concussion should be medically cleared by an appropriate health-care professional prior to resuming participation in any practice or competition. 4. After medical clearance, RTP should follow a step- wise protocol with provisions for delayed RTP based upon return of any signs or symptoms.
30 Prevention Although all concussions cannot be prevented, many can be minimized or avoided. Proper coaching techniques and good officiating of the existing rules can minimize the risk of head injury. It is strongly suggested that all coaches view “Concussion in Sports,” at
31 Points of Emphasis NFHS Spirit Rules Book
32 NFHS Spirit Rules Book Coaches have a professional responsibility to read the NFHS Spirit Rules Book, including the situation rulings, and fully comprehend all rules in order to correctly teach the appropriate skills to their athletes. In addition, coaches should educate their student athletes so they are made aware of the rules and rule changes.
33 Points of Emphasis Twisting Dismounts TumblingTosses
Twisting Dismounts/ Tumbling/Tosses To be consistent with the NFHS’s focus on risk minimization, any twist to a cradle; airborne twisting tumbling skills; and basket tosses, elevator tosses, and other similar multi-base tosses will only be permitted on grass (real or artificial) or a mat. 34
35 Coach and Participant Responsibilities The links below list guidelines to serve as useful reminders of basic procedures for both coaches and participants of spirit teams. Coaches’ Responsibilities *This site includes Partner Stunt Progressions and Tumbling Skill Levels. Participants’ Responsibilities
36 Medical Appliances When it is necessary for an athlete to wear a medical appliance (such as an insulin pump) during athletic competitions, the device shall be padded and securely attached to the player’s body underneath the uniform. Devices attached to the head (such as hearing aids and cochlear implants) do not need to be padded, but shall be firmly secured to the body. No medical appliance should pose a risk of injury to others. It is recommended that the athlete notify the official of the presence of the medical appliance prior to a contest.
37 Security Practice plan Event plan School policies Administration crisis plan Plans are in place for emergencies, weather alerts, fire, power outages, hostile crowds, transportation, evacuation, accidents, etc.
38 Guidelines on Handling Contests During Lightning Disturbances Proactive Planning Assign a staff member to monitor local weather conditions before and during events. Develop an evacuation plan, including identification of appropriate nearby shelters. Develop criteria for suspension and resumption of play: a. When thunder is heard, or a cloud-to-ground lightning bolt is seen, suspend play and take shelter immediately. b. Once play has been suspended, wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard or flash of lightning is witnessed prior to resuming play (30-minute rule). c. Any subsequent thunder or lightning after the beginning of the 30-minute count, reset the clock and another 30-minute count should begin. Hold periodic reviews for appropriate personnel.
39 ICCA Information
40 NF/ICCA/IHSAA SPIRIT RULES NF/ICCA/IHSAA SPIRIT RULES This information is on the ICCA website - It was also included in the fall mailing. NFHS Spirit Rule 2-3-2: “Fingernails, including artificial nails, must be kept at an appropriate length (short, near the end of the fingers) to minimize risk for the participants.” ICCA/IHSAA addition: “All nails, including artificial nails, must be cut to a length so that the nail is not visible when the cheerleader holds up her/his hands from the palm side. This is what is considered safe.” NFHS Spirit Rule 2-3-3: “The hair must be worn in a manner to minimize risk for the participant. Hair devices, if worn, must be secure and appropriate for the activity.” ICCA/IHSAA addition: “All cheerleaders’ hair must be pulled away from the face and off the shoulders: i.e. ponytail. This would be for both stunting and non- stunting squads.” NFHS Spirit Rule 2-3-7: “Glitter that does not readily adhere on the hair, face, uniform, costume, or the body is illegal. Glitter may be used on signs, props, or backdrops if laminated or sealed.” ICCA/IHSAA addition: “No spray on/roll on glitter. Glitter in eye shadow should be minimal.” NOTE: These rules will be in effect for ALL Iowa school (grades 7-12) events, including practices, games, meets, tournaments, competitions, and all other events in which school cheerleaders participate.
41 Clarifying the Hair Rule Hair must be secured away from the face. If cheerleaders move their heads, their hair needs to stay out of their faces. It is not legal for cheerleaders to use their hands to move their hair away from their faces. Hair tucked behind the ears is not legal, because hair is not secured in this situation. Short hair that could be in the face needs to be secured back. Bangs pulled across the forehead, wispies, & chunks of hair beside the face all need to be and stay out of the eyes. Anytime hair gets in the way of a stunt, it’s illegal. Hair should be off the shoulders for stunting. Note: Bumpits are illegal. More information regarding the hair rule is on the ICCA website
Iowa Cheerleaders Wearing jewelry was by far the most frequently violated rule by Iowa cheerleaders this past year. *Note: Hair ties on wrists are illegal! * It is not acceptable to cover any piercing with tape or fill any piercing with a spacer or clear stud. Lack of consistency by coaches at all times is the most common reason that the jewelry, hair, nail, and gum rules are violated. These rules must be followed at practices, games, and all performances. 42
Jewelry With the exception of religious and medical medals, examples of jewelry include, but are not limited to: necklaces, bracelets, rings, all facial and body piercings (includes spacers and fishing line), wrist bands, corsages, and hair ties on wrists. This rule is consistent with rules concerning jewelry in the NFHS rule books for other athletic activities. “No jewelry” means NO JEWELRY. 43
44 Competitions If you attend a competition and the National Federation Spirit Rules are not being followed (some competitions say they’re following them but they really don’t), you may be found liable if your cheerleaders don’t follow the rules while participating and get hurt (illegal stunts, spring floors, etc.). Coaches are reminded that not all stunts seen on television, online at cheer company sites, and/or YouTube are legal including stunts in routines at national competitions. This is why it’s important for all coaches to know, understand, and follow the NF rules. The only activities where cheerleaders are covered by the IHSAA catastrophic insurance are IHSAA sponsored events (which includes the ICCA events) as long as cheerleaders are following the National Federation Spirit Rules. Cheerleaders are not covered by the IHSAA at other competitions!
45 Additional Rule Information Additional rule information can be found on the ICCA website. Coaches are responsible for this information, also. Rules Most Frequently Violated Clarifying the Hair Rule State Rules Regarding Number of Cheerleaders for Playoff Events Interpreting the Legality of Stunts
46 Integrity of Coaches We need to rely on the professional integrity of our coaches to make sure all rules are followed. Coaches must take care of their own cheerleaders so others won’t need to address the rules with them. Coaches should accept responsibility if their cheerleaders are at fault, rather than blaming others, including those who address the rules violation(s).
47 Preventing Rules Violations Be proactive to help prevent rule violations at your school. Coaches and cheerleaders should welcome visitors to their school and remind them of the rules before they begin cheering. Our intent isn’t to “catch” cheerleaders not following the rules. Coaches should talk to the cheerleading coach and/or appropriate administrator of the school in violation of the rules in a courteous manner before reporting the rule violation(s).
48 If You See a Rule Violation Ask cheerleaders if their coach is present and, if not present, who is responsible for them. Be sure YOU see the violation and it’s not one just reported to you by your cheerleaders. Let the coach know that following the NF rules is important for the safety of the cheerleaders and the liability of the coach and school. All schools in Iowa must follow these rules because they’ve been adopted by the IHSAA and ICCA for the safety of Iowa cheerleaders. Remember to be calm, positive, and tactful when addressing rule violations with cheerleaders and coaches.
49 Reporting Rule Violations Report violations immediately to: Donna McKay so violations can be handled in a timely manner. Her is also available on the ICCA website. Only coaches who have attended a rules meeting may report violations.
When Rules Are Violated When a school is reported for a rules violation the first or second time, both the coach and one of the school’s administrators will be contacted by Donna McKay. If a school violates the National Federation rules for a third time, the IHSAA will contact the school. Continued violation of the rules could lead to a cancellation of catastrophic insurance coverage for that school by the IHSAA. 50
51 Rule Interp Contact Information All rule questions should also be directed to: Donna McKay ONLY AFTER you have tried to find the answers in the rules book and/or the Interpreting the Legality of Stunts sheet. For the State Competition, please a video (Quick Time or Windows Media format) requesting a legality interpretation of a specific stunt(s). Entire routines will not be reviewed! The rules interpretation deadline for the State Competition is Thursday, October 20.
Rules Books Provided to Schools Rules books to schools for all sports will now be provided on an even-odd year rotation. One National Federation Spirit Rules Book will be provided to each high school on odd numbered years. 52
53 Information Reminders The fall mailing was sent out to all Iowa high schools in late July/early August. It contained the NF Rules Book, ICCA event paperwork, and other information. Paperwork deadline for State, Honor Squad, All-State Postmarked by Tuesday, September 27 ICCA Coaches’ Conference – Ames Friday, April 13 – Saturday, April 14 ICCA Website Extra rules books may be obtained from Elisa Kahler at the IHSAA.
54 NFHS Coach Education Take Part. Get Set For Life! Fundamentals of Coaching First Aid for Coaches AACCA Fundamentals of Coaching Cheer & Dance
55 Professionalism Read the rule book and situations, including the notes and comments, to minimize risk. ALWAYS follow the rules and their intent. Comprehend rules to safely and correctly teach appropriate skills. Ensure your cheerleaders are following the rules. Be a role model. Take classes to increase your cheer coaching knowledge. Be an advocate for sportsmanship. Be a member of your professional organization (ICCA).