PART Field Day 2008 Field Day 2008: The Unofficial Story by Rick Green (W1RAG) caught napping at Field Day 2007
PART Field Day 2008 Worrying at PART Breakfast: What Might Go Wrong at Field Day? Yikes, I think I just sat on Alan’s Field Day FT-897D! But the Carlisle mosquitos! What is Rick talking about? Will they order enough pizza?
PART Field Day 2008 Andy, KB1OIQ, Itching to Make His 1 st QSO
PART Field Day 2008 Steve, WA1KBE, Trying to Serve as World’s 1 st Human Dummy Load
PART Field Day 2008 Bob, N1RXV, Sensing that Someone is Taking His Picture!
PART Field Day 2008 Dick, W1LTN, Helps Allison and Ron Construct a TV Antenna
PART Field Day 2008 Alan Happily Poses for Another Photo at the Grill… Who’s this turkey taking my picture?
PART Field Day 2008 Dick Wonders Why He Agreed to Help Allison Construct A Space Invaders Shield
PART Field Day 2008 Mary Gets an Earful of Gus and Allison Debating Best CB Radio Mics
PART Field Day 2008 John, KB1MGI, and Brent or Bryce (whichever one wasn’t in jail that day), Bring the BEER! I never heard of this Carling Black Label!
PART Field Day 2008 Alan Tries Desperately to Order the Pizzas on 10 Meters
PART Field Day 2008 Kimberly Racks Up all the QSOs While Everyone Else Goofs Off
PART Field Day 2008 Rich Delivers a Sunspot Blessing to an Empty Cupboard
PART Field Day 2008 Darryl, K1EJ, Wonders When Bob Will Get Around to Taking a Picture of Him
PART Field Day 2008 Scott Puts His Foot Down About Getting the Bugs Out of Windows Before Field Day Starts Yumm…. This is Juicy!
PART Field Day 2008 Steve Telsey Supervises a Prayer Circle to Ward Off the Rain
PART Field Day 2008 Rich Shows Off A Bell Labs Telephone He Got on eBay For Just $65!
PART Field Day 2008 Rich Threatens to Shoot His Bell Phone When Steve Points Out It’s Not Wireless What a LID..!
PART Field Day 2008 Jim, KB1NEW,Divining to Strike Water in the Ground
PART Field Day 2008 Rich Demonstrates the Proper Way to Floss Teeth with Stranded Wire
PART Field Day 2008 Child Applauds When Bob Shoots Back at Other Photographer
PART Field Day 2008 Bob Asks His New Assistant Where to Insert the Film in his Digital Camera
PART Field Day 2008 Scott Accuses Rich of Adding 25 Pounds to his 100 Pound DXpedition!
PART Field Day 2008 Rich Has Nothing to Say In His Defense
PART Field Day 2008 BBQ Expert Charles Almost Tenderizes the Wrong Meat: Rich!
PART Field Day 2008 Steve Considers Drinking John’s Iced Earl Gray Tea
PART Field Day 2008 Dick Snags the Very 1 st Pizza Slice, While Charles Is Set to Grab the 4 th Slice
PART Field Day 2008 Ron Prays for the Strength to Finish His 3 rd Slice
PART Field Day 2008 Unobserved, Allison and Rich Sneak a Light Snack Over to the PSK31 Room
PART Field Day 2008 Steve Is Pressured into Taking His 4 th Slice, While Ron, Rich, and Jim Look for Dessert
PART Field Day 2008 Rich Dreams He Is a Spanish Flamenco Dancer, as Steve Claps to the Beat
PART Field Day 2008 Charles Solicits Donations for His “Field Day in Lowell” Campaign
PART Field Day 2008 Rich Shows Off His New Deodorant
PART Field Day 2008 John, G3BVU, Makes His 1 st PSK31 QSO!
PART Field Day 2008 After Failing to Make Any PSK31 QSOs, Rich Tries to Hang Himself
PART Field Day 2008 While Allison Fishes for Mackerel, Rich Shows Size of the One That Got Away
PART Field Day 2008 Allison Defends Her Turf with her Trusty J-Pole
PART Field Day 2008 FARA President Gordy, K1GB, Tries to Cheer Up Charles
PART Field Day 2008 Charles Tries to Cheer Up Rick
PART Field Day 2008 Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Say No Evil
PART Field Day 2008 Kimberly Tries to Cheer Andy: “It’s Not Your Fault, It’s Just that darn Sunspot Cycle…”
PART Field Day 2008 Al Cooks Up a Six-Decker Burger for Charles
PART Field Day 2008 Later, Charles Heats Up His Mid- Afternoon Snack
PART Field Day 2008 Ron and Dave Block the Entrance When Al’s Wife Asks What’s Going On Inside
PART Field Day 2008 Don’t Worry… ANYONE Can Operate at Field Day… even me! Take it from me, the 100-lb.-DXpeditioner… If I can lug all that gear to the island of Montserrat, you can drag your you-know- what to Field Day 2009 next year!
PART Field Day 2008 “I’ll be QRT on your final giggle…”