Coaches LaShonda Chambers LaShonda Chambers – Kyle Nix Kyle Nix – Takisha Ferguson Takisha Ferguson
LHS CHEERLEADING TRYOUT PROCEDURE To be eligible for tryouts you must: 1.Attend interest meeting Tuesday April 8 th at 6:00p.m or Thursday April 10 th at 6:00p.m. 1.Have a completed application turned in on time. (April 18 th ) 2.Completed Physical 3.$25 tryout fee. Tryouts will be held in the LHS Main Gym April 21 st -25 th. Each candidate must wear tennis shoes, shorts, and a shirt, and have her hair secured and off the shoulders.. TRYOUT DATES and TIMES April 21 st 3:45 – 5:15Learn Chant, Motions and Dance April 22 nd 3:45 – 5:15Finish previous material and review April 23 rd 3:45 – 4:45 Free day- open for coach critique (Optional) April 24 th 3:45 – 5:00Review and mock tryout April 25 th 4:00- ????? Try-out
PARENTS and FRIENDS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED AT THE PRACTICE OR TRYOUT SESSIONS. Tryout results will be posted on a LHS phone line. The number will be given to each candidate on the day of try-outs.
Parents, the first In addition to the application, you will need to make sure that you and your child are willing and able to commit to the required dates, budget, and events that are given on the calendar. We will begin practicing immediately following tryouts in May. All girls will be given the last week of June and the first week of July off. A calendar will be provided to each cheerleader with specific time and dates for practice and events. Each athlete and parent must be willing to make these commitments before considering the tryout process.
Summer Calendar Typical Weekly schedule: Typical Weekly schedule: – Mondays –Thursday 8a.m.- 10:00 a.m. Allows for easier parent transportation Allows for easier parent transportation Allows for activities & summer jobs Allows for activities & summer jobs CAMP –UCA Cheer Camp at Gulf Shores CAMP –UCA Cheer Camp at Gulf Shores – June th (ALL days MANDATORY attendance) – If you have a conflict with camp and do not attend, you will forfeit your position on the squad DEAD Period – no practice/fundraising AT ALL!! DEAD Period – no practice/fundraising AT ALL!! – June 30 -July 6 (this is the time to schedule family vacations) Team building activities There will be at least 2 team building activities a week ranging from Dinner together to a sleepover.
10 COMMANDMENTS OF CHEER -The 10 Commandments of Cheer are ten simple rules that LHS cheerleaders are required to live by. Rules that include being respectful, a student first, and a Positive Leader.
Contract 1. Athlete agrees to maintain a 2.25 or higher G.P.A. 2. Athlete agrees to attend morning and afternoon conditioning and practices during all periods specified by LaVergne from May to February. 3. Athletes and parents agree to participate in all fundraising during the season. 4. Athletes agree to participate in all spirit preparation days set forth by LaVergne including, but not limited to weekend or nightly meetings. 5. Athlete agrees to attend all days of UCA Summer camp. 6. Athlete and parents agree to assume the risk of physical strain and injury that are inherent to the sport. 7. Athlete agrees to participate in all regular season games and tournament games including, but not limited to out of district and region locations.
Contract 8. Athlete and parents agree to support the decisions set forth by the coaching staff on all matters concerning the well being of the team. 9. Athlete agrees that as a member of the LaVergne High School Cheerleading Program, she represents the finest that LaVergne High School has to offer and she is expected to adhere to all school rules. 10. Athlete agrees to return all LaVergne High uniforms & equipment at the conclusion of the season. (dry cleaned) 11. Athlete agrees to adhere to the 10 Commandments of Cheerleading and understands the consequences that will follow any infractions.
Contract Exclusions If a player is sick or injured, they must provide the proper verification (i.e. doctor’s note). Upon verification the athlete may be excused from participation only, but attendance at all practice and games is mandatory unless otherwise notified by the coaching staff. Parents are to remain in the bleacher, spectator areas. At no time is a parent permitted on the sideline or in the practice facility. At the conclusion of away games the athlete may only ride home with their parent or guardian with permission from the coach. A cheerleader will be given an excused absence status in the case of a death in the family (Grandparents, Parents, or Siblings).
Excused Absences Here are a COUPLE of examples of excused absences. 1. Death in the Family (Grandparents, Parents, and Siblings.) 2. Emergency room visit (for the cheerleader) with a Drs note 3. Prior Approval for a doctors’ appointment (Please schedule accordingly)
Unexcused absences Here are just a COUPLE of examples of unexcused absences. 1. “My car would not start” 2. “My ride was late” 3. “I woke up late” 4. “I have/had to work”
Discipline Action
Budget Breakdown Summer Costs: Gulf Shores Camp June th $350 - Personal Order Camp wear (4 tops & 4 shorts)$150 Accessories (bloomers, poms, bag, midriff)$125 Shoes $90 Warm-up $130 TOTAL for summer(per squad member)$845 Season Costs: - Supplies (banner, crafts, gifts for sports teams)$700 (squad) - Transportation (to camp & football schedule)$800 (squad) - Other (ribbon for bows)$300 (squad) TOTAL (per squad member)$75 Total Cost- $920
Budget Payments Payment Schedule: Total to pay off account =$920 Date # May 2 nd payment 1 $350 Camp June 6 th payment 2 $190 Personal Items July 7 th payment 3$190 Personal Item Aug 1 st payment 4$190 Personal Items & Season Cost TOTAL PAID$920
Fundraising School Cheer Clinic – 3 day event, inviting area elementary school students to learn about cheerleading Local Business Sponsors – donations from area businesses in return for promotion & advertisement Cheer for a Cure Working in the Spirit Store Candy Sales Etc. The proceeds from these activities will be used for activities for the girls.