By: Jana Soueid elizabeth-cady-stanton-mother-of-us-all.htm
Elizabeth Cady Stanton grew up in a rough time because her brother died and she had to act like a boy because she promised her dad. She started learning to be a judge like her dad. When she came across a law that said woman and African Americans had no rights that’s when she decided to try and change the law. Her husband and her were abolitionists and tried to stop slavery and to give everyone equal rights. So she made a club which is the NAWSA. and-the-women-behind-it/photo4
She acted like her brother. She want to a boy school. She tried to please her father and studied lawyer and judge stuff.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born on November 12, She was born in Johnston, New York. eId=
After Elizabeth went to the meeting with her husband she made her own women group and made the Declaration Of Sentiments. She signed it with lots of other people and the most thing she agreed about was voting rights.
Elizabeth Stanton died on October 26, 1902.She died in New York. bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=974
Elizabeth Cady Stanton thought everyone should have equal rights, not just woman but slaves too. -content/uploads/2011/02/Elizabeth-Cady- Stanton-293x300.jpg _card
Mom- Margaret Cady Dad- Daniel Cady- Judge, Lawyer 4 other sisters 1 brother- Died when Elizabeth was /11/23/tracing-your-ancestors-through- family-tree-genealogy/
When Elizabeth Cady Stanton Got Married she went to a meeting in London, England. The group talked about anti-slavery but women weren't aloud to talk. She made her own woman group and was the president of it. Her group was called NAWSA.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton is halcyon because she didn’t want war to start because of what she believed is right she wanted to settle it easily. society/history/info /boomers_least_we_can_do.html
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was influential champion for Woman's Rights for more than half a century /champion-trophy intentions.html
Elizabeth Cady Stanton is a justifier because she wanted to prove to the world that woman and African Americans should have the same rights as everyone else.
Elizabeth and Henry had seven children. -word-kids-in-alphabet-blocks.html
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Finished her education in rts_and_Culture/Public_Art/Battery_Point
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Met another abolitionist and said they would get married. Her father didn’t like the idea but she got married anyway. She got married to Henry Stanton in St/Stanton-Elizabeth-Cady.html
While she was reading one of her fathers law books she came up to one that said women have no rights. She told her dad about disagreeing with the law and he said only the legislature could make laws more fair. illustration/word-summer.html om/2012/01/how-to-parent- in-one-word-no/ 01_archive.html
Elizabeth Cady Stanton's opinion about slavery and woman's rights was that they should have the same rights as everyone else. person-thinks-of-the-word-opinion-in-a- thought-bubble-representing-the-formation- of-a-viewpoint-re.html
When Elizabeth’s brother (Eleazar) died she tried to cheer her dad up and promised him she would act like a son to him but he said no and wished Elizabeth was a boy. But she decided to anyway. you-floss.html
Elizabeth Cady Stanton never quit. Since she was little she never quit. She never quit because she wanted equality. 05/31/never-quit-go-the-distance/
When Elizabeth Cady Stanton was little she went rampant when she heard woman and African Americans have no right. archives/crazy/
Elizabeth Cady Stanton thought that black men should have the same rights as a white man. She also thought that women should have the same rights as a man. She was an abolitionist. ng-progressives/observations
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was educated at Troy Female Seminary. en/2_beginnings/ m
She was trying to make people understand that everyone should have equal rights /07/junky-art.html _card
Elizabeth Cady Stanton is brave and has lots of courage. age6/
Elizabeth Cady Stanton worked as a women's right suffragist, a feminist, a n editor, a writer, and a journalist /stock-photo-the-word-work- written-in-print-letter-cases.html
Elizabeth Cady Stanton's brother died when Elizabeth was /
Elizabeth had a big urge trying to get equality for every one.
When Elizabeth was small she was eager to try to cheer her father up by acting like a boy after her brother died. 00e54ff46eaa eb3e95970c-pi
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Is remembered for lots of things like Woman's rights, African American rights, the declaration of sentiments, and the NAWSA. She will always be remembered in our future From her childhood till her death she will be remembered by everyone in the world not only me but everyone.
Websites s/ s/ Books Lucile Davis Elizabeth Cady Stanton Bridgestone Books Mankato, Minnesota 1998