MAD TALK Shut up you dork. I am going to kill you ya fat beached whale. You smell like zoodoo. I hate you, you freakin sun of a monkey wrench, dodo eating coward. I am never going to be nice ever again, you four-eyed tic-tac tooth punk. Just go before I beat you to a bloody pulp you pig looking, Michelan- tire man brother I wished I never had.
SOFT TALK Don’t be made and upset. It’s hard, I know how you feel, everybody has there day – you may cry now, but there is no point. One of these days your going to be living it big with a great life and family while others who said or did something will probably be living in the dump literally. Just cheer up I am still your friend and always will be your brother.
SOFT TALK Don’t be mad and upset. It’s hard. I know how you feel. Everybody has their day – you may cry now, but there is no point. One of these days you’re going to be living it big with a great life and family while others who said or did something will probably be living in the dump, literally. Just cheer up. I am still your friend and always will be your brother.
FAST TALK Oh please don’t ground me I will never do it again I am sorry it was not my fault please no please don’t do this I will promise to do anything just not the grounded thing I will wash the dishes every night until I am 20, and clean my pig sty of a room but please don’t ground me. I love you so very much. Don’t do this to someone who loves you as much as me. Sniffle, thanks mom.
FAST TALK Oh, please don’t ground me. I will never do it again. I am sorry. However, it was not my fault. Furthermore, I will promise to do anything, but please don’t ground me. In addition. I will wash the dishes every night until I am 20, and clean my pig sty of a room,but please don’t ground me. Consequently, I love you so very much. In conclusion, don’t do this to someone who loves you as much as me. Sniffle, thanks mom.