Campus Life Presented by: Whitnie Walton Meaghan Purnell Erin Nuckols Center for Academic Student Achievement
Get Involved There are multiple ways to get active on campus There are multiple ways to get active on campus ClubsClubs SportsSports OrganizationsOrganizations Academic Academic Cultural Cultural Etc Etc Greek LifeGreek Life HousingHousing VolunteerVolunteer
Why Get Involved? Enhances College Experience Enhances College Experience Personal Satisfaction Personal Satisfaction Time management skillsTime management skills Goal settingGoal setting Meet new friendsMeet new friends LeadershipLeadership Community serviceCommunity service Build ResumeBuild Resume Teamwork skillsTeamwork skills
Greek Life Fraternities and Sororities Fraternities and Sororities FriendshipFriendship Leadership opportunitiesLeadership opportunities Community involvementCommunity involvement EXAMPLE EXAMPLE Sorority: Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Kappa AlphaSorority: Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Kappa Alpha Fraternity: Delta Chi, Alpha Phi AlphaFraternity: Delta Chi, Alpha Phi Alpha
Academic Organizations Clubs and organizations that are there to promote knowledge and interest in specific areas Clubs and organizations that are there to promote knowledge and interest in specific areas Association for Women in ScienceAssociation for Women in Science Chemistry ClubChemistry Club Criminal Justice AssociationCriminal Justice Association Geology ClubGeology Club
Cultural Organizations To promote a higher understanding of certain cultures that are a part of the campus To promote a higher understanding of certain cultures that are a part of the campus India Student AssociationIndia Student Association Gay-Straight AllianceGay-Straight Alliance African-American Cultural SocietyAfrican-American Cultural Society
Departmental Organizations Help the campus thrive with activities and events throughout the university Help the campus thrive with activities and events throughout the university Campus Activities Board (CAB)Campus Activities Board (CAB) E.D.G.EE.D.G.E Island AmbassadorsIsland Ambassadors Islander Cultural AllianceIslander Cultural Alliance
Faith Based Organizations To help students further explore religion. To help students further explore religion. The Net FellowshipThe Net Fellowship Young LifeYoung Life Fellowship of Christian AthletesFellowship of Christian Athletes Baptist Student MinistryBaptist Student Ministry
Governing Boards A way for students of certain organizations to present their concerns. A way for students of certain organizations to present their concerns. Interfraternity CouncilInterfraternity Council Sport Club councilSport Club council Student Conduct BoardStudent Conduct Board
Honor Societies To promote scholarly work and academic achievement through specific interests To promote scholarly work and academic achievement through specific interests Honors Student AssociationHonors Student Association All Majors All Majors Beta Beta BetaBeta Beta Beta Biology Biology Kappa Delta PiKappa Delta Pi Education Education Psi ChiPsi Chi Psychology Psychology
Professional Organizations To promote understanding of specific majors on campus To promote understanding of specific majors on campus Kinesiology ClubKinesiology Club Pre-Dental SocietyPre-Dental Society Student Nurses’ AssociationStudent Nurses’ Association Chi Sigma IotaChi Sigma Iota Counseling Counseling
Special Interests Organizations for specific student interests Organizations for specific student interests Colleges Against CancerColleges Against Cancer Wildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation ClubWildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation Club Field Science clubField Science club Last Act Theatre CompanyLast Act Theatre Company
Spirit Groups To promote school spirit on campus To promote school spirit on campus Blue CrewBlue Crew Izzy (Mascot)Izzy (Mascot) Islander Dance TeamIslander Dance Team Islander Cheer TeamIslander Cheer Team
Sports Collegiate Collegiate BasketballBasketball BaseballBaseball SoftballSoftball Intramural Intramural TennisTennis GolfGolf SoccerSoccer SoftballSoftball BasketballBasketball Club Club Ballroom/Latin DanceBallroom/Latin Dance Chess ClubChess Club Scuba ClubScuba Club Recreation Recreation Flag footballFlag football DodgeballDodgeball Just go to a GAME Just go to a GAME
Volunteer, Housing, Gym Do you live on campus? Do you live on campus? Housing EventsHousing Events Have extra time? Have extra time? VolunteerVolunteer Check Islander Mail Check Islander Mail Resume Builder Resume Builder Want to Exercise? Want to Exercise? Dugan Wellness CenterDugan Wellness Center Exercise rooms Exercise rooms Exercise equipment Exercise equipment Equipment rental Equipment rental Exercise Classes Exercise Classes
How to Join an Organization organization president organization president Go to organization meetings Go to organization meetings Check Islander Check Islander Opportunities list-serveOpportunities list-serve Student Organization Center UC 204 Student Organization Center UC 204 TV Monitors TV Monitors Fliers Fliers Orgsync Orgsync
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