Sports with Schwartz Football Wrestling Track Under construction
The Program The program is bigger than us The program is a refined precision plan of 30 years The program is the hardest endeavor you will ever complete The program will give you self esteem The program is not for the weak The program will instill toughness and will of steel The program will instill sportsmanship The program will instill support for your teammates The program will instill mental toughness above and beyond anything thing you have now The program will show you how to think and except different ways / cultures The program will let you overcome adversity and conflicts The program will test your heart sole and your commitment to the team The program is 30 years old. Have faith!
Heart, Sole, and Desire Commitment Level 1pt: Practice attitude, desire, effort! 1pt: School attitude, grades, behavior! 1pt: Home life – Be a super son! 1pt: Food Management – Carbs and protein 1pt: Sleep Management – 8hours! 1pt: Homework school and family 6 points or you’re not with the program!
Pup Time Time to get back to basics Team will work together in perfect harmony Team will work until the coach is convinced we are back together Pup time lasts 10 to 45 minutes
Team Time Serious time when you must confess or explain to the team what has happened Time when the coach talks to the team Special time for the team
Basic Bus Protocol Dressed properly – All members will be dressed identically with the sport uniform Essentials (food, water, sun screen) Bus behavior – quiet and focused Bus Attitude – ready to compete The bus does not stop – plan for this! Bring food and drink Members not following the protocol will not ride the bus!
Study Hall Program Lets be honest with each other! If you were disciplined and have good time management you will not need a study hall If you studied everyday after practice from 530 to 1130 a total of 6 hours per day, you will not need a study hall. Poor planning, lack of mental discipline and laziness creates study halls. BUT Some classes you will need help from your teacher. That is when you will miss part of practice to study. Don’t forget you will need to make up each minute missed.
Make up Program All missed minutes must be made up Make-ups must be approved prior Make-ups must be completed prior to competition Make-ups are daily from 0620 to 0730 Make-ups are Saturday 0800 to 0930 Emergencies are Sundays! All missed minutes must be made up
How to enter the gym Never I repeat never enter the gym from the school Enter the gym from the back door nearest varsity locker rooms If you need to see Ms. Beavers and you enter the gym from the school. Leave the gym and return from the correct location Going through the cafeteria, outside and entering from the door nearest the varsity locker room is permissible.
Injury Procedure Always inform the coaches, Ms. Beavers Always see Ms. Beavers as soon as possible (before or after school only) Use Rice (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) Pain will increase the first 48 hours Inform the coach Try to wait to see Ms. Beavers unless it is an emergency. Go to the hospital!!!!
Track and Field Meet Etiquette –Just pretend you are playing basketball and you are sitting on the bench. –Sit with your teammates only –No electronic devices –Cheer for your team –Do not interact with anyone unless its for the good of the team –Cheer Practice Etiquette –Serious 110 % of the time –Do not talk for fun; do not fool –Do not laugh or scream –Focus 110% of the time