By: Ms. Scicchitano Grade: 2 nd Grade Subject: Reading, Writing
Learning Objectives Students will to take pictures of three different emotions and write two sentences with correct punctuation to describe each emotion. Students will create a PowerPoint which includes the pictures and two sentences about each emotion. Students will use action and descriptive words to show the emotions and feelings of the person in the picture.
ISTE Standards 6. Technology Operations and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations. Students: understand and use technology systems
Florida Standards LA.B The student writes and revises a variety of simple texts (for example, sentences, paragraphs, stories, letters, explanations telling why or how, picture books, poems). LA.B The student uses conventions of punctuation (including but not limited to periods, question marks, exclamation points; commas in dates, series of words, and in greetings and closings in letters). LA.B The student uses basic word processing skills and basic educational software for writing (including but not limited to proofreading, using appropriate fonts and graphics, using technology to 'publish' writing
Content Knowledge What content knowledge do you possess in this area? The teacher must know how to take a picture and know how to use PowerPoint. The teacher must also think of different kinds of emotions in case the class has difficulty with coming up with various emotions. How did you prepare for understanding the content of this lesson? I prepared for understanding the content of this lesson by creating an emotions PowerPoint to serve as an example. Preparation Make sure your classroom computers have a word processor and Internet access. Make sure that all digital cameras are charged and working.
Activities Time Read Today I Feel Silly & Other Moods That Make My Day to the students. As we read the story as a class I will have my students look at the expressions on the little girl’s face. I will then have the students state how they feel or think the girl feels when they make that face. 10 minutes Have the students come up with different emotions that the story talked about and state how you feel with each emotion and things that make you feel this way. Write the emotions that the students come up with on the board. Additionally, show a picture of the Today I feel: 5 minutes State to the students that today in groups you will be taking pictures of four different emotions that will be given to you on a piece of paper. You will need to take a picture of each emotion and write two sentences with correct punctuation about each emotion. Here is an example from the story: “Today I am sad; my mood's heavy and gray. There's a frown on my face and it's been there all day. My best friend and I had a really big fight. She said that I tattled and I know that she's right.” Students will take a picture of them feeling sad. They can then write a sentence like the one below: I feel sad when my friend does not listen to what I say. I feel that no one in the world cares about me and I just want someone there to cheer me up. 5 minutes Show students the example PowerPoint that you made dealing with emotions.5 minutes Show students how to take pictures with a digital camera and insert them into a PowerPoint. Students will break up into groups and take the pictures and create a PowerPoint. 30 minutes
Materials Today I Feel Silly & Other Moods That Make My Day by Jamie Lee Curtis White board Dry erase marker Digital camera and uploading cord Computer with PowerPoint, scanner, and Internet connection LCD projector
What have I chosen these materials? I have chosen these materials, because I feel that many students in the classroom are visual learners and also learn by writing the words and drawing a picture of the definition. Accommodations Place students in a group where their partners are encouraging and helpful. Extra time on assignments if needed.
Assessment- Flat Stanley Rubric 1 Unsatisfactory 2 Borderline 3 Satisfactory 4 Commendable Score The report had mistakes and showed little regard for neatness. The report was created with little regard to neatness. The report was created neatly.The report was created with extreme neatness. The project was turned in more than three days late. The project was turned in two to three days late. The project was turned in one day late. The project was turned in before or by the due date. All group members’ names were not included in the PowerPoint. N/A The project was labeled and included all the student’s names in the group. The project was missing more than 2 required elements. The project was missing 1 to 2 required elements. The project contained all the required elements. The project contained more than the required elements. No photographs with were included. The student included 1 photograph of an emotion in a PowerPoint. The student included 2 photographs in a PowerPoint of two emotions. The student included 3 photographs of three different emotions in a PowerPoint. The group wasted his/her time, did not cooperate and put no effort forth. The group made poor use of his/her time, did not cooperate very well and put little effort forth. The group made good use of his/her time, was cooperative and put forth good effort. The group made excellent use of his/her time, was very cooperative and put forth great effort. The group had 3 or more punctuation errors. The group had 2 punctuation errors. The group had one punctuation error. The group had zero punctuation errors. The group included no sentences with the pictures. The group included 1 sentence with each picture. The group included two sentences with one or two of the pictures. The group included two sentences with each of the pictures. Score:
Tips for Taking Good Photos Use a flash when you have very little light. Take multiple pictures because most likely one of the pictures will turn out. Try to have bright light sources behind you (e.g. the sun). Make sure your shadow is not in the picture frame. Use a fast shutter speed when taking pictures for emotions.
Good Resource for Emotions to show to the class: _feeling_faces_bw.pdf _feeling_faces_bw.pdf
Resources on Taking Good Pictures tml?pq-path=39&pq-locale=en_US tml?pq-path=39&pq-locale=en_US photography/ photography/
Sad I feel sad when my friend does not listen to what I say. I feel that no one in the world cares about me and I just want someone there to cheer me up